# ReleaseNotes An easy way to incorporate and manage release notes. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'release_notes' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install release_notes ## Getting Started After installing ReleaseNotes you need to run the install generator: $ rails generate release_notes:install The generator will install an initializer containing ReleaseNotes various configuration options. When you are done, you are ready to add a ReleaseNote model to using the following generator: $ rails generate release_notes ReleaseNote This will generate a model named `ReleaseNote` in your Rails project. You can choose to use a different model name, but after doing so you must update `config.release_note_model` in the `config/initializers/release_notes.rb` file with the name of the model you generated. Be sure to migrate your database. $ rake db:migrate ### Optional #### Broadcasts To add the ability to display broadcasts of new releases (or any other messages) run the following: $ rails generate release_notes:broadcasts Broadcast This will generate a model named `Broadcast` in your Rails project. As mentioned before, you can choose to use a different model name, but remember to edit the `config/initializers/release_notes.rb` file with the name. Migrate your database. $ rake db:migrate Add the following to your layout/application.html.erb file <%= stylesheet_link_tag "release_notes/application", media: "all" %> Then add the following render to wherever you'd like to display the broadcast message. <%= render 'release_notes/broadcasts/shared' %> #### Views While not necessary, you may want to copy over the ReleaseNotes views to your app to customize: $ rails generate release_notes:views ## Usage ### Generate a new release note template To create a new release note run the following: $ release_notes new A new release note markdown file will be generated in the `release_notes` folder. Open the file in your favorite editor and fill out the relevant sections to your heart's content. ### Generate a new release note from the console To add release notes bullets through the console try the following: $ release_notes new -m This will also generate a release note markdown file, but all the bullets entered in the console will appear in the relevant sections in the markdown file. ### Update ReleaseNote model with new release notes After finalizing your release note markdown file be sure to update your ReleaseNote model by running: $ release_notes update If you ever want to reset your model - maybe you've gone back and edited a previous release note - you can rebuild the ReleaseNote model by running `release_notes update -r` appending the `-r` option. ### View release notes in your application To view all of your release notes just visit `http://yourapp/release_notes` (or whatever route is mounted in your `routes.rb` file) in your application. To view a specific version just visit `http://yourapp/release_notes/:version` where `:version` is the release notes version that you are looking to view using underscores instead of periods (i.e. `0_1_0`). ### Create a new Broadcast To create a new Broadcast run: $ release_notes broadcast new This will generate a broadcast markdown file which you can edit. ### Update Broadcast After finalizing your broadcast markdown file be sure to update your Broadcast model by running: $ release_notes broadcast update If you ever want to reset your model - maybe you've gone back and edited a previous release note - you can rebuild the Broadcast model by running `release_notes broadcast update -r` appending the `-r` option. ## Contributing 1. Fork it ( http://github.com/eanlain/release_notes/fork ) 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request