require 'fog/compute/models/server' require 'fog/openstack/models/compute/metadata' module Fog module Compute class OpenStack class Server < Fog::Compute::Server identity :id attribute :instance_name, :aliases => 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name' attribute :addresses attribute :flavor attribute :host_id, :aliases => 'hostId' attribute :image attribute :metadata attribute :links attribute :name # @!attribute [rw] personality # @note This attribute is only used for server creation. This field will be nil on subsequent retrievals. # @return [Hash] Hash containing data to inject into the file system of the cloud server instance during server creation. # @example To inject fog.txt into file system # :personality => [{ :path => '/root/fog.txt', # :contents => Base64.encode64('Fog was here!') # }] # @see #create # @see attribute :personality attribute :progress attribute :accessIPv4 attribute :accessIPv6 attribute :availability_zone, :aliases => 'OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone' attribute :user_data_encoded attribute :state, :aliases => 'status' attribute :created, :type => :time attribute :updated, :type => :time attribute :tenant_id attribute :user_id attribute :key_name attribute :fault attribute :config_drive attribute :os_dcf_disk_config, :aliases => 'OS-DCF:diskConfig' attribute :os_ext_srv_attr_host, :aliases => 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host' attribute :os_ext_srv_attr_hypervisor_hostname, :aliases => 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname' attribute :os_ext_srv_attr_instance_name, :aliases => 'OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name' attribute :os_ext_sts_power_state, :aliases => 'OS-EXT-STS:power_state' attribute :os_ext_sts_task_state, :aliases => 'OS-EXT-STS:task_state' attribute :os_ext_sts_vm_state, :aliases => 'OS-EXT-STS:vm_state' attr_reader :password attr_writer :image_ref, :flavor_ref, :nics, :os_scheduler_hints attr_accessor :block_device_mapping def initialize(attributes={}) # Old 'connection' is renamed as service and should be used instead prepare_service_value(attributes) self.security_groups = attributes.delete(:security_groups) self.min_count = attributes.delete(:min_count) self.max_count = attributes.delete(:max_count) self.nics = attributes.delete(:nics) self.os_scheduler_hints = attributes.delete(:os_scheduler_hints) self.block_device_mapping = attributes.delete(:block_device_mapping) super end def metadata @metadata ||= begin{ :service => service, :parent => self }) end end def metadata=(new_metadata={}) return unless new_metadata metas = [] new_metadata.each_pair {|k,v| metas << {"key" => k, "value" => v} } @metadata = metadata.load(metas) end def user_data=(ascii_userdata) self.user_data_encoded = [ascii_userdata].pack('m') end def destroy requires :id service.delete_server(id) true end def images requires :id service.images(:server => self) end def all_addresses # currently openstack API does not tell us what is a floating ip vs a fixed ip for the vm listing, # we fall back to get all addresses and filter sadly. # Only includes manually-assigned addresses, not auto-assigned @all_addresses ||= service.list_all_addresses.body["floating_ips"].select{|data| data['instance_id'] == id} end def reload @all_addresses = nil super end # returns all ip_addresses for a given instance # this includes both the fixed ip(s) and the floating ip(s) def ip_addresses{|x| x['addr']} end def floating_ip_addresses{ |data| data["OS-EXT-IPS:type"]=="floating" }.map{|addr| addr["addr"] } # Return them all, leading with manually assigned addresses manual ={|addr| addr["ip"]} all_floating.sort{ |a,b| a_manual = manual.include? a b_manual = manual.include? b if a_manual and !b_manual -1 elsif !a_manual and b_manual 1 else 0 end } end alias_method :public_ip_addresses, :floating_ip_addresses def floating_ip_address floating_ip_addresses.first end alias_method :public_ip_address, :floating_ip_address def private_ip_addresses ip_addresses - floating_ip_addresses end def private_ip_address private_ip_addresses.first end def image_ref @image_ref end def image_ref=(new_image_ref) @image_ref = new_image_ref end def flavor_ref @flavor_ref end def flavor_ref=(new_flavor_ref) @flavor_ref = new_flavor_ref end def ready? self.state == 'ACTIVE' end def failed? self.state == 'ERROR' end def change_password(admin_password) requires :id service.change_server_password(id, admin_password) true end def rebuild(image_ref, name, admin_pass=nil, metadata=nil, personality=nil) requires :id service.rebuild_server(id, image_ref, name, admin_pass, metadata, personality) true end def resize(flavor_ref) requires :id service.resize_server(id, flavor_ref) true end def revert_resize requires :id service.revert_resize_server(id) true end def confirm_resize requires :id service.confirm_resize_server(id) true end def security_groups requires :id groups = service.list_security_groups(id).body['security_groups'] do |group| group.merge({:service => service}) end end def security_groups=(new_security_groups) @security_groups = new_security_groups end def reboot(type = 'SOFT') requires :id service.reboot_server(id, type) true end def stop requires :id service.stop_server(id) end def pause requires :id service.pause_server(id) end def suspend requires :id service.suspend_server(id) end def start requires :id case state.downcase when 'paused' service.unpause_server(id) when 'suspended' service.resume_server(id) else service.start_server(id) end end def create_image(name, metadata={}) requires :id service.create_image(id, name, metadata) end def console(log_length = nil) requires :id service.get_console_output(id, log_length) end def migrate requires :id service.migrate_server(id) end def live_migrate(host, block_migration, disk_over_commit) requires :id service.live_migrate_server(id, host, block_migration, disk_over_commit) end def associate_address(floating_ip) requires :id service.associate_address id, floating_ip end def disassociate_address(floating_ip) requires :id service.disassociate_address id, floating_ip end def reset_vm_state(vm_state) requires :id service.reset_server_state id, vm_state end def min_count=(new_min_count) @min_count = new_min_count end def max_count=(new_max_count) @max_count = new_max_count end def networks service.networks(:server => self) end def volumes requires :id do |vol| vol.attachments.find { |attachment| attachment["serverId"] == id } end end def volume_attachments requires :id service.get_server_volumes(id).body['volumeAttachments'] end def attach_volume(volume_id, device_name) requires :id service.attach_volume(volume_id, id, device_name) true end def detach_volume(volume_id) requires :id service.detach_volume(id, volume_id) true end def save raise'Resaving an existing object may create a duplicate') if persisted? requires :flavor_ref, :name requires_one :image_ref, :block_device_mapping options = { 'personality' => personality, 'accessIPv4' => accessIPv4, 'accessIPv6' => accessIPv6, 'availability_zone' => availability_zone, 'user_data' => user_data_encoded, 'key_name' => key_name, 'config_drive' => config_drive, 'security_groups' => @security_groups, 'min_count' => @min_count, 'max_count' => @max_count, 'nics' => @nics, 'os:scheduler_hints' => @os_scheduler_hints, 'block_device_mapping' => @block_device_mapping } options['metadata'] = metadata.to_hash unless @metadata.nil? options = options.reject {|key, value| value.nil?} data = service.create_server(name, image_ref, flavor_ref, options) merge_attributes(data.body['server']) true end def setup(credentials = {}) requires :ssh_ip_address, :identity, :public_key, :username, username, credentials).run([ %{mkdir .ssh}, %{echo "#{public_key}" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys}, %{passwd -l #{username}}, %{echo "#{Fog::JSON.encode(attributes)}" >> ~/attributes.json}, %{echo "#{Fog::JSON.encode(metadata)}" >> ~/metadata.json} ]) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED sleep(1) retry end private def adminPass=(new_admin_pass) @password = new_admin_pass end end end end end