What is a Section?

"Section" is something like "partial" which you may know from RubyOnRails. In the first look it's just a list of elements which will be added to the "Screen". But the magic is inside. When you add "Element" to a "Section", e.g. image or label, it will try to draw it using CALayer/CGContext/etc, instead of adding new UIView. That way increases application speed (especially on Table elements) by 5-10 times.

Let's get started.

Create a section.

Just inherit it from Prime::Section.

class FooSection < Prime::Section

Add some elements to the section.

Each element should have name and type: "image", "label", "button", etc.

When you send :text option, type will be "label" by default.

When you send :image option, type will be "image" by default.

class FooSection < Prime::Section
  element :welcome, text: 'Hello World!'
  element :avatar, image: 'images/users/avatar.jpg'
  element :cheer, type: :button

Render Section to Screen

NOTE: it's recommended to use instance variables for sections, e.g. @main_section instead of main_section.

class FooScreen < Prime::Screen
  def render
    @main_section = FooSection.new(screen: self)

Add some styles for section

Generally styles are just attributes of UIView elements.

Let's style the UILabel element (:welcome label element we added above.)

We send :foo parameter to define, because we have section named foo (FooSection) and :welcome parameter to style, because the name of element is welcome.

Prime::Styles.define :foo do
  style :welcome,
    text_color: :black,
    top: 100,
    width: 320,
    left: 20,
    font: proc { :system.uifont(20) },
    size_to_fit: true,


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