#!/usr/bin/env bash # Sort two big illumina files corresponding to paired-end experiment and then join common sequences on different files. Sequences not in common goes to a separate file. # cat $1 | awk '{split($0, a, " "); n++; if (n%1==0){printf("%s\t",a[1]);}; printf("%s",$0); if(n%4==0) { printf("\n");} else { printf("\t");} }' # # exit if [ "$#" < 4 ]; then echo "" echo "Use: $0 file1.fastq file2.fastq base_output_name tmp_dir" echo "" exit fi base_name=$3 if [[ -z "$base_name" ]]; then echo "Use a : $base_name doesn't exists" exit -1 fi tmp_dir=$4 if [[ -z "$4" ]]; then tmp_dir=`pwd` fi if [[ ! -e "$tmp_dir" ]]; then echo "Tmp dir: $4 doesn't exists" exit -1 fi echo "Using TMPDIR $tmp_dir" f1_path=$1 f2_path=$2 f1_name=`basename $1` f2_name=`basename $2` f1_tmp="$tmp_dir/${f1_name}" f2_tmp="$tmp_dir/${f2_name}" common_names="$tmp_dir/comm.names" only_in_1="$tmp_dir/only_in_1.txt" only_in_2="$tmp_dir/only_in_2.txt" in_both="$tmp_dir/in_both.txt" echo "Starting sorting" if [[ ! -e "$f1_tmp.sorted" ]]; then echo "Sorting $f1_name" cat $f1_path | awk '{split($0, a, " "); sub(/\/1$/,"\t", a[1]); n++; if (n%4==1){printf("%s",a[1]);}; printf("%s",$0); if(n%4==0) { printf("\n");} else { printf("\t");} }' | sort -T $tmp_dir -k1,1 -t $'\t' > $f1_tmp.sorted & fi if [[ ! -e "$f2_tmp.sorted" ]]; then echo "Sorting $f2_name" cat $f2_path | awk '{split($0, a, " "); sub(/\/2$/,"\t", a[1]); n++; if (n%4==1){printf("%s",a[1]);}; printf("%s",$0); if(n%4==0) { printf("\n");} else { printf("\t");} }' | sort -T $tmp_dir -k1,1 -t $'\t' > $f2_tmp.sorted & fi wait echo "Starting name extraction" if [[ ! -e "$f1_tmp.names" ]]; then echo "Extracting names from $f1_tmp.sorted" # cat $1.sorted | cut -f1 | sed 's/\(.*\)\/1$/\1/' > $1.names & cat $f1_tmp.sorted | cut -f1 > $f1_tmp.names & fi if [[ ! -e "$f2_tmp.names" ]]; then echo "Extracting names from $f2_tmp.sorted" cat $f2_tmp.sorted | cut -f1 > $f2_tmp.names & fi wait echo "Starting names comparison" if [[ ! -e "$common_names" ]]; then echo "Making comm file" # diff $1.names $2.names > names.diff comm $f1_tmp.names $f2_tmp.names > $common_names fi echo "Starting names extraction" # grep '^>' names.diff | cut -d ' ' -f2 | awk '{ printf("%s/2\n",$0) }' > only_in_2.txt & # grep '^<' names.diff | cut -d ' ' -f2 | awk '{ printf("%s/1\n",$0) }' > only_in_1.txt & grep -P '^[^\t]' $common_names > $only_in_1 & grep -P '^\t[^\t]' $common_names |tr -d "\t" > $only_in_2 & grep -P '^\t\t[^\t]' $common_names |tr -d "\t" > $in_both & wait echo "Num seqs only in 1) $f1_name" wc -l $only_in_1 echo "Num seqs only in 2) $f2_name" wc -l $only_in_2 echo "Num seqs in both $f1_name and $f2_name" wc -l $in_both echo "Starting extracting seqs" join -t $'\t' -1 1 -2 1 $only_in_1 $f1_tmp.sorted |cut -f 2,3,4,5| tr "\t" "\n" > ${base_name}_normal1.fastq & join -t $'\t' -1 1 -2 1 $only_in_2 $f2_tmp.sorted |cut -f 2,3,4,5| tr "\t" "\n" > ${base_name}_normal2.fastq & join -t $'\t' -1 1 -2 1 $in_both $f1_tmp.sorted |cut -f 2,3,4,5| tr "\t" "\n" > ${base_name}_paired1.fastq & join -t $'\t' -1 1 -2 1 $in_both $f2_tmp.sorted |cut -f 2,3,4,5| tr "\t" "\n" > ${base_name}_paired2.fastq & wait rm $f1_tmp.names rm $f2_tmp.names rm $f1_tmp.sorted rm $f2_tmp.sorted rm $only_in_2 rm $only_in_1 rm $in_both rm $common_names