module RSpec module Matchers class Matcher include RSpec::Matchers::InstanceExec include RSpec::Matchers::Pretty include RSpec::Matchers attr_reader :expected, :actual, :rescued_exception def initialize(name, *expected, &declarations) @name = name @expected = expected @actual = nil @diffable = false @expected_exception, @rescued_exception = nil, nil @match_for_should_not_block = nil @messages = { :description => lambda {"#{name_to_sentence}#{expected_to_sentence}"}, :failure_message_for_should => lambda {|actual| "expected #{actual.inspect} to #{name_to_sentence}#{expected_to_sentence}"}, :failure_message_for_should_not => lambda {|actual| "expected #{actual.inspect} not to #{name_to_sentence}#{expected_to_sentence}"} } making_declared_methods_public do instance_exec(*@expected, &declarations) end end #Used internally by +should+ and +should_not+. def matches?(actual) @actual = actual if @expected_exception begin instance_exec(actual, &@match_block) true rescue @expected_exception => @rescued_exception false end else begin instance_exec(actual, &@match_block) rescue RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError false end end end # Used internally by +should_not+ def does_not_match?(actual) @actual = actual @match_for_should_not_block ? instance_exec(actual, &@match_for_should_not_block) : !matches?(actual) end def include(*args) singleton_class.__send__(:include, *args) end def define_method(name, &block) # :nodoc: singleton_class.__send__(:define_method, name, &block) end # See RSpec::Matchers def match(&block) @match_block = block end alias match_for_should match # See RSpec::Matchers def match_for_should_not(&block) @match_for_should_not_block = block end # See RSpec::Matchers def match_unless_raises(exception=Exception, &block) @expected_exception = exception match(&block) end # See RSpec::Matchers def failure_message_for_should(&block) cache_or_call_cached(:failure_message_for_should, &block) end # See RSpec::Matchers def failure_message_for_should_not(&block) cache_or_call_cached(:failure_message_for_should_not, &block) end # See RSpec::Matchers def description(&block) cache_or_call_cached(:description, &block) end #Used internally by objects returns by +should+ and +should_not+. def diffable? @diffable end # See RSpec::Matchers def diffable @diffable = true end # See RSpec::Matchers def chain(method, &block) define_method method do |*args|*args) self end end private def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if $matcher_execution_context.respond_to?(method) $matcher_execution_context.send method, *args, &block else super(method, *args, &block) end end def making_declared_methods_public # :nodoc: # Our home-grown instance_exec in ruby 1.8.6 results in any methods # declared in the block eval'd by instance_exec in the block to which we # are yielding here are scoped private. This is NOT the case for Ruby # 1.8.7 or 1.9. # # Also, due some crazy scoping that I don't understand, these methods # are actually available in the specs (something about the matcher being # defined in the scope of RSpec::Matchers or within an example), so not # doing the following will not cause specs to fail, but they *will* # cause features to fail and that will make users unhappy. So don't. orig_private_methods = private_methods yield (private_methods - orig_private_methods).each {|m| singleton_class.__send__ :public, m} end def cache_or_call_cached(key, &block) block ? cache(key, &block) : call_cached(key) end def cache(key, &block) @messages[key] = block end def call_cached(key) @messages[key].arity == 1 ? @messages[key].call(@actual) : @messages[key].call end def name_to_sentence split_words(@name) end def expected_to_sentence to_sentence(@expected) end unless method_defined?(:singleton_class) def singleton_class class << self; self; end end end end end end