#### this is going to need some refactoring so that HyperMesh can add its methods in here... module Hyperloop # Client side handling of synchronization messages # When a synchronization message comes in, the client will sync_dispatch # We use ERB to determine the configuration and implement the appropriate # client interface to sync_change or sync_destroy class Application def self.acting_user_id ClientDrivers.opts[:acting_user_id] end end if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' def self.connect(*channels) channels.each do |channel| if channel.is_a? Class IncomingBroadcast.connect_to(channel.name) elsif channel.is_a?(String) || channel.is_a?(Array) IncomingBroadcast.connect_to(*channel) elsif channel.id IncomingBroadcast.connect_to(channel.class.name, channel.id) else raise "cannot connect to model before it has been saved" end end end def self.action_cable_consumer ClientDrivers.opts[:action_cable_consumer] end class IncomingBroadcast def self.open_channels @open_channels ||= Set.new end def self.add_connection(channel_name, id = nil) channel_string = "#{channel_name}#{'-'+id.to_s if id}" open_channels << channel_string channel_string end def self.connect_to(channel_name, id = nil) channel_string = add_connection(channel_name, id) if ClientDrivers.opts[:transport] == :pusher channel = "#{ClientDrivers.opts[:channel]}-#{channel_string}" %x{ var channel = #{ClientDrivers.opts[:pusher_api]}.subscribe(#{channel.gsub('::', '==')}); channel.bind('dispatch', #{ClientDrivers.opts[:dispatch]}) channel.bind('pusher:subscription_succeeded', #{lambda {ClientDrivers.get_queued_data("connect-to-transport", channel_string)}}) } elsif ClientDrivers.opts[:transport] == :action_cable channel = "#{ClientDrivers.opts[:channel]}-#{channel_string}" HTTP.post(ClientDrivers.polling_path('action-cable-auth', channel)).then do |response| %x{ #{Hyperloop.action_cable_consumer}.subscriptions.create( { channel: "Hyperloop::ActionCableChannel", client_id: #{ClientDrivers.opts[:id]}, hyperloop_channel: #{channel_string}, authorization: #{response.json[:authorization]}, salt: #{response.json[:salt]} }, { connected: function() { #{ClientDrivers.get_queued_data("connect-to-transport", channel_string)} }, received: function(data) { #{ClientDrivers.sync_dispatch(JSON.parse(`JSON.stringify(data)`)['data'])} } } ) } end else HTTP.get(ClientDrivers.polling_path(:subscribe, channel_string)) end end end end class ClientDrivers include React::IsomorphicHelpers def self.sync_dispatch(data) # TODO old synchromesh double checked at this point to make sure that this client # expected to recieve from the channel the data was sent on. Was that really needed? data[:operation].constantize.dispatch_from_server(data[:params]) end # save the configuration info needed in window.HyperloopOpts # we keep a list of all channels by session with connections in progress # for each broadcast we check the list, and add the message to a queue for that # session. When the client is informed that the connection has completed # we call the server, this will return ALL the broadcasts (cool) and # will remove the session from the list. prerender_footer do |controller| next if Hyperloop.transport == :none if defined?(PusherFake) path = ::Rails.application.routes.routes.detect do |route| route.app == Hyperloop::Engine || (route.app.respond_to?(:app) && route.app.app == Hyperloop::Engine) end.path.spec pusher_fake_js = PusherFake.javascript( auth: { headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token' => controller.send(:form_authenticity_token) } }, authEndpoint: "#{path}/hyperloop-pusher-auth" ) end controller.session.delete 'hyperloop-dummy-init' unless controller.session.id id = "#{SecureRandom.uuid}-#{controller.session.id}" config_hash = { transport: Hyperloop.transport, id: id, acting_user_id: (controller.acting_user && controller.acting_user.id), client_logging: Hyperloop.client_logging, pusher_fake_js: pusher_fake_js, key: Hyperloop.key, encrypted: Hyperloop.encrypted, channel: Hyperloop.channel, form_authenticity_token: controller.send(:form_authenticity_token), seconds_between_poll: Hyperloop.seconds_between_poll, auto_connect: Hyperloop::AutoConnect.channels(id, controller.acting_user) } path = ::Rails.application.routes.routes.detect do |route| # not sure why the second check is needed. It happens in the test app route.app == Hyperloop::Engine or (route.app.respond_to?(:app) and route.app.app == Hyperloop::Engine) end raise 'Hyperloop::Engine mount point not found. Check your config/routes.rb file' unless path path = path.path.spec "\n" end if RUBY_ENGINE != 'opal' class << self attr_reader :opts end def self.get_queued_data(operation, channel = nil, opts = {}) HTTP.get(polling_path(operation, channel), opts).then do |response| response.json.each do |data| sync_dispatch(data[1]) end end end def self.initialize_client_drivers_on_boot if @initialized # 1) skip initialization if already initialized # 2) if running action_cable make sure connection is up after pinging the server_up # action cable closes the connection if files change on the server HTTP.get("#{`window.HyperloopEnginePath`}/server_up") do `#{Hyperloop.action_cable_consumer}.connection.open()` end if Hyperloop.action_cable_consumer return end @initialized = true if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' @opts = Hash.new(`window.HyperloopOpts`) end if on_opal_client? if opts[:transport] == :pusher opts[:dispatch] = lambda do |data| sync_dispatch JSON.parse(`JSON.stringify(#{data})`) end if opts[:client_logging] && `window.console && window.console.log` `Pusher.log = function(message) {window.console.log(message);}` end if opts[:pusher_fake_js] opts[:pusher_api] = `eval(#{opts[:pusher_fake_js]})` else h = nil pusher_api = nil %x{ h = { encrypted: #{opts[:encrypted]}, authEndpoint: window.HyperloopEnginePath+'/hyperloop-pusher-auth', auth: {headers: {'X-CSRF-Token': #{opts[:form_authenticity_token]}}} }; pusher_api = new Pusher(#{opts[:key]}, h) } opts[:pusher_api] = pusher_api end Hyperloop.connect(*opts[:auto_connect]) elsif opts[:transport] == :action_cable opts[:action_cable_consumer] = `ActionCable.createConsumer.apply(ActionCable, #{[*opts[:action_cable_consumer_url]]})` Hyperloop.connect(*opts[:auto_connect]) elsif opts[:transport] == :simple_poller opts[:auto_connect].each { |channel| IncomingBroadcast.add_connection(*channel) } every(opts[:seconds_between_poll]) do get_queued_data(:read, nil, headers: {'X-HYPERLOOP-SILENT-REQUEST' => true }) end end end end def self.polling_path(to, id = nil) s = "#{`window.HyperloopEnginePath`}/hyperloop-#{to}/#{opts[:id]}" s = "#{s}/#{id}" if id s end end end