module Riveter module Enumerated extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do const_names = self.constants(false).freeze const_values = const_names.collect {|name| self.const_get(name) }.freeze # create hashes for decoding names and values const_value_lookup ||= const_names.inject({}) {|list, name| list[name] = self.const_get(name) list }.with_indifferent_access.freeze const_name_lookup ||= const_names.inject({}) {|list, name| list[self.const_get(name)] = name list }.freeze # define helper methods # returns an array of the constant names as symbols define_singleton_method :names do const_names end # returns an array of constant values define_singleton_method :values do const_values end # given a value, returns the name of the constant as a symbol define_singleton_method :name_for do |value| const_name_lookup[value] end # given a name, returns the value of the constant # accepts a string or symbol for the constants name define_singleton_method :value_for do |name| const_value_lookup[name] end # returns the human name for the given constant name or value # it uses the locale to lookup the translation # and defaults to the capitalized name of the constant define_singleton_method :human_name_for do |name_or_value, options={}| const_name = name_or_value.is_a?(Symbol) ? name_or_value : value_for(name_or_value) options = { :scope => [:enums, self.to_s.underscore], :default => const_name.to_s.titleize }.merge!(options) I18n.translate(const_name, options) end # defines the "All" constant # which is array like object that can be used to loop # over the set of constants and provides some helper methods self.const_set :All,, const_values) # for use within form select inputs define_singleton_method :collection do self.const_get(:All).collect {|m| [m.human,] } end end module ClassMethods def human(options={}) options = { :scope => [:enums, self.to_s.underscore], :default => }.merge!(options) I18n.translate(:human, options) end end class Enumeration < Array attr_reader :enum delegate :names, :values, :human, :to => :enum def initialize(enum, values) @enum = enum super(values.collect {|value|, value) }) end end class Member attr_reader :name, :value def initialize(enum, value) @enum = enum @name = enum.name_for(value) @value = value end def human(options={}) @enum.human_name_for(name, options) end end end end