/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef _PASSENGER_REMOTE_SENDER_H_ #define _PASSENGER_REMOTE_SENDER_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Passenger { using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace oxt; #ifdef PASSENGER_IS_ENTERPRISE #define UST_ROUTER_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION PROGRAM_NAME " Enterprise " PASSENGER_VERSION #else #define UST_ROUTER_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION PROGRAM_NAME " " PASSENGER_VERSION #endif class RemoteSender { private: struct Item { bool exit; bool compressed; string unionStationKey; string nodeName; string category; string data; Item() { exit = false; compressed = false; } }; class Server { public: enum SendResult { /** * The gateway accepted the packet. */ SR_OK, /** * Unable to contact the gateway: it appears to be down. * Unable to obtain a valid HTTP response from the gateway. */ SR_DOWN, /** * We were able to contact the gateway, but it appears to be * responding with gibberish. It might be so that the gateway * machine is up, but the actual service running inside is * down or malfunctioning. */ SR_MALFUNCTION, /** * We were able to contact the gateway, but the * rejected the packet by responding with an error. */ SR_REJECTED }; private: string ip; unsigned short port; string certificate; const CurlProxyInfo *proxyInfo; CURL *curl; struct curl_slist *headers; char lastCurlErrorMessage[CURL_ERROR_SIZE]; string hostHeader; string responseBody; string pingURL; string sinkURL; mutable boost::mutex syncher; string lastErrorMessage; unsigned long long lastErrorTime; unsigned long long lastSuccessTime; unsigned int pingErrors; unsigned int packetsAccepted; unsigned int packetsRejected; unsigned int packetsDropped; void resetConnection() { if (curl != NULL) { #ifdef HAS_CURL_EASY_RESET curl_easy_reset(curl); #else curl_easy_cleanup(curl); curl = NULL; #endif } if (curl == NULL) { curl = curl_easy_init(); if (curl == NULL) { throw IOException("Unable to create a CURL handle"); } } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 180); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, lastCurlErrorMessage); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, curlDataReceived); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this); if (certificate.empty()) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); } else { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 1); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_CAINFO, certificate.c_str()); } /* No host name verification because Curl thinks the * host name is the IP address. But if we have the * certificate then it doesn't matter. */ curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); setCurlProxy(curl, *proxyInfo); responseBody.clear(); } void prepareRequest(const string &url) { curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, url.c_str()); responseBody.clear(); } static bool validateResponse(const Json::Value &response) { if (response.isObject() && response["status"].isString()) { string status = response["status"].asString(); if (status == "ok") { return true; } else if (status == "error") { return response["message"].isString(); } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } SendResult handleSendResponse(const Item &item) { Json::Reader reader; Json::Value response; long httpCode = -1; curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &httpCode); if (!reader.parse(responseBody, response, false) || !validateResponse(response)) { setRequestError( "The Union Station gateway server " + ip + " encountered an error while processing sent analytics data. " "It sent an invalid response. Key: " + item.unionStationKey + ". Parse error: " + reader.getFormattedErrorMessages() + "; HTTP code: " + toString(httpCode) + "; data: \"" + cEscapeString(responseBody) + "\""); return SR_MALFUNCTION; } else if (response["status"].asString() == "ok") { if (httpCode == 200) { handleResponseSuccess(); P_DEBUG("The Union Station gateway server " << ip << " accepted the packet. Key: " << item.unionStationKey); return SR_OK; } else { setRequestError( "The Union Station gateway server " + ip + " encountered an error while processing sent " "analytics data. It sent an invalid response. Key: " + item.unionStationKey + ". HTTP code: " + toString(httpCode) + ". Data: \"" + cEscapeString(responseBody) + "\""); return SR_MALFUNCTION; } } else { // response == error setPacketRejectedError( "The Union Station gateway server " + ip + " did not accept the sent analytics data. " "Key: " + item.unionStationKey + ". " "Error: " + response["message"].asString()); return SR_REJECTED; } } void handleSendError(const Item &item) { setRequestError( "Could not send data to Union Station gateway server " + ip + ". It might be down. Key: " + item.unionStationKey + ". Error: " + lastCurlErrorMessage); } void setPingError(const string &message) { boost::lock_guard l(syncher); P_INFO(message); setLastErrorMessage(message); pingErrors++; } /** * Handles the case when SendResult == SR_DOWN * or SendResult == SR_MALFUNCTION. * See SendResult comments for notes. */ void setRequestError(const string &message) { boost::lock_guard l(syncher); P_ERROR(message); setLastErrorMessage(message); packetsDropped++; } /** * Handles the case when SendResult == SR_REJECTED. * See SendResult comments for notes. */ void setPacketRejectedError(const string &message) { boost::lock_guard l(syncher); P_ERROR(message); setLastErrorMessage(message); packetsRejected++; } void setLastErrorMessage(const string &message) { lastErrorMessage = message; lastErrorTime = SystemTime::getUsec(); } void handleResponseSuccess() { boost::lock_guard l(syncher); lastSuccessTime = SystemTime::getUsec(); packetsAccepted++; } static size_t curlDataReceived(void *buffer, size_t size, size_t nmemb, void *userData) { Server *self = (Server *) userData; self->responseBody.append((const char *) buffer, size * nmemb); return size * nmemb; } public: Server(const string &ip, const string &hostName, unsigned short port, const string &cert, const CurlProxyInfo *proxyInfo) { this->ip = ip; this->port = port; this->certificate = cert; this->proxyInfo = proxyInfo; hostHeader = "Host: " + hostName; headers = NULL; headers = curl_slist_append(headers, hostHeader.c_str()); if (headers == NULL) { throw IOException("Unable to create a CURL linked list"); } // Older libcurl versions didn't strdup() any option // strings so we need to keep these in memory. pingURL = string("https://") + ip + ":" + toString(port) + "/ping"; sinkURL = string("https://") + ip + ":" + toString(port) + "/sink"; curl = NULL; lastErrorTime = 0; lastSuccessTime = 0; pingErrors = 0; packetsAccepted = 0; packetsRejected = 0; packetsDropped = 0; resetConnection(); } ~Server() { if (curl != NULL) { curl_easy_cleanup(curl); } curl_slist_free_all(headers); } string name() const { return ip + ":" + toString(port); } bool ping() { P_INFO("Pinging Union Station gateway " << ip << ":" << port); ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(&Server::resetConnection, this)); prepareRequest(pingURL); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1); if (curl_easy_perform(curl) != 0) { setPingError( "Could not ping Union Station gateway server " + ip + ": " + lastCurlErrorMessage); return false; } if (responseBody == "pong") { guard.clear(); return true; } else { setPingError( "Union Station gateway server " + ip + " returned an unexpected ping message: " + responseBody); return false; } } SendResult send(const Item &item) { ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(&Server::resetConnection, this)); prepareRequest(sinkURL); struct curl_httppost *post = NULL; struct curl_httppost *last = NULL; string base64_data; curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_PTRNAME, "key", CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS, item.unionStationKey.c_str(), CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH, (long) item.unionStationKey.size(), CURLFORM_END); curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_PTRNAME, "node_name", CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS, item.nodeName.c_str(), CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH, (long) item.nodeName.size(), CURLFORM_END); curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_PTRNAME, "category", CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS, item.category.c_str(), CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH, (long) item.category.size(), CURLFORM_END); curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_PTRNAME, "client_description", CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS, UST_ROUTER_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION, CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH, (long) sizeof(UST_ROUTER_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION), CURLFORM_END); if (item.compressed) { base64_data = modp::b64_encode(item.data); curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_PTRNAME, "data", CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS, base64_data.data(), CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH, (long) base64_data.size(), CURLFORM_END); curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_PTRNAME, "compressed", CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS, "1", CURLFORM_END); } else { curl_formadd(&post, &last, CURLFORM_PTRNAME, "data", CURLFORM_PTRCONTENTS, item.data.c_str(), CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH, (long) item.data.size(), CURLFORM_END); } curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 0); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_HTTPPOST, post); P_DEBUG("Sending Union Station packet: key=" << item.unionStationKey << ", node=" << item.nodeName << ", category=" << item.category << ", compressedDataSize=" << item.data.size()); CURLcode code = curl_easy_perform(curl); curl_formfree(post); if (code == CURLE_OK) { guard.clear(); return handleSendResponse(item); } else { handleSendError(item); return SR_DOWN; } } Json::Value inspectStateAsJson() const { Json::Value doc, errorDoc; doc["sink_url"] = sinkURL; doc["ping_url"] = pingURL; boost::lock_guard l(syncher); if (lastErrorTime == 0) { doc["last_error_time"] = Json::Value(Json::nullValue); } else { doc["last_error_time"] = timeToJson(lastErrorTime); } if (!lastErrorMessage.empty()) { doc["last_error_message"] = lastErrorMessage; } if (lastSuccessTime == 0) { doc["last_success_time"] = Json::Value(Json::nullValue); } else { doc["last_success_time"] = timeToJson(lastSuccessTime); } errorDoc["ping_errors"] = pingErrors; errorDoc["packets_dropped"] = packetsDropped; errorDoc["packets_rejected"] = packetsRejected; doc["errors"] = errorDoc; doc["packets_accepted"] = packetsAccepted; return doc; } }; typedef boost::shared_ptr ServerPtr; string gatewayAddress; unsigned short gatewayPort; string certificate; CurlProxyInfo proxyInfo; BlockingQueue queue; oxt::thread *thr; mutable boost::mutex syncher; list upServers; vector downServers; time_t lastCheckupTime, nextCheckupTime; string lastDnsErrorMessage; unsigned int packetsAccepted, packetsRejected, packetsDropped; void threadMain() { ScopeGuard guard(boost::bind(&RemoteSender::freeThreadData, this)); while (true) { Item item; bool hasItem; if (firstStarted()) { item = queue.get(); hasItem = true; } else { hasItem = queue.timedGet(item, msecUntilNextCheckup()); } if (hasItem) { if (item.exit) { return; } else { if (timeForCheckup()) { recheckServers(); } sendOut(item); } } else if (timeForCheckup()) { recheckServers(); } } } bool firstStarted() const { boost::lock_guard l(syncher); return nextCheckupTime == 0; } void recheckServers() { P_INFO("Rechecking Union Station gateway servers (" << gatewayAddress << ")..."); vector ips; vector::const_iterator it; list upServers; vector downServers; try { ips = resolveHostname(gatewayAddress, gatewayPort); } catch (const tracable_exception &e) { P_ERROR(e.what()); // DNS errors tend to be temporary, so retry // after a short timeout. scheduleNextCheckup(1 * 60); // Take note of the error, but do not change the server // list so that the RemoteSender can keep working with // the last known server list. boost::lock_guard l(syncher); this->lastCheckupTime = SystemTime::get(); this->lastDnsErrorMessage = e.what(); return; } P_INFO(ips.size() << " Union Station gateway servers found"); for (it = ips.begin(); it != ips.end(); it++) { ServerPtr server = boost::make_shared( *it, gatewayAddress, gatewayPort, certificate, &proxyInfo); if (server->ping()) { upServers.push_back(server); } else { downServers.push_back(server); } } P_INFO(upServers.size() << " Union Station gateway servers are up"); if (downServers.empty()) { if (upServers.empty()) { // The DNS lookup was successful, but returned no results. // This is probably some kind of DNS misconfiguration which // the infrastructure team is working on, so we check back // in a short while. It may not help because DNS queries are // cached, but it's better than not trying. scheduleNextCheckup(1 * 60); } else { // If all gateways are healthy then the list of gateways // is unlikely to change, so schedule the next checkup // in 3 hours. scheduleNextCheckup(3 * 60 * 60); } } else { // If some gateways are down then the infrastructure team // is likely already working on the problem, so we check // back in 1 minute. scheduleNextCheckup(1 * 60); } boost::lock_guard l(syncher); this->lastCheckupTime = SystemTime::get(); this->upServers = upServers; this->downServers = downServers; this->lastDnsErrorMessage.clear(); } void freeThreadData() { boost::lock_guard l(syncher); // Invoke destructors inside this thread. upServers.clear(); downServers.clear(); } /** * Schedules the next checkup to be run after the given number * of seconds, unless there's already a checkup scheduled for * earlier. */ void scheduleNextCheckup(unsigned int seconds) { time_t now = SystemTime::get(); if (now >= nextCheckupTime || (time_t) (now + seconds) < nextCheckupTime) { nextCheckupTime = now + seconds; P_DEBUG("Next checkup time in about " << seconds << " seconds"); } } unsigned int msecUntilNextCheckup() const { boost::lock_guard l(syncher); time_t now = SystemTime::get(); if (now >= nextCheckupTime) { return 0; } else { return (nextCheckupTime - now) * 1000; } } bool timeForCheckup() const { boost::lock_guard l(syncher); return SystemTime::get() >= nextCheckupTime; } void sendOut(const Item &item) { boost::unique_lock l(syncher); bool done = false; bool accepted = false; bool rejected = false; bool upServersEmpty; while (!done && !upServers.empty()) { // Pick first available server and put it on the back of the list // for round-robin load balancing. ServerPtr server = upServers.front(); l.unlock(); Server::SendResult result = server->send(item); l.lock(); if (result == Server::SR_OK) { upServers.pop_front(); upServers.push_back(server); accepted = true; done = true; } else if (result == Server::SR_REJECTED) { upServers.pop_front(); upServers.push_back(server); rejected = true; done = true; } else { upServers.pop_front(); downServers.push_back(server); } } if (!downServers.empty()) { // If some gateways are down then the infrastructure team // is likely already working on the problem, so we check // back in 1 minute. scheduleNextCheckup(1 * 60); } if (accepted) { packetsAccepted++; } else if (rejected) { packetsRejected++; } else { packetsDropped++; } upServersEmpty = upServers.empty(); l.unlock(); if (!accepted && !rejected) { assert(upServersEmpty); (void) upServersEmpty; // Avoid compiler warning /* If all servers went down then all items in the queue will be * effectively dropped until after the next checkup has detected * servers that are up. */ P_WARN("Dropping Union Station packet because no servers are" " available. Run `passenger-status --show=union_station` to" " view server status. Details of dropped packet:" " key=" << item.unionStationKey << ", node=" << item.nodeName << ", category=" << item.category << ", compressedDataSize=" << item.data.size()); } } bool compress(const StaticString data[], unsigned int count, string &output) { if (count == 0) { StaticString newdata; return compress(&newdata, 1, output); } unsigned char out[128 * 1024]; z_stream strm; int ret, flush; unsigned int i, have; strm.zalloc = Z_NULL; strm.zfree = Z_NULL; strm.opaque = Z_NULL; ret = deflateInit(&strm, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); if (ret != Z_OK) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { strm.avail_in = data[i].size(); strm.next_in = (unsigned char *) data[i].c_str(); flush = (i == count - 1) ? Z_FINISH : Z_NO_FLUSH; do { strm.avail_out = sizeof(out); strm.next_out = out; ret = deflate(&strm, flush); assert(ret != Z_STREAM_ERROR); have = sizeof(out) - strm.avail_out; output.append((const char *) out, have); } while (strm.avail_out == 0); assert(strm.avail_in == 0); } assert(ret == Z_STREAM_END); deflateEnd(&strm); return true; } Json::Value inspectUpServersStateAsJson() const { Json::Value doc(Json::arrayValue); foreach (const ServerPtr server, upServers) { doc.append(server->inspectStateAsJson()); } return doc; } Json::Value inspectDownServersStateAsJson() const { Json::Value doc(Json::arrayValue); foreach (const ServerPtr server, downServers) { doc.append(server->inspectStateAsJson()); } return doc; } public: RemoteSender(const string &gatewayAddress, unsigned short gatewayPort, const string &certificate, const string &proxyAddress) : queue(1024) { TRACE_POINT(); this->gatewayAddress = gatewayAddress; this->gatewayPort = gatewayPort; this->certificate = certificate; try { this->proxyInfo = prepareCurlProxy(proxyAddress); } catch (const ArgumentException &e) { throw RuntimeException("Invalid Union Station proxy address \"" + proxyAddress + "\": " + e.what()); } lastCheckupTime = 0; nextCheckupTime = 0; packetsAccepted = 0; packetsRejected = 0; packetsDropped = 0; thr = new oxt::thread( boost::bind(&RemoteSender::threadMain, this), "RemoteSender thread", 1024 * 512 ); } ~RemoteSender() { Item item; item.exit = true; queue.add(item); /* Wait until the thread sends out all queued items. * If this cannot be done within a short amount of time, * e.g. because all servers are down, then we'll get killed * by the watchdog anyway. */ thr->join(); delete thr; } void schedule(const string &unionStationKey, const StaticString &nodeName, const StaticString &category, const StaticString data[], unsigned int count) { Item item; item.unionStationKey = unionStationKey; item.nodeName = nodeName; item.category = category; if (compress(data, count, item.data)) { item.compressed = true; } else { size_t size = 0; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { size += data[i].size(); } item.data.reserve(size); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { item.data.append(data[i].c_str(), data[i].size()); } } P_DEBUG("Scheduling Union Station packet: key=" << unionStationKey << ", node=" << nodeName << ", category=" << category << ", compressedDataSize=" << item.data.size()); if (!queue.tryAdd(item)) { P_WARN("The Union Station gateway isn't responding quickly enough; dropping packet."); boost::lock_guard l(syncher); packetsDropped++; } } unsigned int queued() const { return queue.size(); } Json::Value inspectStateAsJson() const { Json::Value doc; boost::lock_guard l(syncher); doc["up_servers"] = inspectUpServersStateAsJson(); doc["down_servers"] = inspectDownServersStateAsJson(); doc["queue_size"] = queue.size(); doc["packets_accepted"] = packetsAccepted; doc["packets_rejected"] = packetsRejected; doc["packets_dropped"] = packetsDropped; if (certificate.empty()) { doc["certificate"] = Json::nullValue; } else { doc["certificate"] = certificate; } if (lastCheckupTime == 0) { doc["last_server_checkup_time"] = Json::Value(Json::nullValue); doc["last_server_checkup_time_note"] = "not yet started"; } else { doc["last_server_checkup_time"] = timeToJson(lastCheckupTime * 1000000.0); } if (nextCheckupTime == 0) { doc["next_server_checkup_time"] = Json::Value(Json::nullValue); doc["next_server_checkup_time_note"] = "not yet scheduled, waiting for first packet"; } else { doc["next_server_checkup_time"] = timeToJson(nextCheckupTime * 1000000.0); } if (!lastDnsErrorMessage.empty()) { doc["last_dns_error_message"] = lastDnsErrorMessage; } return doc; } }; } // namespace Passenger #endif /* _PASSENGER_REMOTE_SENDER_H_ */