require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper') describe 'Page management' do dataset :users def have_slug(expected) satisfy do |response| response.should have_tag('#page_slug') do |tags| tags.size.should == 1 tags.first['value'].should == (expected.blank? ? nil : expected) end true end end before do Radiant::Config[''] = 'body' login :admin end it 'should list pages' do click_on :link => '/admin/pages' end it 'should allow the user to create the homepage' do navigate_to '/admin/pages/new' response.should have_slug('/') submit_form 'new_page', :continue => 'Save and Continue', :page => {:title => 'My Site', :slug => '/', :breadcrumb => 'My Site', :parts => [{:name => 'body', :content => 'Under Construction'}], :status_id => Status[:published].id} response.should_not have_tag('#error') response.should have_text(/Under\sConstruction/) response.should have_text(/My Site/) navigate_to '/' response.should have_text(/Under Construction/) end it "should properly escape part contents" do navigate_to '/admin/pages/new' submit_form 'new_page', :continue => 'Save and Continue', :page => {:title => 'My Site', :slug => '/', :breadcrumb => 'My Site', :parts => [{:name => 'body', :content => '<r:url />'}], :status_id => Status[:published].id} response.should have_tag('textarea', :text => "&lt;r:url /&gt;") end describe 'with homepage' do dataset :home_page it 'should allow the user to create child pages' do navigate_to "/admin/pages/#{page_id(:home)}/children/new" response.should have_slug('') lambda do submit_form 'new_page', :continue => 'Save and Continue', :page => { :title => 'My Child', :status_id => Status[:published].id, :slug => 'my-child', :breadcrumb => 'My Child', :parts => [{:name => 'body', :content => 'Under Construction'}] } end.should change(Page, :count).by(1) navigate_to '/my-child' response.should have_text(/Under Construction/) end it 'should show errors creating pages' do navigate_to "/admin/pages/#{page_id(:home)}/children/new" lambda do submit_form 'new_page', :continue => 'Save and Continue', :page => {} end.should_not change(Page, :count) response.should render_form_errors( :page => {:title => /required/, :slug => /required/, :breadcrumb => /required/} ) end it 'should allow the user to delete the home page' do id = page_id(:home) navigate_to "/admin/pages/#{id}/remove" response.should have_text(/permanently remove/) submit_form 'form.edit_page' response.should be_showing('/admin/pages') end end describe "with existing pages" do dataset :pages it "should allow the user to change the page type" do id = page_id(:virtual) navigate_to "/admin/pages/#{id}/edit" submit_form 'edit_page', :continue => 'Save and Continue', :page => { :class_name => '', :title => 'Virtual', :slug => 'virtual', :breadcrumb => 'Virtual', :parts => [{:name => 'body', :content => 'Virtual body.'}] } response.should be_showing("/admin/pages/#{id}/edit") response.should have_tag('option[value=""][selected]', '<normal>') end end end describe "Pages as resource" do dataset :pages, :users it "should require authentication" do get "/admin/pages.xml" response.headers.keys.should include('WWW-Authenticate') end it 'should reject invalid creds' do get "/admin/pages.xml", nil, :authorization => encode_credentials(%w(admin badpassword)) response.headers.keys.should include('WWW-Authenticate') end it 'should be obtainable by users' do get "/admin/pages.xml", nil, :authorization => encode_credentials(%w(admin password)) response.body.should match(/xml/) end it 'should be obtainable as list' do get "/admin/pages.xml", nil, :authorization => encode_credentials(%w(admin password)) response.body.should match(/pages/) end it "should include parts" do get "/admin/pages/#{page_id(:first)}.xml", nil, :authorization => encode_credentials(%w(admin password)) response.body.should match(/parts type="array"/) end end