#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* Ruby binding */ struct RubyString { char *text; long length; long current; }; int readGifFromMemory(GifFileType *fileType, GifByteType *buffer, int count) { int i, remainingSpace; struct RubyString *rubyString; rubyString = (struct RubyString *)fileType->UserData; // Set by DGifOpen() // No data then stop! remainingSpace = (int)(rubyString->length - rubyString->current); if (count > remainingSpace) { count = remainingSpace; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { buffer[i] = rubyString->text[rubyString->current + i]; } rubyString->current += count; return count; } struct RubyImage { GifFileType *gifFileType; struct GraphicsControlBlock *graphicsControlBlock; }; static struct RubyString *getRubyString(VALUE rString) { struct RubyString *result; char *newText; Check_Type(rString, T_STRING); result = calloc(1, sizeof(struct RubyString)); if (result != NULL) { result->length = RSTRING_LEN(rString); newText = calloc(result->length, sizeof(char)); if (newText == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Insufficient memory\n"); } memcpy(newText, RSTRING_PTR(rString), result->length); result->text = newText; result->current = 0; } else { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Insufficient memory\n"); } return result; } static void deallocate(void * rubyImage) { // http://tenderlovemaking.com/2010/12/11/writing-ruby-c-extensions-part-2.html struct RubyImage * image = (struct RubyImage *)rubyImage; free(image); } static VALUE allocate(VALUE klass) { VALUE result; struct RubyImage * rubyImage = calloc(1, sizeof(struct RubyImage)); if (rubyImage == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Insufficient memory"); } result = Data_Wrap_Struct(klass, NULL, deallocate, rubyImage); return result; } static void copyGifImage(GifFileType *out, GifFileType *gifFileType) { int i; out->SWidth = gifFileType->SWidth; out->SHeight = gifFileType->SHeight; out->SColorResolution = gifFileType->SColorResolution; out->SBackGroundColor = gifFileType->SBackGroundColor; out->SColorMap = GifMakeMapObject(gifFileType->SColorMap->ColorCount, gifFileType->SColorMap->Colors); for (i = 0; i < gifFileType->ImageCount; i++) { GifMakeSavedImage(out, &(gifFileType)->SavedImages[i]); } } void readGraphicsControlBlock(struct RubyImage *rImage, int index) { if (DGifSavedExtensionToGCB(rImage->gifFileType, index, rImage->graphicsControlBlock+index) == GIF_ERROR ) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Could not read gif extension header from %p for image %d, giflib error code %d.", rImage, index, rImage->gifFileType->Error); } } void writeGraphicsControlBlock(struct RubyImage *rImage, int index) { if ( EGifGCBToSavedExtension(rImage->graphicsControlBlock+index, rImage->gifFileType, index) == GIF_ERROR ) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Could not write gif extension header from %p for image %d, giflib error code %d.", rImage, index, rImage->gifFileType->Error); } } int getDelayTimeFromGraphicsControlBlock(struct RubyImage *rImage, int index) { return rImage->graphicsControlBlock[index].DelayTime; } void setDelayTimeForGraphicsControlBlock(struct RubyImage *rImage, int index, int delay) { rImage->graphicsControlBlock[index].DelayTime = delay; } static VALUE initialize(VALUE self, VALUE rubyGifString) { struct RubyImage *rubyImage; struct RubyString *cGifString; int errorCode, i; struct GraphicsControlBlock *gcb; Check_Type(rubyGifString, T_STRING); Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, rubyImage); cGifString = getRubyString(rubyGifString); // Read gif from Ruby if ( (rubyImage->gifFileType = DGifOpen(cGifString, readGifFromMemory, &errorCode)) == NULL ) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Could not read gif, giflib error code %d.", errorCode); } if (DGifSlurp(rubyImage->gifFileType) == GIF_ERROR) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Could not decode gif, giflib error code %d.", rubyImage->gifFileType->Error); } if ( (gcb = calloc(rubyImage->gifFileType->ImageCount, sizeof(struct GraphicsControlBlock))) == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Insufficient memory."); } rubyImage->graphicsControlBlock = gcb; for (i = 0; i < rubyImage->gifFileType->ImageCount; i++) { readGraphicsControlBlock(rubyImage, i); } return self; } int RUBY_STRING_INCREMENT_SIZE = 4096 * 4096; struct RubyString *newRubyString() { struct RubyString *string; string = calloc(1, sizeof(struct RubyString)); if (string == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Insufficient memory."); } return string; } char *allocateNewIncrement(int increment) { char *result; result = calloc(increment * RUBY_STRING_INCREMENT_SIZE, sizeof(char)); if (result == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Insufficient memory."); } return result; } int giflibWriteToMemory(GifFileType *fileType, const GifByteType *buffer, int count) { int i; struct RubyString *string; char *newText; int increment; bool isStringNull; bool isAllocationNeeded; string = (struct RubyString *)fileType->UserData; if (string == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "String expected."); } isStringNull = string->text == NULL; isAllocationNeeded = string->length - string->current < count; if (isStringNull) { increment = 1; newText = allocateNewIncrement(1); string->text = newText; string->length = RUBY_STRING_INCREMENT_SIZE; } else if (isAllocationNeeded) { increment = string->length / RUBY_STRING_INCREMENT_SIZE; newText = allocateNewIncrement(++increment); memcpy(newText, string->text, string->current); free(string->text); string->text = newText; string->length = increment * RUBY_STRING_INCREMENT_SIZE; } for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { string->text[string->current + i] = buffer[i]; } string->current += count; return count; } void writeToMemory(GifFileType *image, struct RubyString *string) { GifFileType *gifFileType; int errorCode; gifFileType = EGifOpen(string, giflibWriteToMemory, &errorCode); if (gifFileType == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Could not open gif to encode, giflib error code %d.", errorCode); } copyGifImage(gifFileType, image); if (EGifSpew(gifFileType) == GIF_ERROR) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Could not spew gif to encode, giflib error code %d.", gifFileType->Error); } } static VALUE encode(VALUE self) { struct RubyImage *rubyImage; struct RubyString *rubyString; int i; VALUE result; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, rubyImage); rubyString = newRubyString(); for (i = 0; i < rubyImage->gifFileType->ImageCount; i++) { writeGraphicsControlBlock(rubyImage, i); } writeToMemory(rubyImage->gifFileType, rubyString); result = rb_str_new(rubyString->text, rubyString->current); return result; } static VALUE getWidth(VALUE self) { struct RubyImage * rubyImage; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, rubyImage); return INT2FIX(rubyImage->gifFileType->SWidth); } static VALUE getHeight(VALUE self) { struct RubyImage * rubyImage; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, rubyImage); return INT2FIX(rubyImage->gifFileType->SHeight); } static VALUE getImageCount(VALUE self) { struct RubyImage * rubyImage; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, rubyImage); return INT2FIX(rubyImage->gifFileType->ImageCount); } GifByteType *skipToStart(int x, int y, GifFileType *file) { int toSkip = file->SWidth * y + x; return (GifByteType *)file->SavedImages->RasterBits + toSkip; } void giflibCompose(GifFileType *current, GifFileType *compose, int x, int y) { GifByteType *currentByte; GifByteType *composeByte; int i; int j; composeByte = compose->SavedImages->RasterBits; currentByte = skipToStart(x,y,current); for (i = 0; i < compose->SHeight; i++) { for (j = 0; j < compose->SWidth; j++) { *(currentByte++) = *(composeByte++); } currentByte += current->SWidth - compose->SWidth; } } static VALUE compose(VALUE self, VALUE image, VALUE x, VALUE y) { struct RubyImage *current; struct RubyImage *compose; GifFileType *gifCurrent; GifFileType *gifCompose; int gifX; int gifY; Check_Type(x, T_FIXNUM); Check_Type(y, T_FIXNUM); Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, current); Data_Get_Struct(image, struct RubyImage, compose); gifCurrent = current->gifFileType; gifCompose = compose->gifFileType; gifX = FIX2INT(x); gifY = FIX2INT(y); if (gifX < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Compose x value must be >= 0 (not %d).", gifX); } else if (gifY < 0) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Compose y value must be >= 0 (not %d).", gifY); } else if (gifX + gifCompose->SWidth > gifCurrent->SWidth) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Composite would extend over the end of the current image (current image width: %d, x: %d, composite image width %d)", gifCurrent->SWidth, gifX, gifCompose->SWidth); } else if (gifY + gifCompose->SHeight > gifCurrent->SHeight) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Composite would extend over the end of the current image (current image height: %d, y: %d, composite image height %d)", gifCurrent->SHeight, gifY, gifCompose->SHeight); } giflibCompose(gifCurrent, gifCompose, gifX, gifY); return Qnil; } static VALUE addFrame(VALUE self, VALUE image) { struct RubyImage *current; struct RubyImage *newImage; GifFileType *currentGif; GifFileType *imageGif; GraphicsControlBlock *first; GraphicsControlBlock *last; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, current); Data_Get_Struct(image, struct RubyImage, newImage); currentGif = current->gifFileType; imageGif = newImage->gifFileType; GifMakeSavedImage(currentGif, imageGif->SavedImages); current->graphicsControlBlock = realloc(current->graphicsControlBlock, sizeof(GraphicsControlBlock) * currentGif->ImageCount); if (current->graphicsControlBlock == NULL) { rb_raise(rb_eException, "Insufficient memory"); } // Copy contents of first Graphics control block into last Graphics control block (so that it is not jibberish) first = current->graphicsControlBlock; last = current->graphicsControlBlock + currentGif->ImageCount - 1; last->DisposalMode = first->DisposalMode; last->UserInputFlag = first->UserInputFlag; last->DelayTime = first->DelayTime; last->TransparentColor = first->TransparentColor; return self; } static VALUE getNFrames(VALUE self) { struct RubyImage *current; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, current); return INT2FIX(current->gifFileType->ImageCount); } static VALUE setDelayTimeForFrame(VALUE self, VALUE frame, VALUE delay) { // http://giflib.sourceforge.net/gif_lib.html#idp49255104 struct RubyImage *current; int frameIndex, delayTime; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, current); frameIndex = FIX2INT(frame); delayTime = FIX2INT(delay); setDelayTimeForGraphicsControlBlock(current, frameIndex, delayTime); return Qnil; } static VALUE getDelayTimeForFrame(VALUE self, VALUE frame) { struct RubyImage *current; int frameIndex, delayTime; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, current); frameIndex = FIX2INT(frame); delayTime = getDelayTimeFromGraphicsControlBlock(current, frameIndex); return INT2FIX(delayTime); } static VALUE getSavedImageExtensionBlockCount(VALUE self, VALUE index) { struct RubyImage *current; int intIndex; Data_Get_Struct(self, struct RubyImage, current); intIndex = FIX2INT(index); return INT2FIX(current->gifFileType->SavedImages[intIndex].ExtensionBlockCount); } // Executed by ruby require void Init_composite() { VALUE mGiflib = rb_define_module("Composite"); VALUE cGiflibImage = rb_define_class_under(mGiflib, "Image", rb_cObject); rb_define_alloc_func(cGiflibImage, allocate); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "initialize", initialize, 1); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "getWidth", getWidth, 0); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "getHeight", getHeight, 0); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "getImageCount", getImageCount, 0); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "encode", encode, 0); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "compose", compose, 3); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "addFrame", addFrame, 1); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "getNFrames", getNFrames, 0); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "setDelayTimeForFrame", setDelayTimeForFrame, 2); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "getDelayTimeForFrame", getDelayTimeForFrame, 1); rb_define_method(cGiflibImage, "getSavedImageExtensionBlockCount", getSavedImageExtensionBlockCount, 1); }