Feature: Pio::Lldp Scenario: create When I try to create an OpenFlow message with: """ Pio::Lldp.new(dpid: 0x123, port_number: 12, source_mac: '11:22:33:44:55:66') """ Then it should finish successfully And the message have the following fields and values: | field | value | | class | Pio::Lldp | | destination_mac | 01:80:c2:00:00:0e | | source_mac | 11:22:33:44:55:66 | | ether_type | 35020 | | chassis_id | 291 | | dpid | 291 | | port_id | 12 | | ttl | 120 | | port_description | | | system_name | | | system_description | | | system_capabilities | | | management_address | | | organizationally_specific | | Scenario: parse lldp.minimal.pcap When I try to parse a file named "lldp.minimal.pcap" with "Pio::Lldp" class Then it should finish successfully Then the message #1 have the following fields and values: | field | value | | class | Pio::Lldp | | destination_mac | 01:80:c2:00:00:0e | | source_mac | 00:04:96:1f:a7:26 | | ether_type | 35020 | | chassis_id | 19698525990 | | dpid | 19698525990 | | port_id | 1/3 | | ttl | 120 | | port_description | | | system_name | | | system_description | | | system_capabilities | | | management_address | | | organizationally_specific | | Scenario: parse lldp.detailed.pcap When I try to parse a file named "lldp.detailed.pcap" with "Pio::Lldp" class Then it should finish successfully