import { Controller } from '@hotwired/stimulus' import { enter, leave, toggle } from 'el-transition' import Cookies from 'js-cookie' // Detect whether an element is in view inside a parent element. // Original here: function isInViewport(element, parentElement) { const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect() const html = document.documentElement const parent = parentElement.getBoundingClientRect() return ( >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (parent.height || window.innerHeight || html.clientHeight) && rect.right <= (parent.width || window.innerWidth || html.clientWidth) ) } // Used on initial page load to scroll to the first active sidebar item if it's not in view. function scrollSidebarMenuItemIntoView() { const activeSidebarItem = document.querySelector('.avo-sidebar .mac-styled-scrollbar') const sidebarScrollingArea = document.querySelector('.avo-sidebar .mac-styled-scrollbar') if (!isInViewport(activeSidebarItem, sidebarScrollingArea)) { activeSidebarItem.scrollIntoView({ block: 'end', inline: 'nearest' }) } } export default class extends Controller { static targets = ['sidebar', 'mobileSidebar', 'mainArea'] static values = { open: Boolean, } get cookieKey() { return `${window.Avo.configuration.cookies_key}` } get sidebarOpen() { return Cookies.get(this.cookieKey) === '1' } get sidebarScrollPosition() { return window.Avo.localStorage.get('sidebar.sidebarScrollPosition') } set sidebarScrollPosition(value) { window.Avo.localStorage.set('sidebar.sidebarScrollPosition', value) } set cookie(state) { Cookies.set(this.cookieKey, state === true ? 1 : 0) } connect() { this.attachScrollVisibilityAnchor() // Restore sidebar scroll position if (this.sidebarScrollPosition && window.Avo.configuration.preserve_sidebar_scroll) { document.querySelector('.avo-sidebar .mac-styled-scrollbar').scrollTo({ top: this.sidebarScrollPosition, behavior: 'instant', }) } this.rememberScrollPosition() } rememberScrollPosition() { let handler document.addEventListener('turbo:visit', handler = () => { // Remeber sidebar scroll position before changing pages. this.sidebarScrollPosition = document.querySelector('.avo-sidebar .mac-styled-scrollbar').scrollTop // remove event handler after disconnection document.removeEventListener('turbo:visit', handler) }) } attachScrollVisibilityAnchor() { if (window.Avo.configuration.focus_sidebar_menu_item) { scrollSidebarMenuItemIntoView() } } markSidebarClosed() { Cookies.set(this.cookieKey, '0') this.openValue = false leave(this.sidebarTarget) this.mainAreaTarget.classList.remove('sidebar-open') } markSidebarOpen() { Cookies.set(this.cookieKey, '1') this.openValue = true enter(this.sidebarTarget) this.mainAreaTarget.classList.add('sidebar-open') } toggleSidebar() { if (this.openValue) { this.markSidebarClosed() } else { this.markSidebarOpen() } } toggleSidebarOnMobile() { toggle(this.mobileSidebarTarget) } }