# encoding: utf-8 # # note: fix: play_at times and timezones # what timezone to use? ############################################################# ## WM 2014 - Qualification North/Central America & Caribbean Islands world = Event.create!( key: 'wmq.america', title: 'World Cup Quali. North/Central America & Caribbean', start_at: Time.cet( '2012-09-06 12:00' ), league: League.find_by_key!('wmq.america'), season: Season.find_by_key!('2012/13')) team_keys_world2 = [ 'mex', 'crc', 'slv', 'guy' ] world.add_teams_from_ary!( team_keys_world2 ) world2 = Group.create!( event: world, pos: 2, title: 'Gruppe 2' ) world2.add_teams_from_ary!( team_keys_world2 ) Prop.create!( key: 'db.world.quali.america.2012/13.version', value: '1' )