# encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details. # https://newrelic.atlassian.net/wiki/display/eng/Agent+Thread+Profiling # https://newrelic.atlassian.net/browse/RUBY-917 if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' class ThreadProfilingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup $collector ||= NewRelic::FakeCollector.new $collector.reset $collector.mock['connect'] = [200, {'return_value' => {"agent_run_id" => 666 }}] $collector.mock['get_agent_commands'] = [200, {'return_value' => START_COMMAND}] $collector.mock['agent_command_results'] = [200, {'return_value' => []}] $collector.run NewRelic::Agent::Agent.instance_variable_set(:@instance, nil) NewRelic::Agent.manual_start(:'thread_profiler.enabled' => true, :force_send => true) NewRelic::Agent.instance.service.request_timeout = 0.5 NewRelic::Agent.instance.service.agent_id = 666 @agent = NewRelic::Agent.instance @thread_profiler = @agent.thread_profiler @threads = [] end def teardown $collector.reset @threads.each { |t| t.kill } @threads = nil end START_COMMAND = [[666,{ "name" => "start_profiler", "arguments" => { "profile_id" => -1, "sample_period" => 0.01, "duration" => 0.5, "only_runnable_threads" => false, "only_request_threads" => false, "profile_agent_code" => true } }]] STOP_COMMAND = [[666,{ "name" => "stop_profiler", "arguments" => { "profile_id" => -1, "report_data" => true } }]] # These are potentially fragile for being timing based # START_COMMAND with 0.01 sampling and 0.5 duration expects to get # roughly 50 polling cycles in. We check signficiantly less than that. # STOP_COMMAND when immediately issued after a START_COMMAND is expected # go only let a few cycles through, so we check less than 10 def test_thread_profiling @agent.send(:check_for_agent_commands) run_thread { NewRelic::Agent::Transaction.start(:controller, :request => stub) } run_thread { NewRelic::Agent::Transaction.start(:task) } let_it_finish profile_data = $collector.calls_for('profile_data')[0] assert_equal('666', profile_data.run_id, "Missing run_id, profile_data was #{profile_data.inspect}") assert(profile_data.poll_count > 10, "Expected poll_count > 10, but was #{profile_data.poll_count}") assert_saw_traces(profile_data, "OTHER") assert_saw_traces(profile_data, "AGENT") assert_saw_traces(profile_data, "REQUEST") assert_saw_traces(profile_data, "BACKGROUND") end def test_thread_profiling_can_stop @agent.send(:check_for_agent_commands) $collector.mock['get_agent_commands'] = [200, {'return_value' => STOP_COMMAND}] @agent.send(:check_for_agent_commands) let_it_finish profile_data = $collector.calls_for('profile_data')[0] assert_equal('666', profile_data.run_id, "Missing run_id, profile_data was #{profile_data.inspect}") assert(profile_data.poll_count < 50, "Expected poll_count < 50, but was #{profile_data.poll_count}") end # Runs a thread we expect to span entire test and be killed at the end def run_thread Thread.new do yield sleep(10) end end def let_it_finish Timeout.timeout(5) do until @thread_profiler.finished? sleep(0.1) end end @agent.send(:transmit_data, true) end def assert_saw_traces(profile_data, type) assert !profile_data.traces[type].empty?, "Missing #{type} traces" end end end