require "dry-validation" require "pact_broker/hash_refinements" require "pact_broker/string_refinements" require "pact_broker/api/contracts/dry_validation_workarounds" require "pact_broker/api/contracts/dry_validation_predicates" require "pact_broker/messages" module PactBroker module Api module Contracts class PactsForVerificationJSONQuerySchema extend DryValidationWorkarounds extend PactBroker::Messages using PactBroker::HashRefinements using PactBroker::StringRefinements BRANCH_KEYS = [:latest, :tag, :fallbackTag, :branch, :fallbackBranch] ENVIRONMENT_KEYS = [:environment, :deployed, :released, :deployedOrReleased] ALL_KEYS = BRANCH_KEYS + ENVIRONMENT_KEYS SCHEMA = Dry::Validation.Schema do configure do predicates(DryValidationPredicates) config.messages_file = File.expand_path("../../../locale/en.yml", __FILE__) end optional(:providerVersionTags).maybe(:array?) optional(:consumerVersionSelectors).each do schema do # configure do # def self.messages # super.merge(en: { errors: { fallbackTagMustBeForLatest: 'can only be set if latest=true' }}) # end # end optional(:mainBranch).filled(included_in?: [true]) optional(:tag).filled(:str?) optional(:branch).filled(:str?) optional(:latest).filled(included_in?: [true, false]) optional(:fallbackTag).filled(:str?) optional(:fallbackBranch).filled(:str?) optional(:consumer).filled(:str?, :not_blank?) optional(:deployed).filled(included_in?: [true]) optional(:released).filled(included_in?: [true]) optional(:deployedOrReleased).filled(included_in?: [true]) optional(:environment).filled(:str?, :environment_with_name_exists?) # rule(fallbackTagMustBeForLatest: [:fallbackTag, :latest]) do | fallback_tag, latest | # fallback_tag.filled?.then(latest.eql?(true)) # end end end optional(:includePendingStatus).filled(included_in?: [true, false]) optional(:includeWipPactsSince).filled(:date?) end def symbolized_params = params&.symbolize_keys results = select_first_message(flatten_indexed_messages( true))) add_cross_field_validation_errors(symbolized_params, results) results end def self.add_cross_field_validation_errors(params, results) # This is a ducking joke. Need to get rid of dry-validation if params[:consumerVersionSelectors].is_a?(Array) errors = params[:consumerVersionSelectors].each_with_index.flat_map do | selector, index | validate_consumer_version_selector(selector, index) end if errors.any? results[:consumerVersionSelectors] ||= [] results[:consumerVersionSelectors].concat(errors) end end end def self.not_provided?(value) value.nil? || value.blank? end # when setting a tag, latest=true and latest=false are both valid # when setting the branch, it doesn't make sense to verify all pacts for a branch, # so latest is not required, but cannot be set to false # rubocop: disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength def self.validate_consumer_version_selector(selector, index) errors = [] if selector[:fallbackTag] && !selector[:latest] errors << "fallbackTag can only be set if latest is true (at index #{index})" end if selector[:fallbackBranch] && selector[:latest] == false errors << "fallbackBranch can only be set if latest is true (at index #{index})" end if not_provided?(selector[:mainBranch]) && not_provided?(selector[:tag]) && not_provided?(selector[:branch]) && not_provided?(selector[:environment]) && selector[:deployed] != true && selector[:released] != true && selector[:deployedOrReleased] != true && selector[:latest] != true errors << "must specify a value for environment or tag or branch, or specify mainBranch=true, latest=true, deployed=true, released=true or deployedOrReleased=true (at index #{index})" end if selector[:mainBranch] && selector.slice(*ALL_KEYS - [:consumer, :mainBranch]).any? errors << "cannot specify mainBranch=true with any other criteria apart from consumer (at index #{index})" end if selector[:tag] && selector[:branch] errors << "cannot specify both a tag and a branch (at index #{index})" end if selector[:fallbackBranch] && !selector[:branch] errors << "a branch must be specified when a fallbackBranch is specified (at index #{index})" end if selector[:fallbackTag] && !selector[:tag] errors << "a tag must be specified when a fallbackTag is specified (at index #{index})" end if selector[:branch] && selector[:latest] == false errors << "cannot specify a branch with latest=false (at index #{index})" end if selector[:deployed] && selector[:released] errors << "cannot specify both deployed=true and released=true (at index #{index})" end if selector[:deployed] && selector[:deployedOrReleased] errors << "cannot specify both deployed=true and deployedOrReleased=true (at index #{index})" end if selector[:released] && selector[:deployedOrReleased] errors << "cannot specify both released=true and deployedOrReleased=true (at index #{index})" end non_environment_fields = selector.slice(*BRANCH_KEYS).keys.sort environment_related_fields = selector.slice(*ENVIRONMENT_KEYS).keys.sort if (non_environment_fields.any? && environment_related_fields.any?) errors << "cannot specify the #{pluralize("field", non_environment_fields.count)} #{non_environment_fields.join("/")} with the #{pluralize("field", environment_related_fields.count)} #{environment_related_fields.join("/")} (at index #{index})" end errors end # rubocop: enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength end end end end