class JTag def initialize(support_dir, config) @support = support_dir @min_matches = config["min_matches"] || 2 @tags_loc = config["tags_location"] @blacklistfile = File.join(@support,"blacklist.txt") @blacklist ="\n") || [] @skipwords =,"stopwords.txt")).split("\n") || [] remote_tags = get_tags @tags = {} remote_tags.each {|tag| @tags[Text::PorterStemming.stem(tag).downcase] = tag if tag} synonyms.each { |k,v| @tags[k.to_s.downcase] = v unless @blacklist.include?(k.to_s.downcase) } end def get_tags(options={}) blacklisted = options[:blacklisted] || false counts = options[:counts] || false host, path = @tags_loc.match(/^([^\/]+)(\/.*)/)[1,2] tags = "" http =, 80) http.start do |http| request = response = http.request(request) response.value tags = response.body end tags = JSON.parse(tags) if tags && tags.key?("tags") if counts return tags["tags_count"] else unless blacklisted tags["tags"].delete_if {|tag| !tag || @blacklist.include?(tag.downcase) } end return tags["tags"] end else return false end end def synonyms if File.exists?(File.join(@support,"synonyms.yml")) syn = YAML::load(,"synonyms.yml"))) compiled = {} syn.each {|k,v| v.each {|synonym| compiled[synonym] = k } } else return false end compiled end def split_post(file) input = # Check to see if it's a full post with YAML headers post_parts = input.split(/^---\s*$/) raise "File has improper YAML header" unless post_parts.length == 3 after = post_parts[2].strip yaml = YAML::load(input) [yaml, after] end def post_tags(file) if File.exists?(file) input = yaml = YAML::load(input) || false exit_now! "Invalid post header" unless yaml return yaml["tags"] || [] else raise "File #{file} does not exist" end end def merge_tags(tags, merged, file) current_tags = post_tags(file) post_has_tag = false tags.each {|tag| if current_tags.include?(tag) current_tags.delete(tag) post_has_tag = true end } return false unless post_has_tag current_tags.push(merged) current_tags.uniq! current_tags.sort end def suggest(input) yaml = YAML::load(input) || false exit_now! "Invalid post header" unless yaml current_tags = yaml["tags"] || [] title = yaml["title"] || "" @content = (title + after).strip_all.strip_urls rescue input.strip_all.strip_urls @words = split_words @auto_tags = [] populate_auto_tags @auto_tags.concat(current_tags).uniq! end def split_words @content.gsub(/([\/\\]|\s+)/,' ').gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9\s-]/,'').split(" ").delete_if { |word| word =~ /^[^a-z]+$/ || word.length < 4 }.map! { |word| Text::PorterStemming.stem(word).downcase }.delete_if{ |word| @skipwords.include?(word) && !@tags.keys.include?(word) } end def populate_auto_tags freqs = @words.each { |word| freqs[word] += 1 } freqs.delete_if {|k,v| v < @min_matches } exit_with_message "No high frequency words", 1 if freqs.empty? freqs.sort_by {|k,v| [v * -1, k] }.each {|word| index = @tags.keys.index(word[0]) unless index.nil? || @blacklist.include?(@tags.keys[index]) @auto_tags.push(@tags[@tags.keys[index]]) unless index.nil? end } @tags.each{|k,v| occurrences = @content.scan(/\b#{k}\b/i) if occurrences.count >= @min_matches @auto_tags.push(v) end } end def blacklist(tags) tags.each {|word| @blacklist.push(word.downcase) },'w+') do |f| f.puts @blacklist.uniq.sort.join("\n") end end def unblacklist(tags) tags.each {|word| @blacklist.delete_if { |x| x == word } },'w+') do |f| f.puts @blacklist.uniq.sort.join("\n") end end def update_file_tags(file, tags) begin if File.exists?(file) yaml, after = split_post(file) yaml["tags"] = tags,'w+') do |f| f.puts yaml.to_yaml f.puts "---" f.puts after end else raise "File does not exist: #{file}" end return true rescue Exception => e raise e return false end end end