# frozen_string_literal: true require 'mechanize' require 'logger' require 'tempfile' require 'tmpdir' require 'webrick' require 'zlib' require 'rubygems' begin gem 'minitest' rescue Gem::LoadError end require 'minitest/autorun' ## # A generic test case for testing mechanize. Using a subclass of # Mechanize::TestCase for your tests will create an isolated mechanize # instance that won't pollute your filesystem or other tests. # # Once Mechanize::TestCase is loaded no HTTP requests will be made outside # mechanize itself. All requests are handled via WEBrick servlets. # # Mechanize uses WEBrick servlets to test some functionality. You can run # other HTTP clients against the servlets using: # # ruby -rmechanize/test_case/server -e0 # # Which will launch a test server at http://localhost:8000 class Mechanize::TestCase < Minitest::Test TEST_DIR = File.expand_path '../../../test', __FILE__ REQUESTS = [] ## # Creates a clean mechanize instance +@mech+ for use in tests. def setup super REQUESTS.clear @mech = Mechanize.new @ssl_private_key = nil @ssl_certificate = nil end ## # Creates a fake page with URI http://fake.example and an empty, submittable # form. def fake_page agent = @mech uri = URI 'http://fake.example/' html = String.new(<<~END)
END Mechanize::Page.new uri, nil, html, 200, agent end ## # Is the Encoding constant defined? def have_encoding? Object.const_defined? :Encoding end ## # Creates a Mechanize::Page with the given +body+ def html_page body uri = URI 'http://example/' Mechanize::Page.new uri, nil, body, 200, @mech end ## # Creates a Mechanize::CookieJar by parsing the given +str+ def cookie_jar str, uri = URI('http://example') Mechanize::CookieJar.new.tap do |jar| jar.parse str, uri end end ## # Runs the block inside a temporary directory def in_tmpdir Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| Dir.chdir dir do yield end end end ## # Creates a Nokogiri Node +element+ with the given +attributes+ def node element, attributes = {} Nokogiri::XML::Node.new(element, Nokogiri::HTML::Document.new).tap do |node| attributes.each do |name, value| node[name] = value end end end ## # Creates a Mechanize::Page for the given +uri+ with the given # +content_type+, response +body+ and HTTP status +code+ def page uri, content_type = 'text/html', body = String.new, code = 200 uri = URI uri unless URI::Generic === uri Mechanize::Page.new(uri, { 'content-type' => content_type }, body, code, @mech) end ## # Requests made during this tests def requests REQUESTS end ## # An SSL private key. This key is the same across all test runs def ssl_private_key @ssl_private_key ||= OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new <<-KEY -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIG7AgEAAkEA8pmEfmP0Ibir91x6pbts4JmmsVZd3xvD5p347EFvBCbhBW1nv1Gs bCBEFlSiT1q2qvxGb5IlbrfdhdgyqdTXUQIBAQIBAQIhAPumXslvf6YasXa1hni3 p80joKOug2UUgqOLD2GUSO//AiEA9ssY6AFxjHWuwo/+/rkLmkfO2s1Lz3OeUEWq 6DiHOK8CAQECAQECIQDt8bc4vS6wh9VXApNSKIpVygtxSFe/IwLeX26n77j6Qg== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- KEY end ## # An X509 certificate. This certificate is the same across all test runs def ssl_certificate @ssl_certificate ||= OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new <<-CERT -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBQjCB7aADAgECAgEAMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBBQUAMCoxDzANBgNVBAMMBm5vYm9k eTEXMBUGCgmSJomT8ixkARkWB2V4YW1wbGUwIBcNMTExMTAzMjEwODU5WhgPOTk5 OTEyMzExMjU5NTlaMCoxDzANBgNVBAMMBm5vYm9keTEXMBUGCgmSJomT8ixkARkW B2V4YW1wbGUwWjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAANJADBGAkEA8pmEfmP0Ibir91x6pbts 4JmmsVZd3xvD5p347EFvBCbhBW1nv1GsbCBEFlSiT1q2qvxGb5IlbrfdhdgyqdTX UQIBATANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAANBAAAB//////////////////////////////// //8AMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUePiv+QrJxyjtEJNnH5pB9OTWIqA= -----END CERTIFICATE----- CERT end ## # Creates a Tempfile with +content+ that is immediately unlinked def tempfile content Tempfile.new(@NAME).tap do |body_io| body_io.unlink body_io.write content body_io.flush body_io.rewind end end ## # Returns true if the current platform is a Windows platform def windows? ::RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw|mswin/ end ## # Return the contents of the file without Windows carriage returns def file_contents_without_cr(path) File.read(path).gsub(/\r\n/, "\n") end end require 'mechanize/test_case/servlets' module Net # :nodoc: end class Net::HTTP # :nodoc: alias :old_do_start :do_start def do_start @started = true end PAGE_CACHE = {} alias :old_request :request def request(req, *data, &block) url = URI.parse(req.path) path = WEBrick::HTTPUtils.unescape(url.path) path = '/index.html' if path == '/' res = ::Response.new res.query_params = url.query req.query = if 'POST' != req.method && url.query then WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_query url.query elsif req['content-type'] =~ /www-form-urlencoded/ then WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_query req.body elsif req['content-type'] =~ /boundary=(.+)/ then boundary = WEBrick::HTTPUtils.dequote $1 WEBrick::HTTPUtils.parse_form_data req.body, boundary else {} end req.cookies = WEBrick::Cookie.parse(req['Cookie']) Mechanize::TestCase::REQUESTS << req if servlet_klass = MECHANIZE_TEST_CASE_SERVLETS[path] servlet = servlet_klass.new({}) servlet.send "do_#{req.method}", req, res else filename = "htdocs#{path.gsub(/[^\/\\.\w\s]/, '_')}" unless PAGE_CACHE[filename] ::File.open("#{Mechanize::TestCase::TEST_DIR}/#{filename}", 'rb') do |io| PAGE_CACHE[filename] = io.read end end res.body = PAGE_CACHE[filename] case filename when /\.txt$/ res['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' when /\.jpg$/ res['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg' end end res['Content-Type'] ||= 'text/html' res.code ||= "200" response_klass = Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ[res.code.to_s] response = response_klass.new res.http_version, res.code, res.message res.header.each do |k,v| v = v.first if v.length == 1 response[k] = v end res.cookies.each do |cookie| response.add_field 'Set-Cookie', cookie.to_s end response['Content-Type'] ||= 'text/html' response['Content-Length'] = res['Content-Length'] || res.body.length.to_s io = StringIO.new(res.body) response.instance_variable_set :@socket, io def io.read clen, dest = nil, _ = nil if dest then dest << super(clen) else super clen end end body_exist = req.response_body_permitted? && response_klass.body_permitted? response.instance_variable_set :@body_exist, body_exist yield response if block_given? response end end class Net::HTTPRequest # :nodoc: attr_accessor :query, :body, :cookies, :user def host 'example' end def port 80 end end class Response # :nodoc: include Net::HTTPHeader attr_reader :code attr_accessor :body, :query, :cookies attr_accessor :query_params, :http_version attr_accessor :header def code=(c) @code = c.to_s end alias :status :code alias :status= :code= def initialize @header = {} @body = String.new @code = nil @query = nil @cookies = [] @http_version = '1.1' end def read_body yield body end def message '' end end