require 'rbconfig' class SinatraAppGenerator < RubiGen::Base DEFAULT_SHEBANG = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) default_options(:shebang => DEFAULT_SHEBANG) attr_accessor :app_name, :module_name, :app_name_fixed def initialize(runtime_args, runtime_options = {}) super usage if args.empty? @destination_root = args.shift self.app_name = File.basename(File.expand_path(@destination_root)) self.app_name_fixed = self.app_name.split('-').map(&:capitalize).join self.module_name = app_name.camelize end def manifest # Use /usr/bin/env if no special shebang was specified script_options = { :chmod => 0755, :shebang => options[:shebang] == DEFAULT_SHEBANG ? nil : options[:shebang] } windows = (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /dos|win32|cygwin/i) || (RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /(:?mswin|mingw)/) record do |m| # Root directory and all subdirectories.'') %w(lib public views tmp).each { |path| } %w(get put post delete).each do |path| m.template('http_method.rb', "lib/#{path}.rb", :assigns => { :method => path }) end m.template('helpers.rb', 'lib/helpers.rb') m.template('options.rb', 'lib/options.rb') m.template('error.rb', 'lib/error.rb') m.template('app.rb', "#{app_name}.rb", script_options) m.template('gitignore', '.gitignore') m.template('gitignore', 'tmp/.gitignore') m.template('', '') #m.dependency "install_rubigen_scripts", [destination_root, "rubygems"], :shebang => options[:shebang] end end protected def banner "Create a stub for #{File.basename $0} to get started." end def add_options!(opts) opts.separator '' opts.separator 'Options:' opts.on("-r", "--ruby=path", String, "Path to the Ruby binary of your choice (otherwise scripts use env, dispatchers current path).", "Default: #{DEFAULT_SHEBANG}") { |v| options[:shebang] = v } end end