module Scorpion module Rails module ActiveRecord # Make sure that all models return by the relation inherit the relation's # scorpion. module Relation include Scorpion::Stinger # ============================================================================ # @!group Attributes # include Scorpion::Method # # @!endgroup Attributes # Elect to use a specific scorpion for all further operations in the # chain. # # @example # # User.all.with_scorpion( scorpion ).where( ... ) # User.with_scorpion( scorpion ).where( ... ) def with_scorpion( scorpion ) spawn.tap do |other| other.send :scorpion=, scorpion end end # from ActiveRecord::Relation [ :new, :build, :create, :create! ].each do |method| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{ method }( *args, &block ) super *args do |*block_args| sting!( block_args ) yield *block_args if block_given? end end RUBY end # from ActiveRecord::SpawnMethods def spawn sting!( super ) end private # from ActiveRecord::Relation def exec_queries( *args, &block ) sting!( super ) end # from ActiveRecord::SpawnMethods def relation_with( *args ) sting!( super ) end end end end end