describe('Factory: Nofification', function() { var Notification, foreman; beforeEach(module('Bastion.components')); beforeEach(module(function ($provide) { foreman = { toastNotifications: { notify: function () {} } }; $provide.value('foreman', foreman); })); beforeEach(inject(function (_Notification_) { Notification = _Notification_; spyOn(foreman.toastNotifications, 'notify'); })); it("provides a way to set error messages", function () { var message = "Everything is broken!"; Notification.setErrorMessage(message); expect(foreman.toastNotifications.notify).toHaveBeenCalledWith({message: message, type: 'danger'}); }); it("provides a way to set warning messages", function () { var message = "Everything ran correctly!"; Notification.setWarningMessage(message); expect(foreman.toastNotifications.notify).toHaveBeenCalledWith({message: message, type: 'warning'}); }); it("provides a way to set success messages", function () { var message = "Everything ran correctly!"; Notification.setSuccessMessage(message); expect(foreman.toastNotifications.notify).toHaveBeenCalledWith({message: message, type: 'success'}); }); it("allows message context to be specified for interpolation", function () { var message = "Everything ran correctly {{ ending }}!", options = {link: "", context: {ending: 'yay'}}, expectedMessage = 'Everything ran correctly yay!'; Notification.setSuccessMessage(message, options); expect(foreman.toastNotifications.notify).toHaveBeenCalledWith({message: expectedMessage, type: 'success', link:}); }); it("provides link to success task", function () { var message = "Everything ran correctly!"; options = {link: ""}; Notification.setSuccessMessage(message, options); expect(foreman.toastNotifications.notify).toHaveBeenCalledWith({message: message, type: 'success', link:}); }); });