require 'action_view' module ActionView::Helpers::Tags # TODO: Find a better way to solve this issue! # This patch is needed since this Rails commit: # class Base private if defined? ::ActiveRecord def value if @allow_method_names_outside_object object.send @method_name if object && object.respond_to?(@method_name, true) else object.send @method_name if object end end end end end RANSACK_FORM_BUILDER = 'RANSACK_FORM_BUILDER'.freeze require 'simple_form' if (ENV[RANSACK_FORM_BUILDER] || ''.freeze).match('SimpleForm'.freeze) module Ransack module Helpers class FormBuilder < (ENV[RANSACK_FORM_BUILDER].try(:constantize) || ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder) def label(method, *args, &block) options = args.extract_options! text = args.first i18n = options[:i18n] || {} text ||= object.translate( method, i18n.reverse_merge(include_associations: true) ) if object.respond_to? :translate super(method, text, options, &block) end def submit(value = nil, options = {}) value, options = nil, value if value.is_a?(Hash) value ||= Translate.word(:search).titleize super(value, options) end def attribute_select(options = nil, html_options = nil, action = nil) options ||= {} html_options ||= {} action ||= Constants::SEARCH default = options.delete(:default) raise ArgumentError, formbuilder_error_message( "#{action}_select") unless object.respond_to?(:context) options[:include_blank] = true unless options.has_key?(:include_blank) bases = [''.freeze].freeze + association_array(options[:associations]) if bases.size > 1 collection = attribute_collection_for_bases(action, bases) ||= default if can_use_default?( default, :name, mapped_values(collection.flatten(2)) ) template_grouped_collection_select(collection, options, html_options) else collection = collection_for_base(action, bases.first) ||= default if can_use_default?( default, :name, mapped_values(collection) ) template_collection_select(:name, collection, options, html_options) end end def sort_direction_select(options = {}, html_options = {}) unless object.respond_to?(:context) raise ArgumentError, formbuilder_error_message('sort_direction'.freeze) end template_collection_select(:dir, sort_array, options, html_options) end def sort_select(options = {}, html_options = {}) attribute_select(options, html_options, 'sort'.freeze) + sort_direction_select(options, html_options) end def sort_fields(*args, &block) search_fields(:s, args, block) end def sort_link(attribute, *args) @template.sort_link @object, attribute, *args end def sort_url(attribute, *args) @template.sort_url @object, attribute, *args end def condition_fields(*args, &block) search_fields(:c, args, block) end def grouping_fields(*args, &block) search_fields(:g, args, block) end def attribute_fields(*args, &block) search_fields(:a, args, block) end def predicate_fields(*args, &block) search_fields(:p, args, block) end def value_fields(*args, &block) search_fields(:v, args, block) end def search_fields(name, args, block) args << {} unless args.last.is_a?(Hash) args.last[:builder] ||= options[:builder] args.last[:parent_builder] = self options = args.extract_options! objects = args.shift objects ||= @object.send(name) objects = [objects] unless Array === objects name = "#{options[:object_name] || object_name}[#{name}]" objects.inject( do |output, child| output << @template.fields_for("#{name}[#{options[:child_index] || nested_child_index(name)}]", child, options, &block) end end def predicate_select(options = {}, html_options = {}) options[:compounds] = true if options[:compounds].nil? default = options.delete(:default) || Constants::CONT keys = if options[:compounds] Predicate.names else Predicate.names.reject { |k| k.match(/_(any|all)$/) } end if only = options[:only] if only.respond_to? :call keys = { |k| } else only = Array.wrap(only).map(&:to_s) keys = { |k| only.include? k.sub(/_(any|all)$/, ''.freeze) } end end collection = { |k| [k, Translate.predicate(k)] } object.predicate ||= Predicate.named(default) if can_use_default?(default, :predicate, keys) template_collection_select(:p, collection, options, html_options) end def combinator_select(options = {}, html_options = {}) template_collection_select( :m, combinator_choices, options, html_options) end private def template_grouped_collection_select(collection, options, html_options) @template.grouped_collection_select( @object_name, :name, collection, :last, :first, :first, :last, objectify_options(options), @default_options.merge(html_options) ) end def template_collection_select(name, collection, options, html_options) @template.collection_select( @object_name, name, collection, :first, :last, objectify_options(options), @default_options.merge(html_options) ) end def can_use_default?(default, attribute, values) object.respond_to?("#{attribute}=") && default && values.include?(default.to_s) end def mapped_values(values) { |v| v.is_a?(Array) ? v.first : nil }.compact end def sort_array [ ['asc'.freeze, object.translate('asc'.freeze)].freeze, ['desc'.freeze, object.translate('desc'.freeze)].freeze ].freeze end def combinator_choices if Nodes::Condition === object [ [Constants::OR, Translate.word(:any)], [Constants::AND, Translate.word(:all)] ] else [ [Constants::AND, Translate.word(:all)], [Constants::OR, Translate.word(:any)] ] end end def association_array(obj, prefix = nil) ([prefix] + association_object(obj)) .compact .flat_map { |v| [prefix, v].compact.join(Constants::UNDERSCORE) } end def association_object(obj) case obj when Array obj when Hash association_hash(obj) else [obj] end end def association_hash(obj) do |key, value| case value when Array, Hash association_array(value, key.to_s) else [key.to_s, [key, value].join(Constants::UNDERSCORE)] end end end def attribute_collection_for_bases(action, bases) { |base| get_attribute_element(action, base) }.compact end def get_attribute_element(action, base) begin [ Translate.association(base, context: object.context), collection_for_base(action, base) ] rescue UntraversableAssociationError nil end end def attribute_collection_for_base(attributes, base = nil) do |c| [ attr_from_base_and_column(base, c), Translate.attribute( attr_from_base_and_column(base, c), context: object.context ) ] end end def collection_for_base(action, base) attribute_collection_for_base( object.context.send("#{action}able_attributes", base), base) end def attr_from_base_and_column(base, column) [base, column].reject(&:blank?).join(Constants::UNDERSCORE) end def formbuilder_error_message(action) "#{action.sub(Constants::SEARCH, Constants::ATTRIBUTE) } must be called inside a search FormBuilder!" end end end end