This is v1.0.8
of git multi … hooray!
There are some options for git multi
itself, in which case it
is invoked as follows:
git multi <dash_dash_option> [<option_arguments>]
To execute the same git command in multiple repositories, the invocation is as follows:
git multi <git_command> [<git_command_arguments>]
Convenient way to execute the same git command in a set of related repos, currently the repositories of a GitHub user, incl. the organizations they are a member of; the repo list is determined via a GitHub API v3 call, and cached locally (in binary format) for performance and offline usage.
- --help
you’re looking at it: show the man page
- --html
open the HTML version of the man page
- --check
checks all the required settings and configurations
- --version
print out this script’s version number
- --refresh
refresh the list of user & organization repos
- --json
output repository details to JSON
- --count
print out the count of repos (per type)
- --list
print out the names of all repos
- --archived
print out the names of all repos
- --forked
print out the names of all repos
- --private
print out the names of all repos
- --paths
print out the full path for each repos
- --spurious
list cloned repos whose remote doesn’t match a origin
- --missing
print out names of repos that haven’t been cloned
- --stale
list repos that have been deleted on
- --excess
list repos that don’t exist on
- --clone
clones missing repositories into
(by default) - --query (args)
query GitHub repo metadata for each repository
- --find <ruby>
print out the repos for which the Ruby code evaluates to true
- --eval <ruby>
execute the given Ruby code in the context of each repo
- --raw <cmd>
execute the given shell command inside each git repository
count the number of repos
git multi --list | wc -l
disk usage of each locally cloned repo
git multi --paths | xargs -n 1 du -hs
disk usage using the --raw
git multi --raw 'du -hs .'
group and count the repos by GitHub-determined language
git multi --query language | cut -f 2 -d : | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
find out the most-used Ruby versions
git multi --raw '[ -f .ruby-version ] && cat .ruby-version' | cut -f 2 -d : | sort | uniq -c | sort -n -r
find GitHub repos without a description
git multi --query description | egrep ': *$'
fetch remote branches for all repos
git multi fetch -p
print out the local branch for each repo
git multi rev-parse --abbrev-ref=strict HEAD
find all repos for which the origin remote isn’t
git multi config --get remote.origin.url | fgrep -v
a kind of "repository creation" report: count the number of repos created in each quarter
git multi --eval "class ::Time; def quarter() (month.to_f / 3.0).ceil; end; end; puts format('%d-Q%d', created_at.year, created_at.quarter)" | sort | uniq -c
for each repo, list all remote branches, sorted by the "age" of the last commit on each branch
git multi for-each-ref --sort="-authordate" --format="%(refname)%09%(authordate:relative)%09%(authorname)" refs/remotes/origin
same as above, but columnize the generated output (NOTE: replace ^I with CTRL-V/CTRL-I in your terminal)
git multi for-each-ref --sort="-authordate" --format="%(refname)%09%(authordate:relative)%09%(authorname)" refs/remotes/origin | column -t -s "^I"
same as above, but refresh the list of remote branches first
git multi fetch -p ; git multi for-each-ref --sort="-authordate" --format="%(refname)%09%(authordate:relative)%09%(authorname)" refs/remotes/origin
find all Rails projects
git multi --raw '[ -f Gemfile ] && fgrep -q -l rails Gemfile && echo uses Rails' | cat
find all Mongoid dependencies
git multi --raw '[ -f Gemfile.lock ] && egrep -i "^ mongoid (.*)" Gemfile.lock' | column -s: -t
find all projects that have been pushed to in the last week
git multi --find '(( - pushed_at) / 60 / 60 / 24) <= 7'
print out the number of days since the last push to each repository
git multi --eval 'puts "%d days" % (( - pushed_at) / 60 / 60 / 24)'
find all projects that have seen activity this calendar year
git multi --find 'pushed_at >= Date.civil(, 1, 1).to_time'
print out all webhooks
git multi --eval '(hooks = client.hooks(project.full_name)).any? && begin print project.full_name ; print "\t" ; puts { |hook| ["",, hook.config.url].join("\t") } ; end'
print out all deploy keys
git multi --eval '(keys = client.list_deploy_keys(project.full_name)).any? && begin print project.full_name ; print "\t" ; puts"\t") ; end'
find all organization repositories that depend on a given org repo, e.g. business_rules
git multi --graph | fgrep business_rules
generate a dependency graph of all organization repositories using
DEPENDENCIES=$( git multi --graph | ruby -n -e 'parent, children = $_.split(": ") ; puts children.split(" ").map { |child| "[#{parent}]->[#{child}]" }' | tr '\n' ',' ) ; open "${DEPENDENCIES}"
generate a dependency graph of all organization repositories using Graphviz
git multi --graph | ruby -n -e 'parent, children = $_.split(": ") ; puts children.split(" ").map { |child| "\"#{parent}\"->\"#{child}\";" }' | awk 'BEGIN { print "digraph {\nrankdir=\"LR\";\n" } ; { print ; } END { print "}\n" } ; ' | dot -Tpng > /tmp/ghor.png ; open -a Preview /tmp/ghor.png
The following is a list of valid arguments for the git multi --query
archive_url archived assignees_url
blobs_url branches_url clone_url
collaborators_url comments_url commits_url
compare_url contents_url contributors_url
created_at default_branch deployments_url
description downloads_url events_url
fork forks forks_count
forks_url full_name git_commits_url
git_refs_url git_tags_url git_url
has_downloads has_issues has_pages
has_projects has_wiki homepage
hooks_url html_url id
issue_comment_url issue_events_url issues_url
keys_url labels_url language
languages_url license merges_url
milestones_url mirror_url name
network_count node_id notifications_url
open_issues open_issues_count organization
owner permissions private
pulls_url pushed_at releases_url
size ssh_url stargazers_count
stargazers_url statuses_url subscribers_count
subscribers_url subscription_url svn_url
tags_url teams_url trees_url
updated_at url watchers
is like sed
for JSON data… all of the above query arguments can be
used in conjunction with jq
to query, filter, map and transform the GitHub
repository attributes stored in the local, binary repository cache; here
are some examples:
# print out each repository's name and its description
git multi --json | jq '.[] | .name + ": " + .description'
# print out the name of all "forked" repositories
git multi --json | jq '.[] | select(.fork == true) | .full_name'
root directory where repos will been cloned
local, binary cache of GitHub repository metadata
homepage for
: -
the GitHub API:
command-line utility: