module Cleanser class << self def cli(argv) options = parse_options(argv) find_polluter(argv, options) ? 0 : 1 end def find_polluter(files, options={}) failing = files.pop expand_folders(files, failing) if !files.include?(failing) abort "Files have to include the failing file, use the copy helper" elsif files.size < 2 abort "Files have to be more than 2, use the copy helper" elsif !success?([failing], options) abort "#{failing} fails when run on it's own" elsif success?(files, options) abort "tests pass locally" else loop do a = remove_from(files, files.size / 2, :not => failing) b = files - (a - [failing]) status, files = find_polluter_set([a, b], failing, options) if status == :finished puts "Fails when #{files.join(", ")} are run together" return true elsif status == :continue next else abort "unable to isolate failure to 2 files" end end end end private def parse_options(argv) require 'optparse' options = {} do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(/^ {10}/, "") Find polluting test by bisecting your tests. Usage: cleanser a.rb failing.rb b.rb c.rb failing.rb cleanser folder failing.rb Options: BANNER opts.on("-r", "--rspec", "RSpec") { options[:rspec] = true } opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this.") { puts opts; exit } opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show Version"){ require 'cleanser/version'; puts Cleanser::VERSION; exit} end.parse!(argv) options end def expand_folders(files, failing)! do |f| File.file?(f) ? f : files_from_folder(f, pattern(failing)) end.flatten! end def files_from_folder(folder, pattern) nested = "{,/*/**}" # follow one symlink and direct children Dir[File.join(folder, nested, pattern)].map{|f|f.gsub("//", "/")} end def pattern(test) base = test.split($/).last if base =~ /^test_/ "#{$1}*" elsif base =~ /(_test|_spec)\.rb/ "*#{$1}.rb" else "*" end end def find_polluter_set(sets, failing, options) sets.each do |set| next if set == [failing] if !success?(set, options) if set.size == 2 return [:finished, set] else return [:continue, set] end end end return [:failure, []] end def remove_from(set, x, options) set.dup.delete_if { |f| f != options[:not] && (x -= 1) >= 0 } end def success?(files, options) command = if options[:rspec] "bundle exec rspec #{files.join(" ")}" else "bundle exec ruby #{ { |f| "-r./#{f.sub(/\.rb$/, "")}" }.join(" ")} -e ''" end puts "Running: #{command}" status = system(command) puts "Status: #{status ? "Success" : "Failure"}" status end end end