module RecordFilter module Restrictions # :nodoc: all class Base def initialize(column_name, value, options={}) @column_name, @value, @negated = column_name, value, !!options.delete(:negated) @value = if @value.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Base) end def to_conditions @value.nil? ? [to_sql] : [to_sql, @value] end def to_sql @negated ? to_negative_sql : to_positive_sql end def to_negative_sql "NOT (#{to_positive_sql})" end end class EqualTo < Base def to_positive_sql "#{@column_name} = ?" end def to_negative_sql "#{@column_name} <> ?" end end class IsNull < Base def to_positive_sql "#{@column_name} IS NULL" end def to_negative_sql "#{@column_name} IS NOT NULL" end end class LessThan < Base def to_positive_sql "#{@column_name} < #{@value.nil? ? 'NULL' : '?'}" end end class LessThanOrEqualTo < Base def to_positive_sql "#{@column_name} <= #{@value.nil? ? 'NULL' : '?'}" end end class GreaterThan < Base def to_positive_sql "#{@column_name} > #{@value.nil? ? 'NULL' : '?'}" end end class GreaterThanOrEqualTo < Base def to_positive_sql "#{@column_name} >= #{@value.nil? ? 'NULL' : '?'}" end end class In < Base def to_positive_sql "#{@column_name} IN (?)" end def to_negative_sql "#{@column_name} NOT IN (?)" end def to_conditions # Need to put in the value even if it's null in this case. [to_sql, @value] end end class Between < Base def to_conditions ["#{@column_name} #{'NOT ' if @negated}BETWEEN ? AND ?", @value.first, @value.last] end end class Like < Base def to_positive_sql "#{@column_name} LIKE ?" end def to_negative_sql "#{@column_name} NOT LIKE ?" end end end end