# A class for holding a secret. The main goal is to prevent the common mistake
# of accidentally logging or printing passwords or other secrets.
# See
# for a discussion of why this implementation is useful.
module Stud
class Secret
# Initialize a new secret with a given value.
# value - anything you want to keep secret from loggers, etc.
def initialize(secret_value)
# Redefine the 'value' method on this instance. This exposes no instance
# variables to be accidentally leaked by things like awesome_print, etc.
# This makes any #value call return the secret value.
(class << self; self; end).class_eval do
define_method(:value) { secret_value }
end # def initialize
# Emit simply "" when printed or logged.
def to_s
return ""
end # def to_s
alias_method :inspect, :to_s
# Get the secret value.
def value
# Nothing, this will be filled in by Secret.new
# But we'll still document this so rdoc/yard know the method exists.
end # def value
end # class Secret
end # class Stud