/** * @fileoverview Main API Class * @author Kai Cataldo * @author Toru Nagashima */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const { promisify } = require("util"); const { CLIEngine, getCLIEngineInternalSlots } = require("../cli-engine/cli-engine"); const BuiltinRules = require("../rules"); const { Legacy: { ConfigOps: { getRuleSeverity } } } = require("@eslint/eslintrc"); const { version } = require("../../package.json"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Typedefs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @typedef {import("../cli-engine/cli-engine").LintReport} CLIEngineLintReport */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").DeprecatedRuleInfo} DeprecatedRuleInfo */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").ConfigData} ConfigData */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").LintMessage} LintMessage */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").SuppressedLintMessage} SuppressedLintMessage */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").Plugin} Plugin */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").Rule} Rule */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").LintResult} LintResult */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").ResultsMeta} ResultsMeta */ /** * The main formatter object. * @typedef LoadedFormatter * @property {(results: LintResult[], resultsMeta: ResultsMeta) => string | Promise} format format function. */ /** * The options with which to configure the ESLint instance. * @typedef {Object} ESLintOptions * @property {boolean} [allowInlineConfig] Enable or disable inline configuration comments. * @property {ConfigData} [baseConfig] Base config object, extended by all configs used with this instance * @property {boolean} [cache] Enable result caching. * @property {string} [cacheLocation] The cache file to use instead of .eslintcache. * @property {"metadata" | "content"} [cacheStrategy] The strategy used to detect changed files. * @property {string} [cwd] The value to use for the current working directory. * @property {boolean} [errorOnUnmatchedPattern] If `false` then `ESLint#lintFiles()` doesn't throw even if no target files found. Defaults to `true`. * @property {string[]} [extensions] An array of file extensions to check. * @property {boolean|Function} [fix] Execute in autofix mode. If a function, should return a boolean. * @property {string[]} [fixTypes] Array of rule types to apply fixes for. * @property {boolean} [globInputPaths] Set to false to skip glob resolution of input file paths to lint (default: true). If false, each input file paths is assumed to be a non-glob path to an existing file. * @property {boolean} [ignore] False disables use of .eslintignore. * @property {string} [ignorePath] The ignore file to use instead of .eslintignore. * @property {ConfigData} [overrideConfig] Override config object, overrides all configs used with this instance * @property {string} [overrideConfigFile] The configuration file to use. * @property {Record|null} [plugins] Preloaded plugins. This is a map-like object, keys are plugin IDs and each value is implementation. * @property {"error" | "warn" | "off"} [reportUnusedDisableDirectives] the severity to report unused eslint-disable directives. * @property {string} [resolvePluginsRelativeTo] The folder where plugins should be resolved from, defaulting to the CWD. * @property {string[]} [rulePaths] An array of directories to load custom rules from. * @property {boolean} [useEslintrc] False disables looking for .eslintrc.* files. */ /** * A rules metadata object. * @typedef {Object} RulesMeta * @property {string} id The plugin ID. * @property {Object} definition The plugin definition. */ /** * Private members for the `ESLint` instance. * @typedef {Object} ESLintPrivateMembers * @property {CLIEngine} cliEngine The wrapped CLIEngine instance. * @property {ESLintOptions} options The options used to instantiate the ESLint instance. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile); /** * The map with which to store private class members. * @type {WeakMap} */ const privateMembersMap = new WeakMap(); /** * Check if a given value is a non-empty string or not. * @param {any} x The value to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if `x` is a non-empty string. */ function isNonEmptyString(x) { return typeof x === "string" && x.trim() !== ""; } /** * Check if a given value is an array of non-empty strings or not. * @param {any} x The value to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if `x` is an array of non-empty strings. */ function isArrayOfNonEmptyString(x) { return Array.isArray(x) && x.every(isNonEmptyString); } /** * Check if a given value is a valid fix type or not. * @param {any} x The value to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if `x` is valid fix type. */ function isFixType(x) { return x === "directive" || x === "problem" || x === "suggestion" || x === "layout"; } /** * Check if a given value is an array of fix types or not. * @param {any} x The value to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if `x` is an array of fix types. */ function isFixTypeArray(x) { return Array.isArray(x) && x.every(isFixType); } /** * The error for invalid options. */ class ESLintInvalidOptionsError extends Error { constructor(messages) { super(`Invalid Options:\n- ${messages.join("\n- ")}`); this.code = "ESLINT_INVALID_OPTIONS"; Error.captureStackTrace(this, ESLintInvalidOptionsError); } } /** * Validates and normalizes options for the wrapped CLIEngine instance. * @param {ESLintOptions} options The options to process. * @throws {ESLintInvalidOptionsError} If of any of a variety of type errors. * @returns {ESLintOptions} The normalized options. */ function processOptions({ allowInlineConfig = true, // ← we cannot use `overrideConfig.noInlineConfig` instead because `allowInlineConfig` has side-effect that suppress warnings that show inline configs are ignored. baseConfig = null, cache = false, cacheLocation = ".eslintcache", cacheStrategy = "metadata", cwd = process.cwd(), errorOnUnmatchedPattern = true, extensions = null, // ← should be null by default because if it's an array then it suppresses RFC20 feature. fix = false, fixTypes = null, // ← should be null by default because if it's an array then it suppresses rules that don't have the `meta.type` property. globInputPaths = true, ignore = true, ignorePath = null, // ← should be null by default because if it's a string then it may throw ENOENT. overrideConfig = null, overrideConfigFile = null, plugins = {}, reportUnusedDisableDirectives = null, // ← should be null by default because if it's a string then it overrides the 'reportUnusedDisableDirectives' setting in config files. And we cannot use `overrideConfig.reportUnusedDisableDirectives` instead because we cannot configure the `error` severity with that. resolvePluginsRelativeTo = null, // ← should be null by default because if it's a string then it suppresses RFC47 feature. rulePaths = [], useEslintrc = true, ...unknownOptions }) { const errors = []; const unknownOptionKeys = Object.keys(unknownOptions); if (unknownOptionKeys.length >= 1) { errors.push(`Unknown options: ${unknownOptionKeys.join(", ")}`); if (unknownOptionKeys.includes("cacheFile")) { errors.push("'cacheFile' has been removed. Please use the 'cacheLocation' option instead."); } if (unknownOptionKeys.includes("configFile")) { errors.push("'configFile' has been removed. Please use the 'overrideConfigFile' option instead."); } if (unknownOptionKeys.includes("envs")) { errors.push("'envs' has been removed. Please use the 'overrideConfig.env' option instead."); } if (unknownOptionKeys.includes("globals")) { errors.push("'globals' has been removed. Please use the 'overrideConfig.globals' option instead."); } if (unknownOptionKeys.includes("ignorePattern")) { errors.push("'ignorePattern' has been removed. Please use the 'overrideConfig.ignorePatterns' option instead."); } if (unknownOptionKeys.includes("parser")) { errors.push("'parser' has been removed. Please use the 'overrideConfig.parser' option instead."); } if (unknownOptionKeys.includes("parserOptions")) { errors.push("'parserOptions' has been removed. Please use the 'overrideConfig.parserOptions' option instead."); } if (unknownOptionKeys.includes("rules")) { errors.push("'rules' has been removed. Please use the 'overrideConfig.rules' option instead."); } } if (typeof allowInlineConfig !== "boolean") { errors.push("'allowInlineConfig' must be a boolean."); } if (typeof baseConfig !== "object") { errors.push("'baseConfig' must be an object or null."); } if (typeof cache !== "boolean") { errors.push("'cache' must be a boolean."); } if (!isNonEmptyString(cacheLocation)) { errors.push("'cacheLocation' must be a non-empty string."); } if ( cacheStrategy !== "metadata" && cacheStrategy !== "content" ) { errors.push("'cacheStrategy' must be any of \"metadata\", \"content\"."); } if (!isNonEmptyString(cwd) || !path.isAbsolute(cwd)) { errors.push("'cwd' must be an absolute path."); } if (typeof errorOnUnmatchedPattern !== "boolean") { errors.push("'errorOnUnmatchedPattern' must be a boolean."); } if (!isArrayOfNonEmptyString(extensions) && extensions !== null) { errors.push("'extensions' must be an array of non-empty strings or null."); } if (typeof fix !== "boolean" && typeof fix !== "function") { errors.push("'fix' must be a boolean or a function."); } if (fixTypes !== null && !isFixTypeArray(fixTypes)) { errors.push("'fixTypes' must be an array of any of \"directive\", \"problem\", \"suggestion\", and \"layout\"."); } if (typeof globInputPaths !== "boolean") { errors.push("'globInputPaths' must be a boolean."); } if (typeof ignore !== "boolean") { errors.push("'ignore' must be a boolean."); } if (!isNonEmptyString(ignorePath) && ignorePath !== null) { errors.push("'ignorePath' must be a non-empty string or null."); } if (typeof overrideConfig !== "object") { errors.push("'overrideConfig' must be an object or null."); } if (!isNonEmptyString(overrideConfigFile) && overrideConfigFile !== null) { errors.push("'overrideConfigFile' must be a non-empty string or null."); } if (typeof plugins !== "object") { errors.push("'plugins' must be an object or null."); } else if (plugins !== null && Object.keys(plugins).includes("")) { errors.push("'plugins' must not include an empty string."); } if (Array.isArray(plugins)) { errors.push("'plugins' doesn't add plugins to configuration to load. Please use the 'overrideConfig.plugins' option instead."); } if ( reportUnusedDisableDirectives !== "error" && reportUnusedDisableDirectives !== "warn" && reportUnusedDisableDirectives !== "off" && reportUnusedDisableDirectives !== null ) { errors.push("'reportUnusedDisableDirectives' must be any of \"error\", \"warn\", \"off\", and null."); } if ( !isNonEmptyString(resolvePluginsRelativeTo) && resolvePluginsRelativeTo !== null ) { errors.push("'resolvePluginsRelativeTo' must be a non-empty string or null."); } if (!isArrayOfNonEmptyString(rulePaths)) { errors.push("'rulePaths' must be an array of non-empty strings."); } if (typeof useEslintrc !== "boolean") { errors.push("'useEslintrc' must be a boolean."); } if (errors.length > 0) { throw new ESLintInvalidOptionsError(errors); } return { allowInlineConfig, baseConfig, cache, cacheLocation, cacheStrategy, configFile: overrideConfigFile, cwd: path.normalize(cwd), errorOnUnmatchedPattern, extensions, fix, fixTypes, globInputPaths, ignore, ignorePath, reportUnusedDisableDirectives, resolvePluginsRelativeTo, rulePaths, useEslintrc }; } /** * Check if a value has one or more properties and that value is not undefined. * @param {any} obj The value to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if `obj` has one or more properties that that value is not undefined. */ function hasDefinedProperty(obj) { if (typeof obj === "object" && obj !== null) { for (const key in obj) { if (typeof obj[key] !== "undefined") { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Create rulesMeta object. * @param {Map} rules a map of rules from which to generate the object. * @returns {Object} metadata for all enabled rules. */ function createRulesMeta(rules) { return Array.from(rules).reduce((retVal, [id, rule]) => { retVal[id] = rule.meta; return retVal; }, {}); } /** @type {WeakMap} */ const usedDeprecatedRulesCache = new WeakMap(); /** * Create used deprecated rule list. * @param {CLIEngine} cliEngine The CLIEngine instance. * @param {string} maybeFilePath The absolute path to a lint target file or `""`. * @returns {DeprecatedRuleInfo[]} The used deprecated rule list. */ function getOrFindUsedDeprecatedRules(cliEngine, maybeFilePath) { const { configArrayFactory, options: { cwd } } = getCLIEngineInternalSlots(cliEngine); const filePath = path.isAbsolute(maybeFilePath) ? maybeFilePath : path.join(cwd, "__placeholder__.js"); const configArray = configArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile(filePath); const config = configArray.extractConfig(filePath); // Most files use the same config, so cache it. if (!usedDeprecatedRulesCache.has(config)) { const pluginRules = configArray.pluginRules; const retv = []; for (const [ruleId, ruleConf] of Object.entries(config.rules)) { if (getRuleSeverity(ruleConf) === 0) { continue; } const rule = pluginRules.get(ruleId) || BuiltinRules.get(ruleId); const meta = rule && rule.meta; if (meta && meta.deprecated) { retv.push({ ruleId, replacedBy: meta.replacedBy || [] }); } } usedDeprecatedRulesCache.set(config, Object.freeze(retv)); } return usedDeprecatedRulesCache.get(config); } /** * Processes the linting results generated by a CLIEngine linting report to * match the ESLint class's API. * @param {CLIEngine} cliEngine The CLIEngine instance. * @param {CLIEngineLintReport} report The CLIEngine linting report to process. * @returns {LintResult[]} The processed linting results. */ function processCLIEngineLintReport(cliEngine, { results }) { const descriptor = { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { return getOrFindUsedDeprecatedRules(cliEngine, this.filePath); } }; for (const result of results) { Object.defineProperty(result, "usedDeprecatedRules", descriptor); } return results; } /** * An Array.prototype.sort() compatible compare function to order results by their file path. * @param {LintResult} a The first lint result. * @param {LintResult} b The second lint result. * @returns {number} An integer representing the order in which the two results should occur. */ function compareResultsByFilePath(a, b) { if (a.filePath < b.filePath) { return -1; } if (a.filePath > b.filePath) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Main API. */ class ESLint { /** * Creates a new instance of the main ESLint API. * @param {ESLintOptions} options The options for this instance. */ constructor(options = {}) { const processedOptions = processOptions(options); const cliEngine = new CLIEngine(processedOptions, { preloadedPlugins: options.plugins }); const { configArrayFactory, lastConfigArrays } = getCLIEngineInternalSlots(cliEngine); let updated = false; /* * Address `overrideConfig` to set override config. * Operate the `configArrayFactory` internal slot directly because this * functionality doesn't exist as the public API of CLIEngine. */ if (hasDefinedProperty(options.overrideConfig)) { configArrayFactory.setOverrideConfig(options.overrideConfig); updated = true; } // Update caches. if (updated) { configArrayFactory.clearCache(); lastConfigArrays[0] = configArrayFactory.getConfigArrayForFile(); } // Initialize private properties. privateMembersMap.set(this, { cliEngine, options: processedOptions }); } /** * The version text. * @type {string} */ static get version() { return version; } /** * Outputs fixes from the given results to files. * @param {LintResult[]} results The lint results. * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that is used to track side effects. */ static async outputFixes(results) { if (!Array.isArray(results)) { throw new Error("'results' must be an array"); } await Promise.all( results .filter(result => { if (typeof result !== "object" || result === null) { throw new Error("'results' must include only objects"); } return ( typeof result.output === "string" && path.isAbsolute(result.filePath) ); }) .map(r => writeFile(r.filePath, r.output)) ); } /** * Returns results that only contains errors. * @param {LintResult[]} results The results to filter. * @returns {LintResult[]} The filtered results. */ static getErrorResults(results) { return CLIEngine.getErrorResults(results); } /** * Returns meta objects for each rule represented in the lint results. * @param {LintResult[]} results The results to fetch rules meta for. * @returns {Object} A mapping of ruleIds to rule meta objects. */ getRulesMetaForResults(results) { const resultRuleIds = new Set(); // first gather all ruleIds from all results for (const result of results) { for (const { ruleId } of result.messages) { resultRuleIds.add(ruleId); } for (const { ruleId } of result.suppressedMessages) { resultRuleIds.add(ruleId); } } // create a map of all rules in the results const { cliEngine } = privateMembersMap.get(this); const rules = cliEngine.getRules(); const resultRules = new Map(); for (const [ruleId, rule] of rules) { if (resultRuleIds.has(ruleId)) { resultRules.set(ruleId, rule); } } return createRulesMeta(resultRules); } /** * Executes the current configuration on an array of file and directory names. * @param {string[]} patterns An array of file and directory names. * @returns {Promise} The results of linting the file patterns given. */ async lintFiles(patterns) { if (!isNonEmptyString(patterns) && !isArrayOfNonEmptyString(patterns)) { throw new Error("'patterns' must be a non-empty string or an array of non-empty strings"); } const { cliEngine } = privateMembersMap.get(this); return processCLIEngineLintReport( cliEngine, cliEngine.executeOnFiles(patterns) ); } /** * Executes the current configuration on text. * @param {string} code A string of JavaScript code to lint. * @param {Object} [options] The options. * @param {string} [options.filePath] The path to the file of the source code. * @param {boolean} [options.warnIgnored] When set to true, warn if given filePath is an ignored path. * @returns {Promise} The results of linting the string of code given. */ async lintText(code, options = {}) { if (typeof code !== "string") { throw new Error("'code' must be a string"); } if (typeof options !== "object") { throw new Error("'options' must be an object, null, or undefined"); } const { filePath, warnIgnored = false, ...unknownOptions } = options || {}; const unknownOptionKeys = Object.keys(unknownOptions); if (unknownOptionKeys.length > 0) { throw new Error(`'options' must not include the unknown option(s): ${unknownOptionKeys.join(", ")}`); } if (filePath !== void 0 && !isNonEmptyString(filePath)) { throw new Error("'options.filePath' must be a non-empty string or undefined"); } if (typeof warnIgnored !== "boolean") { throw new Error("'options.warnIgnored' must be a boolean or undefined"); } const { cliEngine } = privateMembersMap.get(this); return processCLIEngineLintReport( cliEngine, cliEngine.executeOnText(code, filePath, warnIgnored) ); } /** * Returns the formatter representing the given formatter name. * @param {string} [name] The name of the formatter to load. * The following values are allowed: * - `undefined` ... Load `stylish` builtin formatter. * - A builtin formatter name ... Load the builtin formatter. * - A third-party formatter name: * - `foo` → `eslint-formatter-foo` * - `@foo` → `@foo/eslint-formatter` * - `@foo/bar` → `@foo/eslint-formatter-bar` * - A file path ... Load the file. * @returns {Promise} A promise resolving to the formatter object. * This promise will be rejected if the given formatter was not found or not * a function. */ async loadFormatter(name = "stylish") { if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new Error("'name' must be a string"); } const { cliEngine, options } = privateMembersMap.get(this); const formatter = cliEngine.getFormatter(name); if (typeof formatter !== "function") { throw new Error(`Formatter must be a function, but got a ${typeof formatter}.`); } return { /** * The main formatter method. * @param {LintResult[]} results The lint results to format. * @param {ResultsMeta} resultsMeta Warning count and max threshold. * @returns {string | Promise} The formatted lint results. */ format(results, resultsMeta) { let rulesMeta = null; results.sort(compareResultsByFilePath); return formatter(results, { ...resultsMeta, get cwd() { return options.cwd; }, get rulesMeta() { if (!rulesMeta) { rulesMeta = createRulesMeta(cliEngine.getRules()); } return rulesMeta; } }); } }; } /** * Returns a configuration object for the given file based on the CLI options. * This is the same logic used by the ESLint CLI executable to determine * configuration for each file it processes. * @param {string} filePath The path of the file to retrieve a config object for. * @returns {Promise} A configuration object for the file. */ async calculateConfigForFile(filePath) { if (!isNonEmptyString(filePath)) { throw new Error("'filePath' must be a non-empty string"); } const { cliEngine } = privateMembersMap.get(this); return cliEngine.getConfigForFile(filePath); } /** * Checks if a given path is ignored by ESLint. * @param {string} filePath The path of the file to check. * @returns {Promise} Whether or not the given path is ignored. */ async isPathIgnored(filePath) { if (!isNonEmptyString(filePath)) { throw new Error("'filePath' must be a non-empty string"); } const { cliEngine } = privateMembersMap.get(this); return cliEngine.isPathIgnored(filePath); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { ESLint, /** * Get the private class members of a given ESLint instance for tests. * @param {ESLint} instance The ESLint instance to get. * @returns {ESLintPrivateMembers} The instance's private class members. */ getESLintPrivateMembers(instance) { return privateMembersMap.get(instance); } };