// Copyright (C) 2003  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net), Miguel Grinberg
// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.

#error "DLIB_ISO_CPP_ONLY is defined so you can't use this OS dependent code.  Turn DLIB_ISO_CPP_ONLY off if you want to use it."

#include "sockets_kernel_abstract.h"

#include "../algs.h"
#include <string>
#include "../threads.h"
#include "../smart_pointers.h"
#include "../uintn.h"

namespace dlib

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // forward declarations
    class socket_factory;
    class listener;
    class SOCKET_container;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // lookup functions

    get_local_hostname (
        std::string& hostname

// -----------------

    hostname_to_ip (
        const std::string& hostname,
        std::string& ip,
        int n = 0

// -----------------

    ip_to_hostname (
        const std::string& ip,
        std::string& hostname

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // connection object
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    class connection
                - sd                      == false
                - sdo                     == false
                - sdr                     == 0

                - connection_socket       == the socket handle for this connection.  
                - connection_foreign_port == the port that foreign host is using for 
                  this connection.
                - connection_foreign_ip   == a string containing the IP address of the 
                  foreign host.
                - connection_local_port   == the port that the local host is using for 
                  this connection.
                - connection_local_ip     == a string containing the IP address of the 
                  local interface being used by this connection.

                - sd == if shutdown() has been called then true else false.
                - sdo == if shutdown_outgoing() has been called then true else false.
                - sdr == the return value of shutdown() if it has been called.  if it 
                  hasn't been called then 0.

        friend class listener;                // make listener a friend of connection
        // make create_connection a friend of connection
        friend int create_connection ( 
            connection*& new_connection,
            unsigned short foreign_port, 
            const std::string& foreign_ip, 
            unsigned short local_port,
            const std::string& local_ip 


        ~connection (

        void* user_data;

        long write (
            const char* buf, 
            long num

        long read (
            char* buf, 
            long num

        long read (
            char* buf, 
            long num,
            unsigned long timeout

        unsigned short get_local_port (
        ) const {  return connection_local_port; }

        unsigned short get_foreign_port ( 
        ) const { return connection_foreign_port; }

        const std::string& get_local_ip (
        ) const { return connection_local_ip; }

        const std::string& get_foreign_ip (
        ) const { return connection_foreign_ip; }

        int shutdown_outgoing (

        int shutdown (

        // I would use SOCKET here but I don't want to include the windows
        // header files since they bring in a bunch of unpleasantness.  So
        // I'm doing this instead which should ultimately be the same type
        // as the SOCKET win the windows API.
        typedef unsigned_type<void*>::type socket_descriptor_type;

        int disable_nagle(

        socket_descriptor_type get_socket_descriptor (
        ) const;


        bool readable (
            unsigned long timeout 
        ) const;
                - timeout < 2000000  
                - returns true if a read call on this connection will not block. 
                - returns false if a read call on this connection will block or if 
                  there was an error. 

        bool sd_called (
                - returns true if shutdown() has been called else
                  returns false
            bool temp = sd;
            return temp;

        bool sdo_called (
                - returns true if shutdown_outgoing() or shutdown() has been called 
                  else returns false
            bool temp = false;
            if (sdo || sd)
                temp = true;
            return temp;

        // data members
        SOCKET_container& connection_socket;
        const unsigned short connection_foreign_port;
        const std::string connection_foreign_ip; 
        const unsigned short connection_local_port;
        const std::string connection_local_ip;

        bool sd;  // called shutdown
        bool sdo; // called shutdown_outgoing
        int sdr; // return value for shutdown 
        mutex sd_mutex; // a lock for the three above vars

            SOCKET_container sock,
            unsigned short foreign_port, 
            const std::string& foreign_ip, 
            unsigned short local_port,
            const std::string& local_ip
                sock is a socket handle and 
                sock is the handle for the connection between foreign_ip:foreign_port 
                and local_ip:local_port
                *this is initialized correctly with the above parameters

        // restricted functions
        connection(connection&);        // copy constructor
        connection& operator=(connection&);    // assignment operator

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // listener object
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    class listener
                if (inaddr_any == false)
                    listening_ip == a string containing the address the listener is 
                                    listening on
                    the listener is listening on all interfaces
                listening_port == the port the listener is listening on
                listening_socket == the listening socket handle for this object

        // make the create_listener a friend of listener
        friend int create_listener (
            listener*& new_listener,
            unsigned short port,
            const std::string& ip 


        ~listener (

        int accept (
            connection*& new_connection,
            unsigned long timeout = 0

        int accept (
            scoped_ptr<connection>& new_connection,
            unsigned long timeout = 0

        unsigned short get_listening_port (
        ) { return listening_port; }

        const std::string& get_listening_ip (
        ) { return listening_ip; }


        // data members
        SOCKET_container& listening_socket;
        const unsigned short listening_port;
        const std::string listening_ip;
        const bool inaddr_any;

            SOCKET_container sock,
            unsigned short port,
            const std::string& ip
                sock is a socket handle                                             and 
                sock is listening on the port and ip(may be "") indicated in the 
                above parameters
                *this is initialized correctly with the above parameters

        // restricted functions
        listener(listener&);        // copy constructor
        listener& operator=(listener&);    // assignment operator

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    int create_listener (
        listener*& new_listener,
        unsigned short port,
        const std::string& ip = ""

    int create_connection ( 
        connection*& new_connection,
        unsigned short foreign_port, 
        const std::string& foreign_ip, 
        unsigned short local_port = 0,
        const std::string& local_ip = ""

    int create_listener (
        scoped_ptr<listener>& new_listener,
        unsigned short port,
        const std::string& ip = ""

    int create_connection ( 
        scoped_ptr<connection>& new_connection,
        unsigned short foreign_port, 
        const std::string& foreign_ip, 
        unsigned short local_port = 0,
        const std::string& local_ip = ""

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include "sockets_kernel_1.cpp"

#endif // DLIB_SOCKETS_KERNEl_1_