# canzea --role=operatingsystem --solution=centos --remote --hostname= --privateKey=/var/go/.ssh/id_rsa_digitalocean require 'net/ssh' require 'net/sftp' require 'json' require 'openssl' require 'base64' class RemoteCall def initialize () @log = Logger.new(Canzea::config[:logging_root] + '/plans.log') end def exec (hostname, privateKey, cmd, ref = "") @username = "root" @log.info(" R [#{ref}] COMMAND: #{cmd}") begin Net::SSH.start(hostname, @username, :paranoid => false, :keys => [privateKey]) do |ssh| chan = ssh.open_channel do |channel| channel.request_pty channel.env("DIGITAL_OCEAN_API_KEY", ENV['DIGITAL_OCEAN_API_KEY']) channel.env("VAULT_TOKEN", ENV['VAULT_TOKEN']) channel.env("CONSUL_URL", ENV['CONSUL_URL']) channel.env("WORK_DIR", ENV['WORK_DIR']) channel.env("ES_REF", ref) channel.exec(cmd) do |ch, success| abort "could not execute command" unless success channel.on_data do |ch, data| puts data data.sub(/\n/, '').scan(/.{1,80}/).each do | line | @log.info(" R [#{ref}] STDOUT: #{line}") end end channel.on_request("exit-status") do |ch, data| exit_code = data.read_long @log.info(" R [#{ref}] Exit status: #{exit_code}") if (exit_code == 0) else abort() end end channel.on_close do |ch| end end end chan.wait end rescue @log.info(" R ABORTED!") raise end end def encrypt (contents, publicKey) pubkey_pem = File.read publicKey key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new pubkey_pem output = Base64.urlsafe_encode64 key.public_encrypt contents puts output end def decrypt (contents, privateKey) privkey_pem = File.read privateKey key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new privkey_pem output = key.private_decrypt Base64.urlsafe_decode64 contents puts output end # Secure copy - use the public key to encrypt the contents before sent across # def put (hostname, privateKey, localFile, remoteFile = nil) @username = "root" puts "Uploading #{localFile} to #{remoteFile}" @log.info(" R : Uploading to #{hostname}") @log.info(" R : Uploading #{localFile} to #{remoteFile}") Net::SSH.start(hostname, @username, :paranoid => false, :keys => [privateKey]) do |ssh| ssh.sftp.upload!(localFile, remoteFile) end end def get (hostname, privateKey, remoteFile, localFile = nil) @username = "root" @log.info(" R : Getting from #{hostname}") @log.info(" R : Getting file #{remoteFile}") Net::SSH.start(hostname, @username, :paranoid => false, :keys => [privateKey]) do |ssh| ssh.sftp.download!(remoteFile, localFile) end @log.info(" R : Saved to #{localFile}") end end