define("dojox/app/controllers/Load", ["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/on", "dojo/Deferred", "dojo/when", "../Controller", "../View"], function(lang, declare, on, Deferred, when, Controller, View){ // module: // dojox/app/controllers/Load // summary: // Bind "load" event on dojox/app application's domNode. // Load child view and sub children at one time. return declare("", Controller, { constructor: function(app, events){ // summary: // bind "load" event on application's domNode. // // app: // dojox/app application instance. // events: // {event : handler} = { "load": this.load }; this.inherited(arguments); }, load: function(event){ // summary: // Response to dojox/app "load" event. // // example: // Use trigger() to trigger "load" event, and this function will response the event. For example: // | this.trigger("load", {"parent":parent, "viewId":viewId, "callback":function(){...}}); // // event: Object // Load event parameter. It should be like this: {"parent":parent, "viewId":viewId, "callback":function(){...}} // returns: // A dojo/Deferred object. // The return value cannot return directly. // If the caller need to use the return value, pass callback function in event parameter and process return value in callback function. var parent = event.parent ||; var viewId = event.viewId || ""; var parts = viewId.split(','); var childId = parts.shift(); var subIds = parts.join(","); var params = event.params || ""; var def = this.loadChild(parent, childId, subIds, params); // call Load event callback if(event.callback){ when(def, event.callback); } return def; }, createChild: function(parent, childId, subIds, params){ // summary: // Create instance if it is not loaded. // // parent: Object // parent of the view. // childId: String // view id need to be loaded. // subIds: String // sub views' id of this view. // returns: // If view exist, return the view object. // Otherwise, create the view and return a dojo.Deferred instance. var id = + '_' + childId; if(parent.children[id]){ return parent.children[id]; } //create and start child. return Deferred var newView = new View(lang.mixin({ "app":, "id": id, "name": childId, "parent": parent },{"params": params})); parent.children[id] = newView; return newView.start(); }, loadChild: function(parent, childId, subIds, params){ // summary: // Load child and sub children views recursively. // // parent: Object // parent of this view. // childId: String // view id need to be loaded. // subIds: String // sub views' id of this view. // params: Object // params of this view. // returns: // A dojo/Deferred instance which will be resovled when all views loaded. if(!parent){ throw Error("No parent for Child '" + childId + "'."); } if(!childId){ var parts = parent.defaultView ? parent.defaultView.split(",") : "default"; childId = parts.shift(); subIds = parts.join(','); } var loadChildDeferred = new Deferred(); var createPromise; try{ createPromise = this.createChild(parent, childId, subIds, params); }catch(ex){ loadChildDeferred.reject("load child '"+childId+"' error."); return loadChildDeferred.promise; } when(createPromise, lang.hitch(this, function(child){ // if no subIds and current view has default view, load the default view. if(!subIds && child.defaultView){ subIds = child.defaultView; } var parts = subIds.split(','); childId = parts.shift(); subIds = parts.join(','); if(childId){ var subLoadDeferred = this.loadChild(child, childId, subIds, params); when(subLoadDeferred, function(){ loadChildDeferred.resolve(); }, function(){ loadChildDeferred.reject("load child '"+childId+"' error."); }); }else{ loadChildDeferred.resolve(); } }), function(){ loadChildDeferred.reject("load child '"+childId+"' error.") }); return loadChildDeferred.promise; // dojo/Deferred.promise } }); });