class Quandl::Format::Dataset::Load SECTION_DELIMITER = '-' class << self def file(path) string( end def string(input) nodes = parse_string(input) nodes = parse_yaml_and_csv(nodes) nodes = nodes_to_datasets(nodes) nodes end protected def parse_string(input) nodes = [] section_type = :data line_index = 0 input.each_line do |rline| # track current line index line_index += 1 # strip whitespace line = rline.strip.rstrip # ignore comments and blank lines next if line[0] == '#' || line.blank? # are we looking at an attribute? if line =~ attribute_format # if we are leaving the data section # then this is the start of a new node nodes << { attributes: '', data: '', line: line_index } if section_type == :data # update the section to attributes section_type = :attributes # have we reached the end of the attributes? elsif line[0] == '-' # update the section to data section_type = :data # skip to the next line next end # add the line to it's section in the current node. # YAML must include whitespace nodes[-1][section_type] += (section_type == :data) ? "#{line}\n" : rline end nodes end def parse_yaml_and_csv(nodes) output = [] nodes.each do |node| # parse attrs as yaml node[:attributes] = parse_yaml_attributes(node) # we cant continue unless attributes are present next if node[:attributes].blank? # parse data as csv node[:attributes][:data] = CSV.parse(node[:data]) # onwards output << node end output end def nodes_to_datasets(nodes) datasets = [] nodes.each do |node| dataset = node_to_dataset(node) datasets << dataset if dataset end datasets end def parse_yaml_attributes(node) YAML.load( node[:attributes] ).symbolize_keys! rescue => e message = "Error: Dataset starting at line #{node[:line]}\n" message += "#{$!}\n" message += "--" Quandl::Logger.error(message) nil end def node_to_dataset(node) node[:attributes] ) rescue => e message = '' message += node[:attributes][:source_code] + '/' if node[:attributes][:source_code].present? message += node[:attributes][:code] + ' ' message += "error around line #{node[:line]} \n" message += "#{$!}\n" message += "--" Quandl::Logger.error(message) nil end def attribute_format /^([a-z0-9_]+): (.+)/ end end end