require 'rbbt/tsv' require 'rbbt/persist' module TSV def self.change_key(tsv, format, options = {}, &block) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :persist => false, :identifiers => tsv.identifiers identifiers, persist_input = Misc.process_options options, :identifiers, :persist_input if not tsv.fields.include? format new = {} tsv.each do |k,v| new[k] = v.dup end orig_fields = tsv.fields tsv = tsv.annotate new new.fields = new.fields.collect{|f| "TMP-" << f } orig_type = tsv.type tsv = tsv.to_double if orig_type != :double if Array === identifiers tsv = tsv.attach identifiers.first, :fields => [format], :persist_input => true, :identifiers => identifiers.last else tsv = tsv.attach identifiers, :fields => [format], :persist_input => true end tsv = tsv.reorder(format, tsv.fields[0..-2]) tsv = tsv.to_flat if orig_type == :flat tsv = tsv.to_list(&block) if orig_type == :list tsv.fields = orig_fields tsv else tsv.reorder(format) end end def change_key(format, options = {}, &block) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :identifiers => self.identifiers TSV.change_key(self, format, options, &block) end def self.swap_id(tsv, field, format, options = {}, &block) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :persist => false, :identifiers => tsv.identifiers, :compact => true identifiers, persist_input, compact = Misc.process_options options, :identifiers, :persist, :compact fields = identifiers.all_fields.include?(field)? [field] : nil index = identifiers.index :target => format, :fields => fields, :persist => persist_input orig_type = tsv.type tsv = tsv.to_double if orig_type != :double pos = tsv.fields.index field tsv.with_unnamed do if tsv.type == :list or tsv.type == :single tsv.through do |k,v| v[pos] = index[v[pos]] tsv[k] = v end else tsv.through do |k,v| _values = index.values_at(*v[pos]) _values.compact! if compact v[pos] = _values tsv[k] = v end end tsv.fields = tsv.fields.collect{|f| f == field ? format : f} end tsv = tsv.to_flat if orig_type == :flat tsv = tsv.to_list(&block) if orig_type == :list tsv end def swap_id(*args) TSV.swap_id(self, *args) end def self.translation_index(files, target = nil, source = nil, options = {}) return nil if source == target options = Misc.add_defaults options.dup, :persist => true target = Entity.formats.find(target) if Entity.formats.find(target) source = Entity.formats.find(source) if Entity.formats.find(source) fields = (source and not source.empty?) ? [source] : nil files.each do |file| if TSV === file all_fields = file.all_fields target = file.fields.first if target.nil? if (source.nil? or all_fields.include? source) and all_fields.include? target return file.index(options.merge(:target => target, :fields => fields, :order => true)) end else next unless file.exists? begin all_fields = TSV.parse_header(file).all_fields target = all_fields[1] if target.nil? if (source.nil? or all_fields.include? source) and all_fields.include? target index = TSV.index(file, options.merge(:target => target, :fields => fields, :order => true)) return index end rescue Exception Log.error "Exception reading identifier file: #{file.find}" end end end files.each do |file| all_fields = TSV === file ? file.all_fields : TSV.parse_header(file).all_fields files.each do |other_file| next if file == other_file other_all_fields = TSV === other_file ? other_file.all_fields : TSV.parse_header(other_file).all_fields common_field = (all_fields & other_all_fields).first if common_field and (source.nil? or source.empty? or all_fields.include? source) and other_all_fields.include? target index = Persist.persist_tsv(nil, Misc.fingerprint(files), {:files => files, :source => source, :target => target}, :prefix => "Translation index", :persist => options[:persist]) do |data| iii options.merge(:target => common_field, :fields => fields) index = TSV === file ? file.index(options.merge(:target => common_field, :fields => fields)) : TSV.index(file, options.merge(:target => common_field, :fields => fields)) other_index = TSV === other_file ? other_file.index(options.merge(:target => target, :fields => [common_field])) : TSV.index(other_file, options.merge(:target => target, :fields => [common_field])) data.serializer = :clean # ToDo: remove the need to to the `to_list` transformation data.merge! index.to_list.attach(other_index.to_list).slice([target]).to_single end return index end end end return nil end def self.translate(tsv, *args) new = translate_stream(tsv, *args) new.identifiers = tsv.identifiers new end def self.translate_stream(tsv, field, format, options = {}, &block) options = Misc.add_defaults options, :persist => false, :identifier_files => tsv.identifier_files, :compact => true identifier_files, identifiers, persist_input, compact = Misc.process_options options, :identifier_files, :identifiers, :persist, :compact identifier_files = [tsv, identifiers].compact if identifier_files.nil? or identifier_files.empty? identifier_files.uniq! index = translation_index identifier_files, format, field, options.dup raise "No index: #{Misc.fingerprint([identifier_files, field, format])}" if index.nil? orig_type = tsv.type tsv = tsv.to_double if orig_type != :double pos = tsv.identify_field field new_options = tsv.options new_options[:identifiers] = tsv.identifiers.find if tsv.identifiers case pos when :key new_options[:key_field] = format if tsv.key_field == field dumper = new_options dumper.init TSV.traverse tsv, :into => dumper do |key,values| new_key = index[key] [new_key, values] end else new_options[:fields] = tsv.fields.collect{|f| f == field ? format : f } dumper = new_options dumper.init case tsv.type when :double TSV.traverse tsv, :into => dumper do |key,values| original = values[pos] new = index.values_at *original values[pos] = new [key, values] end when :list TSV.traverse tsv, :into => dumper do |key,values| original = values[pos] new = index[original] values[pos] = new [key, values] end when :flat TSV.traverse tsv, :into => dumper do |key,values| new = index.values_at *values [key, new] end when :single TSV.traverse tsv, :into => dumper do |key,original| new = index[original] [key, new] end end end end end