# Lelylan Ruby Gem Ruby client library for [Lelylan API](http://dev.lelylan.com) ## What is Lelylan Lelylan makes it easy for developers to monitor and control all devices in your house providing a simple, self descriptive and consistent representation of them. Lelylan maps every device in your house to a unique URI which will provide a simple access over it. With Lelylan developers can build secure applications and services that use real-time data coming from the real world to create the future connected house. ## Requirements Ruby client library is tested against MRI 1.9.3. ## Installation Install the client using Bundler. ```ruby gem 'lelylan-rb', require: 'lelylan' gem 'oauth2' ``` Development version. ```ruby gem 'lelylan-rb', require: 'lelylan', git: 'https://github.com/lelylan/lelylan-rb', branch: 'master' ``` ## Getting started ### Require Gem ```ruby require 'rubygems' require 'lelylan-rb' require 'oauth2' ``` ### Get an access token First of all you need an access token to authoraze your requests in Lelylan. To get one use the [OAuth2 gem](https://github.com/intridea/oauth2/) and if you are not used to OAuth2 concepts, take 10 minutes and read the related documentation in the [dev center](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/oauth#language=node). ```ruby # Create a client oauth = OAuth2::Client.new(client_id, client_secret, site: site) # Redirect the application to the Lelylan authorization page redirect oauth.auth_code.authorize_url(redirect_uri: redirect_uri) # => http://people.lelylan.com/oauth/authorize?redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/callback&scope=devices&response_type=code&client_id= # Get the access token object (authorization code is given from the previous step) token = oauth.auth_code.get_token(params[:code], redirect_uri: redirect_uri) ``` ### Lelylan access Once you have the access token you can access to the Lelylan API. The following example shows how to print in the console a list of owned devices. ```ruby # Initialize Lelylan client lelylan = Lelylan::Client.new(token: token) # Get the first device where the name matches with Dimmer device = lelylan.devices(name: 'Dimmer').first ``` ### Realtime services When using the [subscription](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/realtime#language=node) services you don't need an access token. In this case what you need is to set the client credentials. ```ruby lelylan = Lelylan::Client.new(client_id:'', client_secret: '') subscriptions = lelylan.subscriptions ``` ## Authorization flows Lelylan support three OAuth2 authorization flows. ### Authorization code flows ```ruby oauth = OAuth2::Client.new(client_id, client_secret, site: site) redirect oauth.auth_code.authorize_url(redirect_uri: redirect_uri) token = oauth.auth_code.get_token(params[:code], redirect_uri: redirect_uri) ``` ### Implicit grant flow ```ruby oauth = OAuth2::Client.new(client_id, client_secret, site: site) redirect oauth.auth_code.authorize_url(redirect_uri: redirect_uri) token = OAuth2::AccessToken.from_kvform(client, params) ``` ### Resource owner password credentials flow ```ruby oauth = OAuth2::Client.new(client_id, client_secret, site: site) token = oauth.password.get_token('email', 'password') ``` Access tokens, when expired, are automatically refreshed. ## Lelylan Services ### Devices The Device API defines a set of services to monitor and control every existing device. Its final goal is to map every device to a unique URI which provides control over it. [See examples](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/devices#ruby). ### Histories When a device updates its properties or executes a function a new history resource with a snapshot of all device properties is created by Lelylan, also the ones that has not been updated. This makes it easy to recreate previous device status and extract usage patterns to improve the way people live their house. [See examples](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/devices/histories#ruby). ### Types A type describes the structure of a device. In its simplest form every type can be defined as the combination of three key elements: properties (what vary during time), functions (what a device can do), statuses (what a device is in a specific time of its life). [See examples](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/types#ruby). ### Properties A property is whatever vary in a device during time. It can be the intensity in a dimmer, the temperature in a cooling system or the volume in a television. [See examples](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/types/properties#ruby). ### Functions Functions defines the daily interactions you have with the devices in your house, for example when you turn on a light, close a door or raise the temperature in a room. With functions you can control any device in the same way you do everyday of your life. [See examples](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/types/functions#ruby). ### Statuses Properties are not always enough to describe the status of a device. Think at a roller shutter for example. It has the property aperture that is 100 when open or 0 when closed. But what if the roller shutter is opening? It is nether open or close. To have a complete control over the device status in a specific moment of its life is to use the status API. [See examples](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/types/statuses#ruby). ### Locations Locations are the places we live in and where physical devices are placed. Lelylan identifies three types of locations usually organized in a hierarchical structure: houses, floors and rooms. [See examples](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/locations#ruby). ### Physical devices Physical devices are the real objects you physically interact with everyday of your life like lights, appliances, alarms and more. To enable the communication between Lelylan and physical devices they should provide a simple set of web services. [See examples](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/physicals#ruby). ### Subscriptions Get real-time updates by subscribing to a resource and its related event. [See examples](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/realtime#ruby). ### Authenticated User Profile Returns extended information for the authenticated user. [See examples](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/core#get-a-user-ruby). ## Errors Exceptions are raised when a 4xx or 5xx status code is returned. Lelylan::BadRequest # 400 Lelylan::Unauthorized # 401 Lelylan::NotFound # 404 Lelylan::NotValid # 422 Lelylan::InternalServerError # 500 Lelylan::BadGateway # 502 Lelylan::ServiceUnavailable # 503 Through the error message attribute you can access the error information. ```ruby begin @type = Lelylan::Type.type("https://type.lelylan.com/types/wrong") rescue Lelylan::NotFound => e puts "The resource #{e.message.error.uri} was not found" end ``` Learn more about the [error response structure](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/core#errors). ## Configurations ### API endpoint Configuration block. ```ruby Lelylan.configure { |c| c.endpoint = 'https://localhost:8000' } lelylan = Lelylan::Client.new(token: token) ``` Client instance. ```ruby lelylan = Lelylan::Client.new(token: token) lelylan.endpoint = 'https://lelylan.yourhouse.com' ``` Learn more about the [error response structure](http://dev.lelylan.com/api/core#errors). ## Contributing Fork the repo on github and send a pull requests with topic branches. Do not forget to provide specs to your contribution. ### Running specs * Fork and clone the repository. * Run `gem install bundler` to get the latest for the gemset. * Run `bundle install` for dependencies. * Run `bundle exec guard` and press enter to execute all specs. ## Spec guidelines Follow [rspec best practices](http://betterspecs.org) guidelines. ## Coding guidelines Follow [github](https://github.com/styleguide/) guidelines. ## Feedback Use the [issue tracker](http://github.com/lelylan/lelylan-rb/issues) for bugs. [Mail](mailto:touch@lelylan.com) or [Tweet](http://twitter.com/lelylan) us for any idea that can improve the project. ## Links * [GIT Repository](http://github.com/lelylan/lelylan-rb) * [Lelylan Ruby Website](http://lelylan.github.com/lelylan-rb). * [Lelylan Dev Center](http://dev.lelylan.com) * [Lelylan Site](http://lelylan.com) ## Authors [Andrea Reginato](http://twitter.com/andreareginato) ## Contributors Special thanks to the following people for submitting patches. ## Changelog See [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/lelylan/lelylan-rb/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md) ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2013 [Lelylan](http://lelylan.com). See [LICENSE](https://github.com/lelylan/lelylan-rb/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for details.