package Moose::Meta::Class::Immutable::Trait; our $VERSION = '2.2207'; use strict; use warnings; use Class::MOP; use Scalar::Util qw( blessed ); use parent 'Class::MOP::Class::Immutable::Trait'; use Moose::Util 'throw_exception'; sub add_role { $_[1]->_immutable_cannot_call } sub calculate_all_roles { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; @{ $self->{__immutable}{calculate_all_roles} ||= [ $self->$orig ] }; } sub calculate_all_roles_with_inheritance { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; @{ $self->{__immutable}{calculate_all_roles_with_inheritance} ||= [ $self->$orig ] }; } sub does_role { shift; my $self = shift; my $role = shift; (defined $role) || throw_exception( RoleNameRequired => class_name => $self->name ); $self->{__immutable}{does_role} ||= { map { $_->name => 1 } $self->calculate_all_roles_with_inheritance }; my $name = blessed $role ? $role->name : $role; return $self->{__immutable}{does_role}{$name}; } 1; # ABSTRACT: Implements immutability for metaclass objects __END__ =pod =encoding UTF-8 =head1 NAME Moose::Meta::Class::Immutable::Trait - Implements immutability for metaclass objects =head1 VERSION version 2.2207 =head1 DESCRIPTION This class makes some Moose-specific metaclass methods immutable. This is deep guts. =head1 BUGS See L for details on reporting bugs. =head1 AUTHORS =over 4 =item * Stevan Little =item * Dave Rolsky =item * Jesse Luehrs =item * Shawn M Moore =item * יובל קוג'מן (Yuval Kogman) =item * Karen Etheridge =item * Florian Ragwitz =item * Hans Dieter Pearcey =item * Chris Prather =item * Matt S Trout =back =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2006 by Infinity Interactive, Inc. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut