Contentful Generic-importer ================= ## Description This allows you to import structured JSON data to [Contentful]( You can use one of the following tools to extract your content and make it ready for import: #### Available exporters - [Database]( - [Wordpress]( - [Drupal]( ## Installation ```bash gem install contentful-importer ``` This will install the ```contentful-importer``` executable. ## Usage Before you can import your content to Contentful, you need to extract and prepare it. We currently support the mentioned exporters, but you can also create your own tools. As a first step you should create a `settings.yml` file and fill in your credentials: ```yaml #Contentful access_token: access_token organization_od: organization_id ``` **A Contentful OAuth access token can be created using the [Contentful Management API - documentation](** The Contentful organization id can be found in your account settings. Once you installed the Gem and created the YAML file with the settings you can invoke the tool using: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --action ``` ## Step by step 1. Create YAML file with required parameters (eg. ```settings.yml```): ```yaml #PATH to all data data_dir: DEFINE_BEFORE_EXPORTING_DATA #Contentful credentials access_token: ACCESS_TOKEN organization_id: ORGANIZATION_ID space_id: DEFINE_AFTER_CREATING_SPACE default_locale: DEFINE_LOCALE_CODE ## CONTENTFUL STRUCTURE contentful_structure_dir: PATH_TO_CONTENTFUL_STRUCTURE_JSON_FILE ## CONVERT CONTENTFUL MODEL TO CONTENTFUL IMPORT STRUCTURE content_model_json: converted_model_dir: ``` 2. Create the contentful_structure.json. First you need to create a content model using the [Contentful web application]( Then you can download the content model using the content management api and use the content model for the import: ```bash curl -X GET \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \ '' > contentful_model.json ``` It will create ```contentful_model.json``` file, which you need to transform into the ```contentful_structure.json``` using: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --convert-content-model-to-json ``` The converted content model will be saved as JSON file in the ```converted_model_dir``` path. 3. Once you have prepared the `content types`, `assets` and `entries` (for example using one of the existing extraction adapters or creating your own) they can be imported. It can be chosen to use one (default) or two parallel threads to speedup this process. There are two steps to import entries and assets. **Entries** ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --import ``` or ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --import --threads 2 ``` **Assets** ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --import-assets ``` After each request the `success_number_of_thread.csv` or `success_assets.csv` file is updated. You can find those in `data_dir/logs`. If an entry or asset fails to be imported, it will end up in the `failure_number_of_thread.csv` or `assets_failure.csv` including the error message. 4. Publish entries and assets. After successfully importing the entries and assets to contentful, they need to be published in order to be available through the delivery API. To publish all entries use: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --publish-entries ``` To publish all assets use: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --publish-assets ``` or ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --publish-assets --threads 2 ``` After each request the ```success_published_entries.csv``` or ```success_published_assets.csv``` file is updated. You can find those in ```data_dir/logs```. If an entry or asset fails to be imported, it will end up in the ```failure_published_entries.csv``` or ```failure_published_assets.csv``` including the error message. ## Actions To display all actions use the `-h` option: ```bash contentful-importer -h ``` #### --convert-content-model-to-json If you already have an existing content model for a space it can be downloaded and used for the import: ```bash curl -X GET \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' \ '' > contentful_model.json ``` In the **settings.yml** specify the PATH to **contentful_model.json**. ```yaml #Dump file with content model. content_model_json: example_path/contentful_model.json ``` and define the PATH where you want to save the converted JSON file: ```yaml #File with converted structure of contentful model. Almost ready to import. converted_model_dir: example_path/contentful_structure.json ``` #### --create-contentful-model-from-json Create the content model based on the structure defined in ```contentful_structure.json```. This will generate content types files that are ready to be imported. Set the `contentful_structure_dir` variable to point to the structure file in your settings file. Path to collections: **data_dir/collections** ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --create-contentful-model-from-json ``` This is optional if you intend to create your own content structure as JSON files and not use the web application for it. #### --import-content-types ARGS To import the content types into an existing space use `--space_id SPACE_ID`: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --import-content-types --space_id SPACE_ID ``` To create a new Space and import content types use `--space_name NAME`: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --import-content-types --space_name NAME ``` #### --import Import the entries with a single thread: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --import ``` or using two threads ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --import --threads 2 ``` #### --import-assets Import the assets: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --import-assets ``` #### --publish-entries To publish all entries: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --publish-entries ``` Number of threads that are used in the publishing of entries is dependent on `--threads` argument, which you specified when import data. #### --publish-assets ARGS You can publish all assets with single Thread: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --publish-assets ``` or add ```--threads``` argument to use multiple Threads: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --publish-assets --threads 2 ``` #### --test-credentials Before importing any content you can verify that your credentials in the **settings.yml** file are correct: ```bash contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --test-credentials ``` #### --validate-schema After preparing the files to import, you can validate the JSON schema, use command: ```contentful-importer --config-file settings.yml --validate-schema``` This comes in handy when you want to create your own extraction adapter. ## Content Model This represents an example content model: ```javascript { "Comments": { "id": "comment", "description": "", "displayField": "title", "fields": { "title": "Text", "content": "Text" } }, "JobAdd": { "id": "job_add", "description": "Add new job form", "displayField": "name", "fields": { "name": "Text", "specification": "Text", "Images": { "id": "image", "link_type": "Asset" }, "Comments": { "id": "comments", "link_type": "Array", "type": "Entry" }, "Skills": { "id": "skills", "link_type": "Array", "type": "Entry" } } } ``` Key names "Images", "Comments", "Skills" are the equivalent of the content type names specified in the file **mapping.json**. Example: ```javascript "SkillsTableName": { "content_type": "Skills", "type": "entry", "fields": { ... } ``` # Import Before you start importing the content make sure you read [how to use it]( and [tested your credentials]( #### Space ID After [importing the content types]( to the Space, you need to specify the `space_id` parameter in the settings. Example: ```yml space_id: space_id ``` #### Default locale To specify in which locale you want to create all Entries and Assets, set ```default_locale``` parameter in settings.yml file: ```yml default_locale: de-DE ```