#+TITLE: Idempotency examples #+runmode: sequential First steps towards achieving idempotency. All of these are identified when tangling and during execution. - Example resources + command exit status 1 means that the block should be run exit status 0 means that it should not be run + directory Can be covered by :mkdirp + package If package is in the dpkg -l output, don't install + template Makes sense only when tangling. If there was a diff in the template, then apply and notify another block + file if it exists then run else do not run it *** DONE When =:if = is used, it will execute the block unless conditional block returns 0 The most general case is when we link 2 different code blocks so that one can define whether the second one should be executed. In order to achieve this, the blocks need to be defined sequentially this way it will be checked whether sinatra is installed or not first, and use the exit status when considering to start the application. *NOTE*: Because of this constraint, parallel runs cannot run in converge mode. Only sequential runs supported. #+name: install-package #+begin_src sh echo "brew install something..." echo "package is installed" > installed #+end_src #+name: package-already-installed #+begin_src sh if [ -e installed ]; then echo "Already installed" exit 0 else echo "Needs install" exit 1 fi #+end_src #+name: install-package-once-again #+begin_src sh :unless package-already-installed echo "Installing the package once again..." echo "not run" >> installed #+end_src #+name: do-everything-even-if-package-installed #+begin_src sh :if package-already-installed echo "Doing this even if installed already..." echo "eof" >> installed #+end_src *** COMMENT When it has a results block, then it will be executed unless it matches the spec Here they would be run sequentially, but it would be better if the =:assert= block can be lazily invoked when deploy-app is about to run, not during the preparation step which happens sequentially. #+name: ruby-version-installed #+begin_src sh :results output code :exports none ruby --version | awk '{ print $2 }' #+end_src #+RESULTS: ruby-version-installed #+BEGIN_SRC sh 1.8.7 #+END_SRC #+name: deploy-app #+begin_src sh :assert ruby-version-installed echo "Can deploy app because correct Ruby is installed" #+end_src *** COMMENT When =:if file-exists :at = is used, it will execute the block unless the file exists #+name: execute-if-file-exists #+begin_src sh :if file-exists :at /var/run/ntpd.pid echo "Starting process because ntpd file exists exists.." #+end_src These =file-exists= kind of checks can be pluggable. *** COMMENT Ideas **** TODO How to support gated checks in parallel runs? Let's say that we have a run which makes a healthcheck in the end. In this case, it would mean that a healthcheck would be run once run-web-app is alive. Run a healthcheck for the application in the end to confirm that it boot up correctly: #+begin_src ruby :tangle sinatra/app.rb :mkdirp true require 'sinatra' get '/' do "OK\n" end #+end_src ***** Check if Sinatra is installed at least :PROPERTIES: :SRC_ORDER: sequential :END: One idea is to accumulate them in case they are under the same headline, meaning that runlists can be grouped. #+name: sinatra-is-installed #+begin_src sh echo "Checking if sinatra is installed" gem list | grep sinatra #+end_src ...then run it as follows: #+name: install-sinatra #+begin_src sh :unless sinatra-is-installed gem install sinatra #+end_src A block which is not executed due to an idempotency check is equivalent to another one that ended with exit status 0. #+name: server-start #+begin_src sh :timeout 5 :if install-sinatra ruby sinatra/app.rb #+end_src ***** Run a healthcheck for the sinatra application :PROPERTIES: :SRC_ORDER: sequential :END: #+name: healthcheck-sinatra-app #+begin_src sh :sleep 3 :timeout 10 :awaits server-start while true; do curl 2> /dev/null if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "NOT OK" fi sleep 1 done #+end_src #+begin_src sh echo "Run" #+end_src