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Use the "-nobail" option to prevent that. -blacken (zero samples underlying fully-transparent pixels) Changing the color samples to zero can improve the compressibility. Since this is a lossy operation, blackening is off by default. -brute (use brute-force: try 148 different methods) Very time-consuming and generally not worthwhile. You can restrict this option to certain filter types, compression levels, or strategies by following it with "-f filter", "-l level", or "-z strategy". -c color_type of output file [0, 2, 4, or 6] Color type for the output file. Future versions will also allow color_type 3, if there are 256 or fewer colors present in the input file. Color types 4 and 6 are padded with an opaque alpha channel if the input file does not have alpha information. You can use 0 or 4 to convert color to grayscale. Use 0 or 2 to delete an unwanted alpha channel. Default is to use same color type as the input file. -d directory_name/ (where output files will go) If a directory name is given, then the output files are placed in it, with the same filenames as those of the original files. For example, you would type 'pngcrush -directory CRUSHED/ *.png' to get *.png => CRUSHED/*.png. The trailing slash is optional, but if pngcrush appends the wrong kind of slash or backslash, please include the correct one at the end of the directory_name, as shown. -e extension (used for creating output filename) e.g., -ext .new means *.png => *.new and -e _pc.png means *.png => *_pc.png -f user_filter [0-5] for specified method filter to use with the method specified in the preceding '-m method' or '-brute_force' argument. 0: none; 1-4: use specified filter; 5: adaptive. -fix (salvage PNG with otherwise fatal conditions) Fixes bad CRCs, bad adaptive filter bytes, or bad CMF bytes in the IDAT chunk that cause the "Too far back" error -force (write output even if IDAT is larger) -g gamma (float or fixed*100000, e.g., 0.45455 or 45455) Value to insert in gAMA chunk, only if the input file has no gAMA chunk. To replace an existing gAMA chunk, use the '-replace_gamma' option. -huffman (use only zlib strategy 2, Huffman-only) Fast, but almost never very effective except for certain rare image types. -iccp length "Profile Name" iccp_file file with ICC profile to insert in an iCCP chunk. -itxt b[efore_IDAT]|a[fter_IDAT] "keyword" "language_code" "translated_keyword" "text" Uncompressed iTXt chunk to insert (see -text). keep named chunk even when pngcrush makes changes to the PNG datastream that cause it to become invalid. Currently only dSIG is recognized as a chunk to be kept. -l zlib_compression_level [0-9] for specified method zlib compression level to use with method specified with the preceding '-m method' or '-brute_force' -loco ("loco crush" truecolor PNGs) Make the file more compressible by performing a lossless, reversible, color transformation. The resulting file is a MNG, not a PNG, and should be given the ".mng" file extension. The "loco" option has no effect on grayscale or indexed-color PNG files. -m method [1 through 150] pngcrush method to try. Can be repeated as in '-m 1 -m 4 -m 7'. This can be useful if pngcrush runs out of memory when it tries methods 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 which use filtering and are memory- intensive. Methods 1, 4, and 7 use no filtering; methods 11 and up use a specified filter, compression level, and strategy. -max maximum_IDAT_size [default 524288L] -mng (write a new MNG, do not crush embedded PNGs) -n (no save; doesn't do compression or write output PNG) Useful in conjunction with -v option to get info. -new (Use new default settings (-reduce)) -newtimestamp (Reset file modification time [default]) -nobail (do not bail out early from trial -- see "-bail") Use this if you want to get a report of the exact filesize achieved by each trial. -nofilecheck (do not check for infile.png == outfile.png) To avoid false hits from MSVC-compiled code. Note that if you use this option, you are responsible for ensuring that the input file is not the output file. -noforce (default; do not write output when IDAT is larger) -nolimits (turns off limits on width, height, cache, malloc) Instead, the user limits are inherited from libpng. -noreduce (turns off all "-reduce" operations)-noreduce_palette (turns off "-reduce_palette" operation) -old (Use old default settings (no -reduce)) -oldtimestamp (Do not reset file modification time) Overwrite the input file. The input file is removed and the temporary file (default "pngout.png") is renamed to the input file after recompression and therefore they must reside on the same CAUTION: If you are running multiple instances of pngcrush in parallel, you must specify a different temporary filename for each instance, to avoid collisions. -q (quiet) suppresses console output except for warnings and summary of results. -reduce (do lossless color-type or bit-depth reduction) (if possible). Also reduces palette length if possible. Currently only attempts to reduce the bit depth from 16 to 8. Reduces all-gray RGB or RGBA image to gray or gray-alpha. Reduces all-opaque RGBA or GA image to RGB or grayscale. -rem chunkname (or "alla" or "allb") Name of an ancillary chunk or optional PLTE to be removed. Be careful with this. Don't use this feature to remove transparency, gamma, copyright, or other valuable information. To remove several different chunks, repeat: -rem tEXt -rem pHYs. Known chunks (those in the PNG 1.1 spec or extensions document) can be named with all lower-case letters, so "-rem bkgd" is equivalent to "-rem bKGD". But note: "-rem text" removes all forms of text chunks; Exact case is required to remove unknown chunks. To do surgery with a chain-saw, "-rem alla" removes all known ancillary chunks except for tRNS, and "-rem allb" removes all but tRNS and gAMA.-replace_gamma gamma (float or fixed*100000) even if it is present. -res resolution in dpi Write a pHYs chunk with the given resolution in dpi written as pixels per meter in x and y directions. -rle (use only zlib strategy 3, RLE-only) A relatively fast subset of the "-brute" methods, generally more effective than "-huffman" on PNG, images (and quite effective on black-and-white images) but not necessarily worth the bother -s (silent) suppresses console output including warnings -save (keep all copy-unsafe PNG chunks) Save otherwise unknown ancillary chunks that would be considered copy-unsafe. This option makes chunks 'known' to pngcrush, so they can be copied. It also causes the dSIG chunk to be saved, even when it becomes invalid due to datastream changes. This option does not affect APNG chunks. These chunks (acTL, fcTL, and fdAT) will be saved only if the output file has the ".apng" extension and the color_type and bit_depth are not changed. -speed Avoid the AVG and PAETH filters, for decoding speed Useful for compressing PNG files that are expected to be cached or otherwise to exist on the computer where they will be used rather than being downloaded, so filesize is therefore less important than CPU time expended in defiltering. -srgb [0, 1, 2, or 3] Value of 'rendering intent' for sRGB chunk. Value of 'stereo mode' for sTER chunk. 0: cross-fused; 1: divergent-fused -text b[efore_IDAT]|a[fter_IDAT] "keyword" "text" tEXt chunk to insert. keyword < 80 chars, text < 2048 chars. For now, you can add no more than ten tEXt, iTXt, or zTXt chunks per pngcrush run. -trns_array n trns[0] trns[1] .. trns[n-1] Insert a tRNS chunk, if no tRNS chunk found in file. Values are for the tRNS array in indexed-color PNG. -trns index red green blue gray You must give all five parameters regardless of the color type, scaled to the output bit depth. -v (display more detailed information) Repeat the option (use "-v -v") for even more. -version (display the pngcrush version) Look for the most recent version of pngcrush at http://pmt.sf.net -w compression_window_size [32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 512] Size of the sliding compression window, in kbytes (or bytes, in case of 512). It's best to use the default (32) unless you run out of memory. The program will use a smaller window anyway when the uncompressed file is smaller than 16k. -z zlib_strategy [0, 1, 2, or 3] for specified method zlib compression strategy to use with the preceding '-m method' argument. -zmem zlib_compression_mem_level [1-9, default 9] -zitxt b|a "keyword" "lcode" "tkey" "text" (where "lcode"==language_code and "tkey"==translated_keyword)" Compressed iTXt chunk to insert (see -text). -ztxt b[efore_IDAT]|a[fter_IDAT] "keyword" "text" zTXt chunk to insert (see -text). -h (help and legal notices) Display this information.If you have modified this source, you may insert additional noticesimmediately after this sentence.Copyright (C) 1998-2002, 2006-2016 Glenn Randers-PehrsonPortions Copyright (C) 2005 Greg RoelofsDISCLAIMER: The pngcrush computer program is supplied "AS IS".The Author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including,without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitnessfor any purpose. The Author assumes no liability for direct, indirect,incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages, which mayresult from the use of the computer program, even if advised of thepossibility of such damage. There is no warranty against interferencewith your enjoyment of the computer program or against infringement.There is no warranty that my efforts or the computer program willfulfill any of your particular purposes or needs. This computerprogram is provided with all faults, and the entire risk of satisfactoryquality, performance, accuracy, and effort is with the user.LICENSE: Permission is hereby irrevocably granted to everyone to use,copy, modify, and distribute this computer program, or portions hereof,purpose, without payment of any fee, subject to the following1. The origin of this binary or source code must not be misrepresented.2. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such and must not bemisrepresented as being the original binary or source.3. The Copyright notice, disclaimer, and license may not be removedor altered from any source, binary, or altered source distribution.mX|m$lD\m,tzmmDmmMENDnEEDFRAMDEFIDHDRMHDRMENDMHDRO<?B F%u?;,zR| CB   zmPȤmm@Xzmlĥm4p(mPmx<Ĩml0mdmmm0mdmmmlTmԫm\mmm(m\mmЭmqzmL̮zmHįmm0mXmذXmرmLвT$h,mlhmmеmXmжPzmm0mԷmLиTԹmlTmܺ hmػmmzm4lmmܼ\mm̽mTm̽ľmlm4mtmmmLTmmm@m|mmPmmlmmzz  {{{ ){bKGDcHRMgAMAhISTiCCPiTXtoFFspCALpHYssBITsCALsPLTsRGBsTERtEXttIMEtRNSzTXt$FreeBSD: releng/9.3/lib/csu/i386-elf/crt1_s.S 217383 2011-01-13 23:00:22Z kib $$FreeBSD: releng/9.3/lib/csu/i386-elf/crt1_c.c 245777 2013-01-22 07:32:26Z kib $$FreeBSD: releng/9.3/lib/csu/common/crtbrand.c 268511 2014-07-10 21:52:31Z gjb $GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]$FreeBSD: releng/9.3/lib/csu/i386-elf/crti.S 217105 2011-01-07 16:07:51Z kib $GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]GCC: (GNU) 4.2.1 20070831 patched [FreeBSD]$FreeBSD: releng/9.3/lib/csu/i386-elf/crtn.S 217105 2011-01-07 16:07:51Z kib $.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.dynamic.got.plt.data.bss.comment 44LL%dd8!o<+ ؅3hh;oLLHo``@W `  idԛ o$<u