#Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Peter H. Boling of 9thBit LLC #Released under the MIT license module ExceptionNotification::CustomExceptionMethods protected #For a while after disabling a route/URL that had been functional we should set it to resource gone to inform people to remove bookmarks. def resource_gone raise ResourceGone end #Then for things that have never existed or have not for a long time we call not_implemented def not_implemented raise NotImplemented end #Resources that must be requested with a specific HTTP Method (GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, AJAX, etc) but are requested otherwise should: def invalid_method raise InvalidMethod end #If your ever at a spot in the code that should never get reached, but corrupt data might get you there anyways then this is for you: def corrupt_data raise CorruptData end def page_not_found raise PageNotFound end def record_not_found raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound end def method_disabled raise MethodDisabled end #The current user does not have enough privileges to access the requested resource def access_denied raise AccessDenied end def generic_error error_stickie("Sorry, an error has occurred.") corrupt_data end def invalid_page error_stickie("Sorry, the page number you requested was not valid.") page_not_found end end