module LDAP class Server # A class which describes LDAP SyntaxDescriptions. For now there is # a global pool of Syntax objects (rather than each Schema object # having its own set) class Syntax attr_reader :oid, :nhr, :binary, :desc # Create a new Syntax object def initialize(oid, desc=nil, opt={}, &blk) @oid = oid @desc = desc @nhr = opt[:nhr] # not human-readable? @binary = opt[:binary] # binary encoding forced? @re = opt[:re] # regular expression for parsing @def = nil instance_eval(&blk) if blk end def to_s @oid end # Create a new Syntax object, given its description string def self.from_def(str, &blk) m = LDAPSyntaxDescription.match(str) raise LDAP::ResultError::InvalidAttributeSyntax, "Bad SyntaxTypeDescription #{str.inspect}" unless m new(m[1], m[2], :nhr=>(m[3] == 'TRUE'), :binary=>(m[4] == 'TRUE'), &blk) end # Convert this object to its description string def to_def return @def if @def ans = "( #@oid " ans << "DESC '#@desc' " if @desc # These are OpenLDAP extensions ans << "X-BINARY-TRANSFER-REQUIRED 'TRUE' " if @binary ans << "X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE 'TRUE' " if @nhr ans << ")" @def = ans end # Return true or a MatchData object if the given value is allowed # by this syntax def match(val) return true if @re.nil? @re.match(value_to_s(val)) end # Convert a value for this syntax into its canonical string representation # (not yet used, but seemed like a good idea) def value_to_s(val) val.to_s end # Convert a string value for this syntax into a Ruby-like value # (not yet used, but seemed like a good idea) def value_from_s(val) val end @@syntaxes = {} # Add a new syntax definition def self.add(*args, &blk) s = new(*args, &blk) @@syntaxes[s.oid] = s end # Find a Syntax object given an oid. If not known, return a new empty # Syntax object associated with this oid. def self.find(oid) return oid if oid.nil? or oid.is_a?(LDAP::Server::Syntax) return @@syntaxes[oid] if @@syntaxes[oid] add(oid) end # Return all known syntax objects def self.all_syntaxes @@syntaxes.values.uniq end # Shared constants for regexp-based syntax parsers KEYSTR = "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9;-]*" NUMERICOID = "( \\d[\\d.]+\\d )" WOID = "\\s* ( #{KEYSTR} | \\d[\\d.]+\\d ) \\s*" _WOID = "\\s* (?: #{KEYSTR} | \\d[\\d.]+\\d ) \\s*" OIDS = "( #{_WOID} | \\s* \\( #{_WOID} (?: \\$ #{_WOID} )* \\) \\s* )" _QDESCR = "\\s* ' #{KEYSTR} ' \\s*" QDESCRS = "( #{_QDESCR} | \\s* \\( (?:#{_QDESCR})+ \\) \\s* )" QDSTRING = "\\s* ' (.*?) ' \\s*" NOIDLEN = "(\\d[\\d.]+\\d) (?: \\{ (\\d+) \\} )?" ATTRIBUTEUSAGE = "(userApplications|directoryOperation|distributedOperation|dSAOperation)" end class Syntax # These are the 'SHOULD' support syntaxes from RFC2252 section 6 AttributeTypeDescription = add("", "Attribute Type Description", :re=> %r! \A \s* \( \s* #{NUMERICOID} \s* (?: NAME #{QDESCRS} )? (?: DESC #{QDSTRING} )? ( OBSOLETE \s* )? (?: SUP #{WOID} )? (?: EQUALITY #{WOID} )? (?: ORDERING #{WOID} )? (?: SUBSTR #{WOID} )? (?: SYNTAX \s* #{NOIDLEN} \s* )? # capture 2 ( SINGLE-VALUE \s* )? ( COLLECTIVE \s* )? ( NO-USER-MODIFICATION \s* )? (?: USAGE \s* #{ATTRIBUTEUSAGE} )? \s* \) \s* \z !xu) add("", "Binary", :nhr=>true) # FIXME: value_to_s should BER-encode the value?? add("", "Bit String", :re=>/\A'([01]*)'B\z/) # FIXME: convert to FixNum? add("", "Boolean", :re=>/\A(TRUE|FALSE)\z/) do def self.value_to_s(v) return v if v.is_a?(string) v ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" end def self.value_from_s(v) v.upcase == "TRUE" end end add("", "Certificate", :binary=>true, :nhr=>true) add("", "Certificate List", :binary=>true, :nhr=>true) add("", "Certificate Pair", :binary=>true, :nhr=>true) add("", "Country String", :re=>/\A[A-Z]{2}\z/i) add("", "Distinguished Name") # FIXME: validate DN? add("", "Directory String") # missed due to lack of interest: "DIT Content Rule Description" add("", "Facsimile Telephone Number") add("", "Fax", :nhr=>true) add("", "Generalized Time") # FIXME: Validate Generalized Time (find X.208) and convert to/from Ruby Time add("", "IA5 String") add("", "Integer", :re=>/\A\d+\z/) do def self.value_from_s(v) v.to_i end end add("", "JPEG", :nhr=>true) MatchingRuleDescription = add("", "Matching Rule Description", :re=> %r! \A \s* \( \s* #{NUMERICOID} \s* (?: NAME #{QDESCRS} )? (?: DESC #{QDSTRING} )? ( OBSOLETE \s* )? SYNTAX \s* #{NUMERICOID} \s* \s* \) \s* \z !xu) MatchingRuleUseDescription = add("", "Matching Rule Use Description", :re=> %r! \A \s* \( \s* #{NUMERICOID} \s* (?: NAME #{QDESCRS} )? (?: DESC #{QDSTRING} )? ( OBSOLETE \s* )? APPLIES \s* #{OIDS} \s* \s* \) \s* \z !xu) add("", "MHS OR Address") add("", "Name And Optional UID") # missed due to lack of interest: "Name Form Description" add("", "Numeric String", :re=>/\A\d+\z/) ObjectClassDescription = add("", "Object Class Description", :re=> %r! \A \s* \( \s* #{NUMERICOID} \s* (?: NAME #{QDESCRS} )? (?: DESC #{QDSTRING} )? ( OBSOLETE \s* )? (?: SUP #{OIDS} )? (?: ( ABSTRACT|STRUCTURAL|AUXILIARY ) \s* )? (?: MUST #{OIDS} )? (?: MAY #{OIDS} )? \s* \) \s* \z !xu) add("", "OID", :re=>/\A#{WOID}\z/xu) add("", "Other Mailbox") add("", "Postal Address") do def self.value_from_s(v) v.split(/\$/) end def self.value_to_s(v) return v.join("$") if v.is_a?(Array) return v end end add("", "Presentation Address") add("", "Printable String") add("", "Telephone Number") add("", "UTC Time") LDAPSyntaxDescription = add("", "LDAP Syntax Description", :re=> %r! \A \s* \( \s* #{NUMERICOID} \s* (?: DESC #{QDSTRING} )? (?: X-BINARY-TRANSFER-REQUIRED \s* ' (TRUE|FALSE) ' \s* )? (?: X-NOT-HUMAN-READABLE \s* ' (TRUE|FALSE) ' \s* )? \s* \) \s* \z !xu) # Missed due to lack of interest: "DIT Structure Rule Description" # A few others from RFC2252 section 4.3.2 add("", "Audio", :nhr=>true) add("", "Octet String") add("", "Substring Assertion") end end # class Server end # module LDAP