Warn <%= warning[:component] %> - <%= warning[:message] %>
<% end %> <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/heading", { text: "Components used", font_size: "m", margin_bottom: 4, heading_level: 3, } %>-
<% application[:summary].each do |item| %>
- <%= item[:name] %>
- <% if item[:value].length > 0 %> <%= item[:value] %> <% else %> None <% end %>
This shows instances of `gem-c-` classes found in the application. If a reference is found in a stylesheet or in code a warning is created, as this could be a style override or hard coded component markup.
<% application[:gem_style_references].each do |ref| %>
- <%= ref %> <% end %>
This shows JavaScript files that might contain jQuery, which we are trying to remove our dependency on.
<% application[:jquery_references].each do |ref| %>
- <%= ref %> <% end %>
This application was not found. This could be because you do not have this repository checked out locally.
<% end %>