{ "url": "http://en.dwagn.org/export.json", "timestamp": "2014-11-15 03:44:05 +0000", "card": { "name": "export", "type": "Pointer", "content": "[[Config]]\n[[*account]]\n[[Skin+description]]\n[[Sign up+description]]\n[[Toggle+description]]\n[[User+description]]\n[[Email_template+*type+*structure]]\n[[JavaScript+description]]\n[[CSS+description]]\n[[CoffeeScript+description]]\n[[Layout+description]]\n[[Email template+description]]\n[[SCSS+description]]", "value": [ { "name": "Config", "type": "Basic", "content": "


Set your site title, home card, and logo image:


Cards are configured by creating rules.  All rules impacting a given card can be accessed from its card menu via \"advanced\".
Here are the site-wide defaults:
[[http://wagn.org/rules | More about rules.]]




Here are the current [[Email Templates]] for your site.
{{Email Templates+*type+by update}} 
" }, { "name": "*account", "type": "Basic", "content": "
When someone signs up, they create a [[Sign up]] card...
{{Sign up|closed;title: Sign ups}}
...that can be changed into a [[User]] card:
Some important [[http://wagn.org/permissions|permissions]]:
[[http://wagn.org/account | More about accounts.]]
", "codename": "account" }, { "name": "Skin+description", "type": "Basic", "content": "

A [[skin]] determines a page's look and feel.  [[http://wagn.org/Skins|more]]

" }, { "name": "Sign up+description", "type": "Basic", "content": "

[[Sign up]] cards represent not-yet-approved accounts. When approved, they become [[User]] cards. [[http://wagn.org/account|more]]

" }, { "name": "Toggle+description", "type": "Basic", "content": "

Toggles simply indicate yes or no. [[http://wagn.org/wagn/Toggle|more]].

" }, { "name": "User+description", "type": "Basic", "content": "

{{_l|name}} cards can support accounts, profile pages, and more. [[http://wagn.org/Users|more]]

" }, { "name": "Email template+*type+*structure", "type": "Basic", "content": "

{{+*from | labeled | link}} {{+*to | labeled | link}} {{+*cc | labeled | link}} {{+*bcc | labeled | link}} {{+*subject | titled}} {{+*html message | titled}} {{+*text message | titled}} {{+*attach | titled}}

" }, { "name": "JavaScript+description", "type": "Basic", "content": "

Create custom JavaScript for [[*script]] rules. [[http://wagn.org/JavaScript|more]]

" }, { "name": "CSS+description", "type": "Basic", "content": "

Customize styles for [[Skins]]. [[http://wagn.org/CSS|more]]

" }, { "name": "CoffeeScript+description", "type": "Basic", "content": "

Generate JavaScript for [[*script]] rules. [[http://wagn.org/CoffeeScript|more]]

" }, { "name": "Layout+description", "type": "Basic", "content": "

Organize webpages. [[http://wagn.org/Layout|more]]

" }, { "name": "Email template+description", "type": "Basic", "content": "

Design custom emails to be triggered by card actions.  [[http://wagn.org/actions|more]]

" }, { "name": "SCSS+description", "type": "Basic", "content": "

Customize styles for [[Skins]]. [[http://wagn.org/SCSS|more]]

" } ] } }