# A `Hash` is a collection of key-value pairs. It is similar to an array except # that indexing is done via arbitrary keys of any object type, not an integer # index. Hahses enumerate their values in the order that the corresponding keys # were inserted. # # Hashes have a default value that is returned when accessing keys that do not # exist in the hash. By default, that valus is `nil`. # # Implementation details # ---------------------- # # An Opal hash is actually toll-free bridged to a custom javascript # prototype called RHash. This is all handled internally and is actually # just an implementation detail, and is only done for the convenience of # construction through literals and methods such as {Hash.new}. # # Although its syntax is similar to that of an object literal in # javascript, it is very important to know that they are completely # different, and a javascript/json object cannot be used in place of a # ruby hash. All ruby objects require, at minimum, a `.$m` property # which is their method table. When trying to send a message to a non # ruby object, like a javascript object, errors will start occuring when # this method table is not found. # # Hash and the JSON gem contain methods for converting native objects into # `Hash` instances, so those should be used if you need to use objects from # an external javascript library. # # Ruby compatibility # ------------------ # # `Hash` implements the majority of methods from the ruby standard # library, and those that are not implemented are being added # constantly. # # The `Enumerable` module is not yet implemented in opal, so most of the # relevant methods used by `Hash` are implemented directly into this class. # When `Enumerable` gets implemented, the relevant methods will be moved # back into that module. class Hash # Returns a new array populated with the values from `self`. # # @example # # { :a => 1, :b => 2 }.values # # => [1, 2] # # @return [Array] def values `var result = [], length = self.$keys.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { result.push(self.$assocs[self.$keys[i].$hash()]); } return result;` end # Returns the contents of this hash as a string. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # # => "{ \"a\" => 100, \"b\" => 200 }" # # @return [String] def inspect `var description = [], key, value; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { key = self.$keys[i]; value = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; description.push(#{`key`.inspect} + '=>' + #{`value`.inspect}); } return '{' + description.join(', ') + '}';` end # Returns a simple string representation of the hash's keys and values. # # @return [String] def to_s `var description = [], key, value; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { key = self.$keys[i]; value = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; description.push(#{`key`.inspect} + #{`value`.inspect}); } return description.join('');` end # Yields the block once for each key in `self`, passing the key-value pair # as parameters. # # @example # # { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 }.each { |k, v| puts "#{k} is #{v}" } # # => "a is 100" # # => "b is 200" # # @return [Hash] returns the receiver def each `var keys = self.$keys, values = self.$assocs, length = keys.length, key; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { try { key = keys[i]; #{yield `key`, `values[key.$hash()]`}; } catch (e) { switch (e.$keyword) { case 2: return e['@exit_value']; default: throw e; } } } return self;` end # Searches through the hash comparing `obj` with the key ysing ==. Returns the # key-value pair (two element array) or nil if no match is found. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => [1, 2, 3], 'b' => [4, 5, 6] } # h.assoc 'a' # # => ['a', [1, 2, 3]] # h.assoc 'c' # # => nil # # @param [Object] obj key to search for # @return [Array, nil] result or nil def assoc(obj) `var key, keys = self.$keys, length = keys.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { key = keys[i]; if (#{`key` == obj}.$r) { return [key, self.$assocs[key.$hash()]]; } } return nil;` end # Equality - Two hashes are equal if they each contain the same number of keys # and if each key-value paid is equal, accordind to {BasicObject#==}, to the # corresponding elements in the other hash. # # @example # # h1 = { 'a' => 1, 'c' => 2 } # h2 = { 7 => 35, 'c' => 2, 'a' => 1 } # h3 = { 'a' => 1, 'c' => 2, 7 => 35 } # h4 = { 'a' => 1, 'd' => 2, 'f' => 35 } # # h1 == h2 # => false # h2 == h3 # => true # h3 == h4 # => false # # @param [Hash] other the hash to compare with # @return [true, false] def ==(other) `if (self === other) return Qtrue; if (!other.$keys || !other.$assocs) return Qfalse; if (self.$keys.length != other.$keys.length) return Qfalse; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { var key1 = self.$keys[i], assoc1 = key1.$hash(); if (!other.$assocs.hasOwnProperty(assoc1)) return Qfalse; var assoc2 = other.$assocs[assoc1]; if (!#{`self.$assocs[assoc1]` == `assoc2`}.$r) return Qfalse; } return Qtrue;` end # Element reference - retrieves the `value` object corresponding to the `key` # object. If not found, returns the default value. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h['a'] # # => 100 # h['c'] # # => nil # # @param [Object] key the key to look for # @return [Object] result or default value def [](key) `var assoc = key.$hash(); if (self.$assocs.hasOwnProperty(assoc)) return self.$assocs[assoc]; return self.$default;` end # Element assignment - Associates the value given by 'value' with the key # given by 'key'. `key` should not have its value changed while it is used as # a key. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h['a'] = 9 # h['c'] = 4 # h # # => { 'a' => 9, 'b' => 200, 'c' => 4 } # # @param [Object] key the key for hash # @param [Object] value the value for the key # @return [Object] returns the set value def []=(key, value) `var assoc = key.$hash(); if (!self.$assocs.hasOwnProperty(assoc)) self.$keys.push(key); return self.$assocs[assoc] = value;` end # Remove all key-value pairs from `self`. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h.clear # # => {} # # @return [Hash] def clear `self.$keys = []; self.$assocs = {}; return self;` end # Returns the default value for the hash. def default `return self.$default;` end # Sets the default value - the value returned when a key does not exist. # # @param [Object] obj the new default # @return [Object] returns the new default def default=(obj) `return self.$default = obj;` end # Deletes and returns a key-value pair from self whose key is equal to `key`. # If the key is not found, returns the default value. If the optional code # block is given and the key is not found, pass in the key and return the # result of the block. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h.delete 'a' # # => 100 # h.delete 'z' # # => nil # # @param [Object] key the key to delete # #return [Object] returns value or default value def delete(key) `var assoc = key.$hash(); if (self.$assocs.hasOwnProperty(assoc)) { var ret = self.$assocs[assoc]; delete self.$assocs[assoc]; self.$keys.splice(self.$keys.indexOf(key), 1); return ret; } return self.$default;` end # Deletes every key-value pair from `self` for which the block evaluates to # `true`. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200, 'c' => 300 } # h.delete_if { |k, v| key >= 'b' } # # => { 'a' => 100 } # # @return [Hash] returns the receiver def delete_if `var key, value; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { try { key = self.$keys[i]; value = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; if (#{yield `key`, `value`}.$r) { delete self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; self.$keys.splice(i, 1); i--; } } catch (e) { switch (e.$keyword) { case 2: return e['@exit_value']; default: throw e; } } } return self;` end # Yields the block once for each key in `self`, passing the key as a param. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200, 'c' => 300 } # h.each_key { |key| puts key } # # => 'a' # # => 'b' # # => 'c' # # @return [Hash] returns receiver def each_key `var key; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { try { key = self.$keys[i]; #{yield `key`}; } catch (e) { switch (e.$keyword) { case 2: return e['@exit_value']; default: throw e; } } } return self;` end # Yields the block once for each key in self, passing the associated value # as a param. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h.each_value { |a| puts a } # # => 100 # # => 200 # # @return [Hash] returns the receiver def each_value `var val; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { try { val = self.$assocs[self.$keys[i].$hash()]; #{yield `val`}; } catch (e) { switch (e.$keyword) { case 2: return e['@exit_value']; default: throw e; } } } return self;` end # Returns `true` if `self` contains no key-value pairs, `false` otherwise. # # @example # # {}.empty? # # => true # # @return [true, false] def empty? `return self.$keys.length == 0 ? Qtrue : Qfalse;` end # Returns a value from the hash for the given key. If the key can't be found, # there are several options; with no other argument, it will raise a # KeyError exception; if default is given, then that will be returned, if the # optional code block if specified, then that will be run and its value # returned. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h.fetch 'a' # => 100 # h.fetch 'z', 'wow' # => 'wow' # h.fetch 'z' # => KeyError # # @param [Object] key the key to lookup # @param [Object] defaults the default value to return # @return [Object] value from hash def fetch(key, defaults = `undefined`) `var value = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; if (value != undefined) return value; else if (defaults == undefined) rb_raise('KeyError: key not found'); else return defaults;` end # Returns a new array that is a one dimensional flattening of this hash. That # is, for every key or value that is an array, extraxt its elements into the # new array. Unlike {Array#flatten}, this method does not flatten # recursively by default. The optional `level` argument determines the level # of recursion to flatten. # # @example # # a = { 1 => 'one', 2 => [2, 'two'], 3 => 'three' } # a.flatten # # => [1, 'one', 2, [2, 'two'], 3, 'three'] # a.flatten(2) # # => [1, 'one', 2, 2, 'two', 3, 'three'] # # @param [Numeric] level the level to flatten until # @return [Array] flattened hash def flatten(level = 1) `var result = [], key, value; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { key = self.$keys[i]; value = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; result.push(key); if (value instanceof Array) { if (level == 1) { result.push(value); } else { var tmp = #{`value`.flatten `level - 1`}; result = result.concat(tmp); } } else { result.push(value); } } return result;` end # Returns `true` if the given `key` is present in `self`. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h.has_key? 'a' # # => true # h.has_key? 'c' # # => false # # @param [Object] key the key to check # @return [true, false] def has_key?(key) `if (self.$assocs.hasOwnProperty(key.$hash())) return Qtrue; return Qfalse;` end # Returns `true` if the given `value` is present for some key in `self`. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100 } # h.has_value? 100 # # => true # h.has_value? 2020 # # => false # # @param [Object] value the value to check for # @return [true, false] def has_value?(value) `var key, value; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { key = self.$keys[i]; val = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; if (#{`value` == `val`}.$r) return Qtrue; } return Qfalse;` end # Replaces the contents of `self` with the contents of `other`. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h.replace({ 'c' => 200, 'd' => 300 }) # # => { 'c' => 200, 'd' => 300 } # # @param [Hash] other hash to replace with # @return [Hash] returns receiver def replace(other) `self.$keys = []; self.$assocs = {}; for (var i = 0; i < other.$keys.length; i++) { var key = other.$keys[i]; var val = other.$assocs[key.$hash()]; self.$keys.push(key); self.$assocs[key.$hash()] = val; } return self;` end # Returns a new hash created by using `self`'s vales as keys, and keys as # values. # # @example # # h = { 'n' => 100, 'm' => 100, 'y' => 300 } # h.invert # # => { 100 => 'm', 300 => 'y' } # # @return [Hash] inverted hash def invert end # Returns the key for the given value. If not found, returns `nil`. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h.key 200 # # => 'b' # h.key 300 # # => nil # # @param [Object] value the value to check for # @return [Object] key or nil def key(value) `var key, val; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { key = self.$keys[i]; val = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; if (#{`value` == `val`}.$r) { return key; } } return nil;` end # Returns a new array populated with the keys from this hash. See also # {#values}. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h.keys # # => ['a', 'b'] # # @return [Array] def keys `return self.$keys.slice(0);` end # Returns the number of key-value pairs in the hash. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h.length # # => 2 # # @return [Numeric] def length `return self.$keys.length;` end # Returns a new hash containing the contents of `other` and `self`. If no # block is specified, the value for the entries with duplicate keys will be # that of `other`. Otherwise the value for each duplicate key is determined # by calling the block with the key and its value in self, and its value in # other. # # @example # # h1 = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h2 = { 'b' => 300, 'c' => 400 } # h1.merge h2 # # => {'a' => 100, 'b' => 300, 'c' => 400 } # h1 # # => {'a' => 100, 'b' => 200} # # @param [Hash] other hash to merge with # #return [Hash] returns new hash def merge(other) `var result = $opal.H() , key, val; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { key = self.$keys[i], val = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; result.$keys.push(key); result.$assocs[key.$hash()] = val; } for (var i = 0; i < other.$keys.length; i++) { key = other.$keys[i], val = other.$assocs[key.$hash()]; if (!result.$assocs.hasOwnProperty(key.$hash())) { result.$keys.push(key); } result.$assocs[key.$hash()] = val; } return result;` end # Merges the contents of `other` into `self`. If no block is given, entries # with duplicate keys are overwritten with values from `other`. # # @example # # h1 = { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 200 } # h2 = { 'b' => 300, 'c' => 400 } # h1.merge! h2 # # => { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 300, 'c' => 400 } # h1 # # => { 'a' => 100, 'b' => 300, 'c' => 400 } # # @param [Hash] other # @return [Hash] def merge!(other) `var key, val; for (var i = 0; i < other.$keys.length; i++) { key = other.$keys[i]; val = other.$assocs[key.$hash()]; if (!self.$assocs.hasOwnProperty(key.$hash())) { self.$keys.push(key); } self.$assocs[key.$hash()] = val; } return self;` end # Searches through the hash comparing `obj` with the value using ==. Returns # the first key-value pair, as an array, that matches. # # @example # # a = { 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', 3 => 'three' } # a.rassoc 'two' # # => [2, 'two'] # a.rassoc 'four' # # => nil # # @param [Object] obj object to check # @return [Array] def rassoc(obj) `var key, val; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { key = self.$keys[i]; val = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; if (#{`val` == obj}.$r) return [key, val]; } return nil;` end # Removes a key-value pair from the hash and returns it as a two item array. # Returns the default value if the hash is empty. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2 } # h.shift # # => ['a', 1] # h # # => { 'b' => 2 } # {}.shift # # => nil # # @return [Array, Object] def shift `var key, val; if (self.$keys.length > 0) { key = self.$keys[0]; val = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; self.$keys.shift(); delete self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; return [key, val]; } return self.$default;` end # Convert self into a nested array of `[key, value]` arrays. # # @example # # h = { 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3 } # h.to_a # # => [['a', 1], ['b', 2], ['c', 3]] # # @return [Array] def to_a `var result = [], key, value; for (var i = 0; i < self.$keys.length; i++) { key = self.$keys[i]; value = self.$assocs[key.$hash()]; result.push([key, value]); } return result;` end # Returns self. # # @return [Hash] def to_hash self end end