require 'spec_helper' require 'cirneco/cli' describe Cirneco::Doi do let(:subject) do end let(:number) { 123 } let(:prefix) { ENV['PREFIX'] } let(:doi) { "10.5438/0000-03VC" } let(:url) { "" } let(:filename) { 'cool-dois/index.html' } let(:filepath) { fixture_path + filename } let(:username) { ENV['MDS_USERNAME'] } let(:password) { ENV['MDS_PASSWORD'] } let(:csl) { "spec/fixtures/apa.csl" } let(:bibliography) { "spec/fixtures/references.yaml" } let(:api_options) { { username: username, password: password, sandbox: true } } let(:mint_options) { { username: username, password: password, sandbox: true, source_dir: "/spec/fixtures/", build_dir: "/spec/fixtures/", csl: csl, bibliography: bibliography } } describe "MDS DOI API", vcr: true, :order => :defined do context "put" do it 'should put doi' do subject.options = api_options.merge(url: url) expect { subject.put doi }.to output("OK\n").to_stdout end end context "get" do it 'should get all dois' do subject.options = api_options.merge(limit: 3) expect { subject.get "all" }.to output("10.23725/0000-03VC\n10.23725/0000-0A53\n10.23725/GQZDGNZW\n").to_stdout end it 'should get doi' do subject.options = api_options expect { subject.get doi }.to output("\n").to_stdout end it 'username missing' do subject.options = { username: username, sandbox: true } expect { subject.get doi }.to output("Error: Username or password missing\n").to_stdout end end end context "accession_number" do it 'generates an accession_number' do subject.options = { number: number } expect { subject.accession_number }.to output("MS-123\n").to_stdout end it 'updates accession_number for file' do expect { fixture_path + '' }.to output("Accession number MS-123 not changed for\n").to_stdout end it 'updates accession_number for all files with opt-in' do subject.options = { opt_in: true } expect { fixture_path }.to output("Accession number MS-124 not changed for\nFile ignored: no empty accession_number\nAccession number MS-123 not changed for\n").to_stdout end end context "base32" do it 'generates a doi' do subject.options = { number: number, prefix: prefix } expect { subject.generate }.to output("10.5438/0000-03VC\n").to_stdout end it 'requires a prefix' do subject.options = { number: number } expect { subject.generate }.to output("No PREFIX provided. Use --prefix option or PREFIX ENV variable\n").to_stdout end it 'decodes a doi' do expect { subject.decode doi }.to output("DOI #{doi} was encoded with 123\n").to_stdout end it 'checks a doi' do expect { subject.check doi }.to output("Checksum for #{doi} is valid\n").to_stdout end it 'checks a doi invalid checksum' do doi = "5072/0000-03VA" expect { subject.check doi }.to output("Checksum for #{doi} is not valid\n").to_stdout end end context "mint and hide DOIs", vcr: true, :order => :defined do it 'mints a doi' do subject.options = mint_options expect { filepath }.to output("DOI 10.5438/0000-03VC minted for\n").to_stdout end it 'hides a doi' do filename = 'cool-dois-minted/index.html' filepath = fixture_path + filename subject.options = mint_options.merge(filepath: filepath) expect { subject.hide filepath }.to output("DOI 10.5438/55E5-T5C0 hidden for\n").to_stdout end it 'mints and hides a doi' do subject.options = mint_options expect { subject.mint_and_hide filepath }.to output("DOI 10.5438/0000-03VC minted and hidden for\n").to_stdout end it 'mints dois for list of urls' do filepath = fixture_path + 'index.html' subject.options = mint_options expect { filepath }.to output("DOI 10.5438/0000-03VC minted for\nDOI 10.5438/0000-00SS minted for index.html.erb\n").to_stdout end it 'hides dois for list of urls' do filepath = fixture_path + 'index.html' subject.options = mint_options expect { subject.hide filepath }.to output("No DOI for\nDOI 10.5438/0000-00SS hidden for index.html.erb\n").to_stdout end it 'mints and hides dois for list of urls' do filepath = fixture_path + 'index.html' subject.options = mint_options expect { subject.mint_and_hide filepath }.to output("DOI 10.5438/0000-03VC minted and hidden for\nDOI 10.5438/0000-00SS minted and hidden for index.html.erb\n").to_stdout end end context "jats", vcr: true do it 'writes jats for list of urls' do filepath = fixture_path + 'index.html' subject.options = mint_options expect { subject.write_jats filepath }.to output("JATS XML written for\nJATS XML written for index.html.erb\n").to_stdout end end end