resque-retry ============ A [Resque][rq] plugin. Requires Resque 1.8.0 & [resque-scheduler][rqs] resque-retry provides retry, delay and exponential backoff support for resque jobs. ### Features - Redis backed retry count/limit. - Retry on all or specific exceptions. - Exponential backoff (varying the delay between retrys). - Small & Extendable - plenty of places to override retry logic/settings. Usage / Examples ---------------- Just extend your module/class with this module, and your ready to retry! Customisation is pretty easy, the below examples should give you some ideas =), adapt for your own usage and feel free to pick and mix! ### Retry Retry the job **once** on failure, with zero delay. require 'require-retry' class DeliverWebHook extend Resque::Plugins::Retry @queue = :web_hooks def self.perform(url, hook_id, hmac_key) heavy_lifting end end When a job runs, the number of retry attempts is checked and incremented in Redis. If your job fails, the number of retry attempts is used to determine if we can requeue the job for another go. ### Custom Retry class DeliverWebHook extend Resque::Plugins::Retry @queue = :web_hooks @retry_limit = 10 @retry_delay = 120 def self.perform(url, hook_id, hmac_key) heavy_lifting end end The above modification will allow your job to retry upto 10 times, with a delay of 120 seconds, or 2 minutes between retry attempts. Alternatively you could override the `retry_delay` method to do something more special. ### Exponential Backoff Use this if you wish to vary the delay between retry attempts: class DeliverSMS extend Resque::Plugins::ExponentialBackoff @queue = :mt_messages def self.perform(mt_id, mobile_number, message) heavy_lifting end end **Default Settings** key: m = minutes, h = hours no delay, 1m, 10m, 1h, 3h, 6h @backoff_strategy = [0, 60, 600, 3600, 10800, 21600] The first delay will be 0 seconds, the 2nd will be 60 seconds, etc... Again, tweak to your own needs. The number if retrys is equal to the size of the `backoff_strategy` array, unless you set `retry_limit` yourself. ### Retry Specific Exceptions The default will allow a retry for any type of exception. You may change it so only specific exceptions are retried using `retry_exceptions`: class DeliverSMS extend Resque::Plugins::Retry @queue = :mt_messages @retry_exceptions = [NetworkError] def self.perform(mt_id, mobile_number, message) heavy_lifting end end The above modification will **only** retry if a `NetworkError` (or subclass) exception is thrown. Customise & Extend ------------------ Please take a look at the yardoc/code for more details on methods you may wish to override. Some things worth noting: ### Job Identifier/Key The retry attempt is incremented and stored in a Redis key. The key is built using the `identifier`. If you have a lot of arguments or really long ones, you should consider overriding `identifier` to define a more precise or loose custom identifier. The default identifier is just your job arguments joined with a dash `-`. By default the key uses this format: `resque-retry::`. Or you can define the entire key by overriding `redis_retry_key`. class DeliverSMS extend Resque::Plugins::Retry @queue = :mt_messages def self.identifier(mt_id, mobile_number, message) "#{mobile_number}:#{mt_id}" end self.perform(mt_id, mobile_number, message) heavy_lifting end end ### Retry Arguments You may override `args_for_retry`, which is passed the current job arguments, to modify the arguments for the next retry attempt. class DeliverViaSMSC extend Resque::Plugins::Retry @queue = :mt_smsc_messages # retry using the emergency SMSC. def self.args_for_retry(smsc_id, mt_message) [999, mt_message] end self.perform(smsc_id, mt_message) heavy_lifting end end Install ------- $ gem install resque-retry [rq]: [rqs]: