- title 'Content' - if @parent - for node in @parent.self_and_ancestors.reverse - breadcrumbs.add node.title, push_type_admin.node_nodes_path(node) .large-8.columns %section.container .head - if @parent .left.btn= link_to ficon(:previous), @parent.root? ? push_type_admin.nodes_path : push_type_admin.node_nodes_path(@parent.parent) .title= @parent.title - else .title Content .body - if @nodes.empty? .empty-default %h2 No content - if !@parent %p A website without any content makes for a pretty poor user experience. Better sort this one out now and create your first piece of content. - else %p There is no content in this section yet. - else %ul.node-list{ class: ('sortable' if sortable?(@parent)) } - for node in @nodes.all %li.node-list-item{ class: ('descendable' if node.descendable?), data: { id: node.id } } = link_to push_type_admin.edit_node_path(node) do .title= node.title .meta %span.label.secondary.radius= node.type.to_s.underscore.humanize - unless node.exposed? %span.label.warning.radius Unexposed %span.label.radius{ class: node.published? ? 'success' : 'warning' }= node.status.titlecase - if node.published? %time Published #{ l node.published_at.to_date, format: :short } \- %time Updated #{ time_ago_in_words node.updated_at } ago - if node.descendable? .descendants = link_to push_type_admin.node_nodes_path(node) do .icon= ficon(:folder) .meta= pluralize node.children.not_trash.count, 'child' - if sortable? @parent .handle .large-4.columns .side-panel{ :'side-panel' => true } .padded .pagination-centered .pagination-stats = pluralize @nodes.total_count, 'item' - unless @nodes.total_count == 0 \- Page #{ @nodes.current_page } of #{ @nodes.total_pages } = paginate @nodes .cta.text-center = render 'new_node_button' - if @nodes.current_page == 1 .text-button = link_to ficon(:trash, 'Trash bin'), push_type_admin.trash_nodes_path