#I18nAttributes I18nAttributes is a generate model attributes I18n locale files plugin for Rails3. * https://github.com/vkill/i18n_attributes ##Supported versions * Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3 * Rails 3.0.x, 3.1 ##Installation In your app's `Gemfile`, add: gem "i18n_attributes", :group => [:development] Then run: > bundle > rails generate i18n_attributes:install If your want to configure, see `config/initializers/i18n_attributes.rb` ##Uninstallation Run: > rails destroy i18n_attributes:install ##Usage Example ###Basic Usage When your generate post model, then hook invoke, create `config/locales/model_zh-CN/post.yml` file > rails g model post title:string invoke active_record create db/migrate/20111119121327_create_posts.rb create app/models/post.rb invoke test_unit create test/unit/post_test.rb create test/fixtures/posts.yml invoke i18n_attributes create config/locales/model_en/post.yml create config/locales/model_zh-CN/post.yml If your models has been created, you want generate model attributes i18n locale file,very easy also, run > rails g i18n_attributes:revise_model create config/locales/model_en/post.yml create config/locales/model_zh-CN/post.yml ###Translate attribute If you want translate attribute or model name First, edit `config/initializers/i18n_attributes.rb` file, like this if Rails.env.development? I18nAttributes.configure do |config| config.locales = [:en, :"zh-CN"] config.translator = { ##if use this, you mast install youdao_fanyi, see https://github.com/vkill/youdao_fanyi :"zh-CN" => Proc.new{|str| YoudaoFanyi.t(str).first} } end end Then, install `youdao_fanyi`, see https://github.com/vkill/youdao_fanyi. you also use `to _lang` and more. Last, run `rails g i18n_attributes:revise_model`, results like this > rails g i18n_attributes:revise_model create config/locales/model_en/user.yml INFO translated attribute/model_name id INFO translated attribute/model_name username INFO translated attribute/model_name created_at INFO translated attribute/model_name updated_at INFO translated attribute/model_name User create config/locales/model_zh-CN/user.yml > cat config/locales/model_zh-CN/user.yml --- zh-CN: activerecord: models: user: 用户 attributes: user: id: id username: 用户名 created_at: created_at updated_at: updated_at ##Copyright Copyright (c) 2011 vkill.net .