# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require "faraday"
require "stringio"
require "addressable/uri"
require "signet"
require "signet/errors"
require "signet/oauth_2"
require "jwt"
require "date"
require "time"
module Signet
module OAuth2
class Client
OOB_MODES = ["urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob:auto", "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob", "oob"].freeze
# Creates an OAuth 2.0 client.
# @param [Hash] options
# The configuration parameters for the client.
# - `:authorization_uri` -
# The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of
# authenticating the end-user and obtaining authorization.
# - `:token_credential_uri` -
# The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing
# tokens and refreshing expired tokens.
# - `:client_id` -
# A unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the
# authorization server.
# - `:client_secret` -
# A shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server,
# which is used to authenticate the client.
# - `:scope` -
# The scope of the access request, expressed either as an Array
# or as a space-delimited String.
# - `:target_audience` -
# The final target audience for ID tokens fetched by this client,
# as a String.
# - `:state` -
# An arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state.
# - `:code` -
# The authorization code received from the authorization server.
# - `:redirect_uri` -
# The redirection URI used in the initial request.
# - `:username` -
# The resource owner's username.
# - `:password` -
# The resource owner's password.
# - `:issuer` -
# Issuer ID when using assertion profile
# - `:person` -
# Target user for assertions
# - `:expiry` -
# Number of seconds assertions are valid for
# - `:signing_key` -
# Signing key when using assertion profile
# - `:refresh_token` -
# The refresh token associated with the access token
# to be refreshed.
# - `:access_token` -
# The current access token for this client.
# - `:id_token` -
# The current ID token for this client.
# - `:extension_parameters` -
# When using an extension grant type, this the set of parameters used
# by that extension.
# - `:granted_scopes` -
# All scopes granted by authorization server.
# @example
# client = Signet::OAuth2::Client.new(
# :authorization_uri =>
# 'https://example.server.com/authorization',
# :token_credential_uri =>
# 'https://example.server.com/token',
# :client_id => 'anonymous',
# :client_secret => 'anonymous',
# :scope => 'example',
# :redirect_uri => 'https://example.client.com/oauth'
# )
# @see Signet::OAuth2::Client#update!
def initialize options = {}
@authorization_uri = nil
@token_credential_uri = nil
@client_id = nil
@client_secret = nil
@code = nil
@expires_at = nil
@issued_at = nil
@issuer = nil
@password = nil
@principal = nil
@redirect_uri = nil
@scope = nil
@target_audience = nil
@state = nil
@username = nil
@access_type = nil
@granted_scopes = nil
update! options
# Updates an OAuth 2.0 client.
# @param [Hash] options
# The configuration parameters for the client.
# - `:authorization_uri` -
# The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of
# authenticating the end-user and obtaining authorization.
# - `:token_credential_uri` -
# The authorization server's HTTP endpoint capable of issuing
# tokens and refreshing expired tokens.
# - `:client_id` -
# A unique identifier issued to the client to identify itself to the
# authorization server.
# - `:client_secret` -
# A shared symmetric secret issued by the authorization server,
# which is used to authenticate the client.
# - `:scope` -
# The scope of the access request, expressed either as an Array
# or as a space-delimited String.
# - `:target_audience` -
# The final target audience for ID tokens fetched by this client,
# as a String.
# - `:state` -
# An arbitrary string designed to allow the client to maintain state.
# - `:code` -
# The authorization code received from the authorization server.
# - `:redirect_uri` -
# The redirection URI used in the initial request.
# - `:username` -
# The resource owner's username.
# - `:password` -
# The resource owner's password.
# - `:issuer` -
# Issuer ID when using assertion profile
# - `:audience` -
# Target audience for assertions
# - `:person` -
# Target user for assertions
# - `:expiry` -
# Number of seconds assertions are valid for
# - `:signing_key` -
# Signing key when using assertion profile
# - `:refresh_token` -
# The refresh token associated with the access token
# to be refreshed.
# - `:access_token` -
# The current access token for this client.
# - `:access_type` -
# The current access type parameter for #authorization_uri.
# - `:id_token` -
# The current ID token for this client.
# - `:extension_parameters` -
# When using an extension grant type, this is the set of parameters used
# by that extension.
# - `:granted_scopes` -
# All scopes granted by authorization server.
# @example
# client.update!(
# :code => 'i1WsRn1uB1',
# :access_token => 'FJQbwq9',
# :expires_in => 3600
# )
# @see Signet::OAuth2::Client#initialize
# @see Signet::OAuth2::Client#update_token!
def update! options = {}
# Normalize all keys to symbols to allow indifferent access.
options = deep_hash_normalize options
self.authorization_uri = options[:authorization_uri] if options.key? :authorization_uri
self.token_credential_uri = options[:token_credential_uri] if options.key? :token_credential_uri
self.client_id = options[:client_id] if options.key? :client_id
self.client_secret = options[:client_secret] if options.key? :client_secret
self.scope = options[:scope] if options.key? :scope
self.target_audience = options[:target_audience] if options.key? :target_audience
self.state = options[:state] if options.key? :state
self.code = options[:code] if options.key? :code
self.redirect_uri = options[:redirect_uri] if options.key? :redirect_uri
self.username = options[:username] if options.key? :username
self.password = options[:password] if options.key? :password
self.issuer = options[:issuer] if options.key? :issuer
self.person = options[:person] if options.key? :person
self.sub = options[:sub] if options.key? :sub
self.expiry = options[:expiry] || 60
self.audience = options[:audience] if options.key? :audience
self.signing_key = options[:signing_key] if options.key? :signing_key
self.extension_parameters = options[:extension_parameters] || {}
self.additional_parameters = options[:additional_parameters] || {}
self.access_type = options.fetch :access_type, :offline
update_token! options
# Updates an OAuth 2.0 client.
# @param [Hash] options
# The configuration parameters related to the token.
# - :refresh_token
# The refresh token associated with the access token
# to be refreshed.
# - :access_token
# The current access token for this client.
# - :id_token
# The current ID token for this client.
# - :expires_in
# The time in seconds until access token expiration.
# - :expires_at
# The time as an integer number of seconds since the Epoch
# - :issued_at
# The timestamp that the token was issued at.
# @example
# client.update!(
# :refresh_token => 'n4E9O119d',
# :access_token => 'FJQbwq9',
# :expires_in => 3600
# )
# @see Signet::OAuth2::Client#initialize
# @see Signet::OAuth2::Client#update!
def update_token! options = {}
# Normalize all keys to symbols to allow indifferent access internally
options = deep_hash_normalize options
self.expires_in = options[:expires] if options.key? :expires
self.expires_in = options[:expires_in] if options.key? :expires_in
self.expires_at = options[:expires_at] if options.key? :expires_at
# By default, the token is issued at `Time.now` when `expires_in` is
# set, but this can be used to supply a more precise time.
self.issued_at = options[:issued_at] if options.key? :issued_at
# Special case where we want expires_at to be relative to issued_at
if options.key?(:issued_at) && options.key?(:expires_in)
set_relative_expires_at options[:issued_at], options[:expires_in]
self.access_token = options[:access_token] if options.key? :access_token
self.refresh_token = options[:refresh_token] if options.key? :refresh_token
self.id_token = options[:id_token] if options.key? :id_token
self.granted_scopes = options[:granted_scopes] if options.key? :granted_scopes
# Returns the authorization URI that the user should be redirected to.
# @return [Addressable::URI] The authorization URI.
# @see Signet::OAuth2.generate_authorization_uri
def authorization_uri options = {}
# Normalize external input
options = deep_hash_normalize options
return nil if @authorization_uri.nil?
options[:response_type] = :code unless options[:response_type]
options[:access_type] = access_type if !options[:access_type] && access_type
options[:client_id] ||= client_id
options[:redirect_uri] ||= redirect_uri
if options[:prompt] && options[:approval_prompt]
raise ArgumentError, "prompt and approval_prompt are mutually exclusive parameters"
raise ArgumentError, "Missing required client identifier." unless options[:client_id]
raise ArgumentError, "Missing required redirect URI." unless options[:redirect_uri]
options[:scope] = scope.join " " if !options[:scope] && scope
options[:state] = state unless options[:state]
options.merge!(additional_parameters.merge(options[:additional_parameters] || {}))
options.delete :additional_parameters
options = options.transform_keys(&:to_s)
uri = Addressable::URI.parse(
@authorization_uri, options
if uri.normalized_scheme != "https"
raise Signet::UnsafeOperationError,
"Authorization endpoint must be protected by TLS."
# Sets the authorization URI for this client.
# @param [Addressable::URI, Hash, String, #to_str] new_authorization_uri
# The authorization URI.
def authorization_uri= new_authorization_uri
@authorization_uri = coerce_uri new_authorization_uri
# Returns the token credential URI for this client.
# @return [Addressable::URI] The token credential URI.
def token_credential_uri
# Sets the token credential URI for this client.
# @param [Addressable::URI, Hash, String, #to_str] new_token_credential_uri
# The token credential URI.
def token_credential_uri= new_token_credential_uri
@token_credential_uri = coerce_uri new_token_credential_uri
# Addressable expects URIs formatted as hashes to come in with symbols as keys.
# Returns nil implicitly for the nil case.
def coerce_uri incoming_uri
if incoming_uri.is_a? Hash
Addressable::URI.new deep_hash_normalize(incoming_uri)
elsif incoming_uri
Addressable::URI.parse incoming_uri
# Returns the current access type parameter for #authorization_uri.
# @return [String, Symbol] The current access type.
def access_type
# Sets the current access type parameter for #authorization_uri.
# @param [String, Symbol] new_access_type
# The current access type.
def access_type= new_access_type
@access_type = new_access_type
# Returns the client identifier for this client.
# @return [String] The client identifier.
def client_id
# Sets the client identifier for this client.
# @param [String] new_client_id
# The client identifier.
def client_id= new_client_id
@client_id = new_client_id
# Returns the client secret for this client.
# @return [String] The client secret.
def client_secret
# Sets the client secret for this client.
# @param [String] new_client_secret
# The client secret.
def client_secret= new_client_secret
@client_secret = new_client_secret
# Returns the scope for this client. Scope is a list of access ranges
# defined by the authorization server.
# @return [Array] The scope of access the client is requesting.
def scope
# Sets the scope for this client.
# @param [Array, String] new_scope
# The scope of access the client is requesting. This may be
# expressed as either an Array of String objects or as a
# space-delimited String.
def scope= new_scope
case new_scope
when Array
new_scope.each do |scope|
if scope.include? " "
raise ArgumentError,
"Individual scopes cannot contain the space character."
@scope = new_scope
when String
@scope = new_scope.split
when nil
@scope = nil
raise TypeError, "Expected Array or String, got #{new_scope.class}"
# Returns the final target audience for ID tokens fetched by this client.
# @return [String] The target audience.
def target_audience
# Sets the final target audience for ID tokens fetched by this client.
# @param [String] new_target_audience The new target audience.
def target_audience= new_target_audience
@target_audience = new_target_audience
# Returns the client's current state value.
# @return [String] The state value.
def state
# Sets the client's current state value.
# @param [String] new_state
# The state value.
def state= new_state
@state = new_state
# Returns the authorization code issued to this client.
# Used only by the authorization code access grant type.
# @return [String] The authorization code.
def code
# Sets the authorization code issued to this client.
# Used only by the authorization code access grant type.
# @param [String] new_code
# The authorization code.
def code= new_code
@code = new_code
# Returns the redirect URI for this client.
# @return [String] The redirect URI.
def redirect_uri
# Sets the redirect URI for this client.
# @param [String] new_redirect_uri
# The redirect URI.
def redirect_uri= new_redirect_uri
new_redirect_uri = Addressable::URI.parse new_redirect_uri
# TODO: - Better solution to allow google postmessage flow. For now, make an exception to the spec.
unless new_redirect_uri.nil? || new_redirect_uri.absolute? || uri_is_postmessage?(new_redirect_uri) ||
raise ArgumentError, "Redirect URI must be an absolute URI."
@redirect_uri = new_redirect_uri
# Returns the username associated with this client.
# Used only by the resource owner password credential access grant type.
# @return [String] The username.
def username
# Sets the username associated with this client.
# Used only by the resource owner password credential access grant type.
# @param [String] new_username
# The username.
def username= new_username
@username = new_username
# Returns the password associated with this client.
# Used only by the resource owner password credential access grant type.
# @return [String] The password.
def password
# Sets the password associated with this client.
# Used only by the resource owner password credential access grant type.
# @param [String] new_password
# The password.
def password= new_password
@password = new_password
# Returns the issuer ID associated with this client.
# Used only by the assertion grant type.
# @return [String] Issuer id.
def issuer
# Sets the issuer ID associated with this client.
# Used only by the assertion grant type.
# @param [String] new_issuer
# Issuer ID (typical in email adddress form).
def issuer= new_issuer
@issuer = new_issuer
# Returns the target audience ID when issuing assertions.
# Used only by the assertion grant type.
# @return [String] Target audience ID.
def audience
# Sets the target audience ID when issuing assertions.
# Used only by the assertion grant type.
# @param [String] new_audience
# Target audience ID
def audience= new_audience
@audience = new_audience
# Returns the target resource owner for impersonation.
# Used only by the assertion grant type.
# @return [String] Target user for impersonation.
def principal
# Sets the target resource owner for impersonation.
# Used only by the assertion grant type.
# @param [String] new_person
# Target user for impersonation
def principal= new_person
@principal = new_person
alias person principal
alias person= principal=
# The target "sub" when issuing assertions.
# Used in some Admin SDK APIs.
attr_accessor :sub
# Returns the number of seconds assertions are valid for
# Used only by the assertion grant type.
# @return [Integer] Assertion expiry, in seconds
def expiry
# Sets the number of seconds assertions are valid for
# Used only by the assertion grant type.
# @param [Integer, String] new_expiry
# Assertion expiry, in seconds
def expiry= new_expiry
@expiry = new_expiry&.to_i
# Returns the signing key associated with this client.
# Used only by the assertion grant type.
# @return [String,OpenSSL::PKey] Signing key
def signing_key
# Sets the signing key when issuing assertions.
# Used only by the assertion grant type.
# @param [String, OpenSSL::Pkey] new_key
# Signing key. Either private key for RSA or string for HMAC algorithm
def signing_key= new_key
@signing_key = new_key
# Algorithm used for signing JWTs
# @return [String] Signing algorithm
def signing_algorithm
signing_key.is_a?(String) ? "HS256" : "RS256"
# Returns the set of extension parameters used by the client.
# Used only by extension access grant types.
# @return [Hash] The extension parameters.
def extension_parameters
@extension_parameters ||= {}
# Sets extension parameters used by the client.
# Used only by extension access grant types.
# @param [Hash] new_extension_parameters
# The parameters.
def extension_parameters= new_extension_parameters
if new_extension_parameters.respond_to? :to_hash
@extension_parameters = new_extension_parameters.to_hash
raise TypeError,
"Expected Hash, got #{new_extension_parameters.class}."
# Returns the set of additional (non standard) parameters to be used by the client.
# @return [Hash] The pass through parameters.
def additional_parameters
@additional_parameters ||= {}
# Sets additional (non standard) parameters to be used by the client.
# @param [Hash] new_additional_parameters
# The parameters.
def additional_parameters= new_additional_parameters
if new_additional_parameters.respond_to? :to_hash
@additional_parameters = new_additional_parameters.to_hash
raise TypeError,
"Expected Hash, got #{new_additional_parameters.class}."
# Returns the refresh token associated with this client.
# @return [String] The refresh token.
def refresh_token
@refresh_token ||= nil
# Sets the refresh token associated with this client.
# @param [String] new_refresh_token
# The refresh token.
def refresh_token= new_refresh_token
@refresh_token = new_refresh_token
# Returns the access token associated with this client.
# @return [String] The access token.
def access_token
@access_token ||= nil
# Sets the access token associated with this client.
# @param [String] new_access_token
# The access token.
def access_token= new_access_token
@access_token = new_access_token
# Returns the ID token associated with this client.
# @return [String] The ID token.
def id_token
@id_token ||= nil
# Sets the ID token associated with this client.
# @param [String] new_id_token
# The ID token.
def id_token= new_id_token
@id_token = new_id_token
# Returns the decoded ID token associated with this client.
# @param [OpenSSL::PKey::RSA, Object] public_key
# The public key to use to verify the ID token. Skips verification if
# omitted.
# @return [String] The decoded ID token.
def decoded_id_token public_key = nil, options = {}, &keyfinder
options[:algorithm] ||= signing_algorithm
verify = !public_key.nil? || block_given?
payload, _header = JWT.decode(id_token, public_key, verify, options, &keyfinder)
raise Signet::UnsafeOperationError, "No ID token audience declared." unless payload.key? "aud"
unless Array(payload["aud"]).include?(client_id)
raise Signet::UnsafeOperationError,
"ID token audience did not match Client ID."
# Returns the lifetime of the access token in seconds.
# Returns nil if the token does not expire.
# @return [Integer, nil] The access token lifetime.
def expires_in
if @expires_at.nil? || @issued_at.nil?
(@expires_at - @issued_at).to_i
# Sets the lifetime of the access token in seconds. Resets the issued_at
# timestamp. Nil values will be treated as though the token does
# not expire.
# @param [String, Integer, nil] new_expires_in
# The access token lifetime.
def expires_in= new_expires_in
if new_expires_in.nil?
@expires_at = nil
@issued_at = nil
@issued_at = Time.now
@expires_at = @issued_at + new_expires_in.to_i
# Returns the timestamp the access token was issued at.
# @return [Time, nil] The access token issuance time.
def issued_at
# Sets the timestamp the access token was issued at.
# @param [String,Integer,Time] new_issued_at
# The access token issuance time.
def issued_at= new_issued_at
@issued_at = normalize_timestamp new_issued_at
# Returns the timestamp the access token will expire at.
# Returns nil if the token does not expire.
# @return [Time, nil] The access token lifetime.
def expires_at
# Limits the lifetime of the access token as number of seconds since
# the Epoch. Nil values will be treated as though the token does
# not expire.
# @param [String,Integer,Time, nil] new_expires_at
# The access token expiration time.
def expires_at= new_expires_at
@expires_at = normalize_timestamp new_expires_at
# Returns the scopes granted by the authorization server.
# @return [Array, nil] The scope of access returned by the authorization server.
def granted_scopes
# Sets the scopes returned by authorization server for this client.
# @param [String, Array, nil] new_granted_scopes
# The scope of access returned by authorization server. This will
# ideally be expressed as space-delimited String.
def granted_scopes= new_granted_scopes
case new_granted_scopes
when Array
@granted_scopes = new_granted_scopes
when String
@granted_scopes = new_granted_scopes.split
when nil
@granted_scopes = nil
raise TypeError, "Expected Array or String, got #{new_granted_scopes.class}"
# Returns true if the access token has expired.
# Returns false if the token has not expired or has an nil @expires_at.
# @return [TrueClass, FalseClass]
# The expiration state of the access token.
def expired?
!expires_at.nil? && Time.now >= expires_at
# Returns true if the access token has expired or expires within
# the next n seconds. Returns false for tokens with a nil @expires_at.
# @param [Integer] sec
# Max number of seconds from now where a token is still considered
# expired.
# @return [TrueClass, FalseClass]
# The expiration state of the access token.
def expires_within? sec
!expires_at.nil? && Time.now >= (expires_at - sec)
# Removes all credentials from the client.
def clear_credentials!
@access_token = nil
@refresh_token = nil
@id_token = nil
@username = nil
@password = nil
@code = nil
@issued_at = nil
@expires_at = nil
@granted_scopes = nil
# Returns the inferred grant type, based on the current state of the
# client object. Returns `"none"` if the client has insufficient
# information to make an in-band authorization request.
# @return [String]
# The inferred grant type.
def grant_type
@grant_type ||= nil
return @grant_type if @grant_type
if code && redirect_uri
elsif refresh_token
elsif username && password
elsif issuer && signing_key
def grant_type= new_grant_type
@grant_type =
case new_grant_type
when "authorization_code", "refresh_token", "password", "client_credentials"
Addressable::URI.parse new_grant_type
def to_jwt options = {}
options = deep_hash_normalize options
now = Time.new
skew = options[:skew] || 60
assertion = {
"iss" => issuer,
"aud" => audience,
"exp" => (now + expiry).to_i,
"iat" => (now - skew).to_i
assertion["scope"] = scope.join " " unless scope.nil?
assertion["target_audience"] = target_audience unless target_audience.nil?
assertion["prn"] = person unless person.nil?
assertion["sub"] = sub unless sub.nil?
JWT.encode assertion, signing_key, signing_algorithm
# Serialize the client object to JSON.
# @note A serialized client contains sensitive information. Persist or transmit with care.
# @return [String] A serialized JSON representation of the client.
def to_json *_args
"authorization_uri" => authorization_uri&.to_s,
"token_credential_uri" => token_credential_uri&.to_s,
"client_id" => client_id,
"client_secret" => client_secret,
"scope" => scope,
"target_audience" => target_audience,
"state" => state,
"code" => code,
"redirect_uri" => redirect_uri&.to_s,
"username" => username,
"password" => password,
"issuer" => issuer,
"audience" => audience,
"person" => person,
"expiry" => expiry,
"expires_at" => expires_at&.to_i,
"signing_key" => signing_key,
"refresh_token" => refresh_token,
"access_token" => access_token,
"id_token" => id_token,
"extension_parameters" => extension_parameters,
"granted_scopes" => granted_scopes
# Generates a request for token credentials.
# @param [Hash] options
# The configuration parameters for the request.
# - :code
# The authorization code.
# @private
# @return [Array] The request object.
def generate_access_token_request options = {}
options = deep_hash_normalize options
parameters = { "grant_type" => grant_type }
case grant_type
when "authorization_code"
parameters["code"] = code
parameters["redirect_uri"] = redirect_uri
when "password"
parameters["username"] = username
parameters["password"] = password
when "refresh_token"
parameters["refresh_token"] = refresh_token
when "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer"
parameters["assertion"] = to_jwt options
if redirect_uri
# Grant type was intended to be `authorization_code` because of
# the presence of the redirect URI.
raise ArgumentError, "Missing authorization code."
parameters.merge! extension_parameters
parameters["client_id"] = client_id if !options[:use_basic_auth] && !client_id.nil?
parameters["client_secret"] = client_secret if !options[:use_basic_auth] && !client_secret.nil?
if options[:scope]
parameters["scope"] = options[:scope]
elsif options[:use_configured_scope] && !scope.nil?
parameters["scope"] = scope
additional = additional_parameters.merge(options[:additional_parameters] || {})
additional.each { |k, v| parameters[k.to_s] = v }
def fetch_access_token options = {}
raise ArgumentError, "Missing token endpoint URI." if token_credential_uri.nil?
options = deep_hash_normalize options
client = options[:connection] ||= Faraday.default_connection
url = Addressable::URI.parse token_credential_uri
parameters = generate_access_token_request options
if client.is_a? Faraday::Connection
if options[:use_basic_auth]
# The Basic Auth middleware usage differs before and after Faraday v2
if Gem::Version.new(Faraday::VERSION).segments.first >= 2
client.request :authorization, :basic, client_id, client_secret
client.request :basic_auth, client_id, client_secret
response = client.post url.normalize.to_s,
"Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
status = response.status.to_i
body = response.body
content_type = response.headers["Content-type"]
# Hurley
if options[:use_basic_auth]
url.user = client_id
url.password = client_secret
response = client.post url.normalize.to_s, parameters
status = response.status_code.to_i
body = response.body
content_type = response.header[:content_type]
message = " Server message:\n#{response.body.to_s.strip}" unless body.to_s.strip.empty?
if [400, 401, 403].include? status
message = "Authorization failed.#{message}"
raise ::Signet::AuthorizationError.new message, response: response
elsif status.to_s[0] == "5"
message = "Remote server error.#{message}"
raise ::Signet::RemoteServerError, message
elsif status != 200
message = "Unexpected status code: #{response.status}.#{message}"
raise ::Signet::UnexpectedStatusError, message
# status == 200
parsed_response = ::Signet::OAuth2.parse_credentials body, content_type
parsed_response["granted_scopes"] = parsed_response.delete("scope") if parsed_response
def fetch_access_token! options = {}
token_hash = fetch_access_token options
if token_hash
# No-op for grant types other than `authorization_code`.
# An authorization code is a one-time use token and is immediately
# revoked after usage.
self.code = nil
self.issued_at = Time.now
update_token! token_hash
# Refresh the access token, if possible
def refresh! options = {}
fetch_access_token! options
# Generates an authenticated request for protected resources.
# @param [Hash] options
# The configuration parameters for the request.
# - :request
# A pre-constructed request. An OAuth 2 Authorization header
# will be added to it, as well as an explicit Cache-Control
# `no-store` directive.
# - :method
# The HTTP method for the request. Defaults to 'GET'.
# - :uri
# The URI for the request.
# - :headers
# The HTTP headers for the request.
# - :body
# The HTTP body for the request.
# - :realm
# The Authorization realm. See RFC 2617.
# @return [Faraday::Request] The request object.
def generate_authenticated_request options = {}
options = deep_hash_normalize options
raise ArgumentError, "Missing access token." if access_token.nil?
options = {
realm: nil
if options[:request].is_a? Faraday::Request
request = options[:request]
if options[:request].is_a? Array
method, uri, headers, body = options[:request]
method = options[:method] || :get
uri = options[:uri]
headers = options[:headers] || []
body = options[:body] || ""
headers = headers.to_a if headers.is_a? Hash
request_components = {
method: method,
uri: uri,
headers: headers,
body: body
# Verify that we have all pieces required to return an HTTP request
request_components.each do |(key, value)|
raise ArgumentError, "Missing :#{key} parameter." unless value
method = method.to_s.downcase.to_sym
request = options[:connection].build_request method.to_s.downcase.to_sym do |req|
req.url Addressable::URI.parse(uri).normalize.to_s
req.headers = Faraday::Utils::Headers.new headers
req.body = body
request["Authorization"] = ::Signet::OAuth2.generate_bearer_authorization_header(
options[:realm] ? [["realm", options[:realm]]] : nil
request["Cache-Control"] = "no-store"
# Transmits a request for a protected resource.
# @param [Hash] options
# The configuration parameters for the request.
# - :request
# A pre-constructed request. An OAuth 2 Authorization header
# will be added to it, as well as an explicit Cache-Control
# `no-store` directive.
# - :method
# The HTTP method for the request. Defaults to 'GET'.
# - :uri
# The URI for the request.
# - :headers
# The HTTP headers for the request.
# - :body
# The HTTP body for the request.
# - :realm
# The Authorization realm. See RFC 2617.
# - :connection
# The HTTP connection to use.
# Must be of type Faraday::Connection
# @example
# # Using Net::HTTP
# response = client.fetch_protected_resource(
# :uri => 'http://www.example.com/protected/resource'
# )
# @return [Array] The response object.
def fetch_protected_resource options = {}
options = deep_hash_normalize options
options[:connection] ||= Faraday.default_connection
request = generate_authenticated_request options
request_env = request.to_env options[:connection]
request_env[:request] ||= request
response = options[:connection].app.call request_env
return response unless response.status.to_i == 401
# When accessing a protected resource, we only want to raise an
# error for 401 responses.
message = "Authorization failed."
message += " Server message:\n#{response.body.to_s.strip}" unless response.body.to_s.strip.empty?
raise ::Signet::AuthorizationError.new(
message, request: request, response: response
# Check if URI is Google's postmessage flow (not a valid redirect_uri by spec, but allowed)
# @private
def uri_is_postmessage? uri
# Check if the URI is a out-of-band
# @private
def uri_is_oob? uri
OOB_MODES.include? uri.to_s
# Convert all keys in this hash (nested) to symbols for uniform retrieval
def recursive_hash_normalize_keys val
if val.is_a? Hash
deep_hash_normalize val
def deep_hash_normalize old_hash
sym_hash = {}
old_hash&.each { |k, v| sym_hash[k.to_sym] = recursive_hash_normalize_keys v }
def normalize_timestamp time
case time
when NilClass
when Time
when DateTime
when String
Time.parse time
when Integer
Time.at time
raise "Invalid time value #{time}"
def set_relative_expires_at issued_at, expires_in
self.issued_at = issued_at
# Using local expires_in because if self.expires_in is used, it returns
# the time left before the token expires
self.expires_at = self.issued_at + expires_in.to_i