require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe Animoto::Job do describe "initialization" do before do @body = { 'response' => { 'status' => { 'code' => 200 }, 'payload' => { 'job' => { 'state' => 'initial', 'links' => { 'self' => "" } } } } } @job = Animoto::Job.load @body end it "should set its state from the job state given" do @job.state.should == 'initial' end it "should set its url from the 'self' link given" do @job.url.should == '' end end describe "when there are errors" do before do @body = { 'response' => { 'status' => { 'code' => 400, 'errors' => [ { 'code' => 'FORMAT', 'description' => 'There is an item in the request that is incorrectly formatted' } ] }, 'payload' => { 'job' => { 'state' => 'failed', 'links' => { 'self' => '' } } } } } @job = Animoto::Job.load @body end it "should have 'failed' state" do @job.state.should == 'failed' end it "should have non-empty errors" do @job.errors.should_not be_empty end it "should wrap the errors in error objects" do @job.errors.first.should be_an_instance_of(Animoto::Error) end end describe "returning state" do before do @job = Animoto::Job.load 'response'=>{'status'=>{'code'=>200},'payload'=>{'job'=>{'state'=>'initial','links'=>{'self'=>''}}}} end describe "when 'initial'" do it "should not be failed" do @job.should_not be_failed end it "should not be completed" do @job.should_not be_completed end it "should be pending" do @job.should be_pending end end describe "when 'failed'" do before do @job.instance_variable_set :@state, 'failed' end it "should be failed" do @job.should be_failed end it "should not be completed" do @job.should_not be_completed end it "should not be pending" do @job.should_not be_pending end end describe "when 'completed'" do before do @job.instance_variable_set :@state, 'completed' end it "should not be failed" do @job.should_not be_failed end it "should be completed" do @job.should be_completed end it "should not be pending" do @job.should_not be_pending end end end end