require 'test_helper' class RailsSso::SessionsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def setup @routes = RailsSso::Engine.routes @auth_hash ={ provider: 'developer', uid: '1', name: 'Kowalski', email: '', key: 'value' }) OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:developer] = @auth_hash request.env['omniauth.auth'] = OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:developer] end def teardown OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:developer] = nil end test 'create should save access token and redirect to root path' do @controller.expects(:save_access_token!).with(@auth_hash.credentials).once get :create, { provider: 'developer' } assert_redirected_to main_app.root_path end test 'destroy should invalidate access token and redirect to root path' do @controller.expects(:invalidate_access_token!).once delete :destroy, {}, { access_token: 'abc', refresh_token: 'def' } assert_redirected_to main_app.root_path end def main_app Rails.application.class.routes.url_helpers end end