% render "layouts/guides.html" do
Be sure to read and understand the guide to
[Creating an Interface](<%= path "guides/program/interface" %>) before
reading this guide.
This guide covers aspects of the Characterization (charz) API.
Currently, the charz API has only been proven out for V93K SMT7, but isn't inherently designed around working only for that environment.
The Charz API is enabled by including the Charz module in your interface:
# app/lib/my_app/interface.rb
module MyApp
class Interface
include OrigenTesters::ProgramGenerators
include OrigenTesters::Charz
Note this guide assumes the audience is familiar with interface creation and custom test methods, and will not go into detail explaining those topics.
## Overview
The Characterization API allows a flow to add characterization to existing production tests with little additional overhead.
First specify charz routines to set charz test options, then create a profile with flow creation meta for the resulting tests.
Afterwards, the `charz_on` method can be called in the flow to activate charz profiles, which is explained below.
### Charz Routines
Charz routines contain relevant charz data thats specific to a charz test to be created. Created routines are stored in the `@charz_routines` attribute.
The data stored within a routine will be used in combination with the options used to make a production test to make a charz variant of the production test.
The interface adds charz routines by calling the `add_charz_routine` method:
add_charz_routine :vmin do |routine|
routine.name = 'cz_vmin_vdd'
routine.start = 1.0.V
routine.stop = 0.5.V
routine.res = 5.mV
routine.spec = 'VDD'
### Charz Profiles
Charz profiles contain a collection of routines, as well as test creation meta data related to test placement, production test result dependence, and conditional execution.
The interface adds charz profiles by calling the `add_charz_profile` method. To create a profile that contains previously defined vmin and vmax search routines, whose resulting searches
only run if the production test failed, and sets the vmax search routine to only run if the 'VmaxEnable' variable is set:
add_charz_profile :fail_searches do |profile|
profile.name = 'fail_searches'
profile.on_result = :on_fail
profile.routines = [:vmin, :vmax]
profile.enables = { ['$VmaxEnable'] => [:vmax] }
### Charz Session
The charz session (stored in your interfaces `@charz_session` attribute) monitors the current state of characterization at a given point in flow generation.
The API provides some key methods for querying that state during generation, such as:
* `charz_active?` : indicates if applicable productions tests should be generating charz tests as well
* `charz_only?` : indicates if the production tests should be added to the flow or not, only generating the resulting charz test
## Interface Considerations
A couple of enhancements will need to be added to your interface to take advantage of the API in addition to adding `include OrigenTesters::Charz` as shown above.
The charz routines and profiles will need to be added, and your flow methods will need to be updated to know what to do when a charz session is active.
### Adding charz routines and profiles
As long as the desired routines and profiles exist in the interface's @charz_routines and @charz_profiles hashes, the rest of the API will work as expected.
One option is to add them during the interface initialization:
# app/lib/my_app/interface.rb
module MyApp
class Interface
include OrigenTesters::ProgramGenerators
include OrigenTesters::Charz
def add_charz
add_charz_routine :my_routine do |routine|
routine.name = 'cz_vmin_vdd'
routine.start = 1.0.V
routine.stop = 0.5.V
routine.res = 5.mV
routine.spec = 'VDD'
add_charz_profile :my_profile do |profile|
profile.name = 'vmin_search'
profile.routines = [:vmin]
def initialize(options = {})
### Configuring Existing Flow Methods
Now that your interface has defined some routines and profiles, the flow methods needs to be updated to work with an active charz session.
Lets take a simplistic example functional flow method defined in `MyApp::Interface`:
# V93K SMT7 example
def func(name, options = {})
tm = test_methods.ac_tml.ac_test.functional_test
ts = test_suites.run(name, options)
ts.test_method = tm
ts.pattern = 'example'
flow.test ts, options
And now we'll add the ability for this flow method to generate a charz test as well:
# V93K SMT7 example
def func(name, options = {})
if options[:routine]
tm = test_methods.ac_tml.ac_test.spec_search
tm = test_methods.ac_tml.ac_test.functional_test
ts = test_suites.run(name, options)
ts.test_method = tm
ts.pattern = 'example'
if options[:routine]
ts.spec = options[:routine].spec
ts.min = options[:routine].stop
ts.max = options[:routine].start
ts.resolution = options[:routine].res
flow.test ts, options
unless options[:charz_test]
insert_charz_tests(options.merge(parent_test_name: name, charz_test: true)) do |options|
charz_name = :"#{name}_#{charz_routines[options[:current_routine]].name}"
options[:routine] = charz_routines[options[:current_routine]]
func(charz_name, options)
### #insert_charz_tests
The `insert_charz_tests` method handles everything regarding adding the charz test into the flow except determining the actual name and parameters of the test, which is
done by the local interface in the block passed to the `insert_charz_tests` method. This method handles:
* querying the charz session
* test placement
* charz test grouping
* production test result dependency
* gate processing (enables, flags)
The block that gets passed is yielded the latest options (with id removed if passed for the production test, so it doesn't get re-used for charz tests).
Routines in the current session are yielded one at a time, with their id being returned in `options[:current_routine]`.
#### Company Plugin Oppurtunity
If your company is already using a plugin to distribute the definitions of these flow methods, this is a good oppurtunity to add charz variants of those methods
that take routine as an input. This can really streamline the process, for example if you combine the charz flow methods plugin with a central flow entry point method called by
all flow methods, then the implementation becomes:
def add_to_flow(ts, options = {})
flow.test ts, options
unless options[:charz_test]
insert_charz_tests(options.merge(parent_test_name: name, charz_test: true)) do |options|
Where insert_current_charz_test is a method defined in the company charz flow method plugin.
### Flow Usage Examples
Now that the interface has charz routines and profiles, lets look at how to use the API within the flow itself:
Flow.create(interface: 'MyApp:Interface') do
# regular non charz test
func :my_test1
# create charz test variants of my_test2 following the production
# version of my_test2 using the routines in :my_profile
charz_on :my_profile do
func :my_test2
# conditional charz enablement
# besides dut.enable_charz? check, identical to above
charz_on :my_profile if dut.enable_charz?
func :my_test3
charz_off if dut.enable_charz?
# override session values at the flow level
charz_on :my_profile, placement: :eof do
func :my_test4
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