# Change Log **0.12.16** - Scrub fields are now converted to a regular expression for broader param name matching - Save ActionDispatch request_id in reports if present - Added proper Sidekiq 3 error handler - Removed usage of ActiveSupport's `Object#try` in different areas of the notifier - Added a configurable request timeout for reports (defaults to 3 seconds) - Fix circular json exception handling in Rails 4.1 **0.12.15** - Send X-Rollbar-Access-Token http header along with payloads **0.12.14** - Added ability to scrub request headers - Added flag to disable reporting of Delayed::Job job data when handling uncaught exceptions that happen in jobs - New `report_message_with_request` that allows reporting request and person data, similar to `report_exception` - Changed various exception handlers to catch `Exception` subclasses instead of only `StandardError`s - Added Capistrano 3 support **0.12.13** - Add a little more debugging information for 'payload too large' errors - Pushing new gem to fix errant 32kb size limit in the rubygems copy of 0.12.12 **0.12.12** - Changes to support Engine Yard add-on setup **0.12.11** - Raise payload size limit to 128k **0.12.10** - Log payloads that are too large to be sent to Rollbar - Don't record controller context if request route info isn't readily available (ex. non-Rails) **0.12.9** - Fixed delayed job regression introduced in 0.12.5 by re-raising caught exceptions - Removed Active Support call introduced in 0.12.6 to remove rails dependency in `report_exception` **0.12.8** - Added funcitonality to walk the payload and truncate strings to attempt to reduce size if the payload is too large (more than 32kb total) **0.12.7** - Fix error reporting errors when route controller or action is nil (bug introduced in 0.12.4) **0.12.6** - Added [#78](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-gem/pull/78), added configuration option to ignore specific person exceptions **0.12.5** - Fixed SIGSEGV with the delayed_job plugin and Ruby 2.1.0 **0.12.4** - Record controller context (controller#action) in reported items **0.12.3** - Change rollbar_request_store middleware to only grab required person data properties by using rollbar_person_data **0.12.2** - Added ability to specify level for manually reported exceptions **0.12.1** - Fix syntax error in `config.use_sidekiq` usage example **0.12.0** - Added [#73](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-gem/pull/73), enhanced Sidekiq and SuckerPunch configuration. NOTE: The old `Rollbar::Configuration#use_sidekiq=` and `Rollbar::Configuration#use_sucker_punch=` methods are now depricated, see the docs for updated usage information. **0.11.8** - Make sure the person method exists for the controller before trying to extract person data **0.11.7** - Remove ActiveRecord railtie requirement introduced in 0.11.6 **0.11.6** - Adding new middleware that grabs possible database-hitting person data before the rake connection pool cleanup middleware **0.11.5** - Fix rake test task when Authlogic is present **0.11.4** - Respect different proxy headers when building the request url **0.11.3** - Make sure the environment is valid at item sending time so that it isn't set incorrectly during configuration **0.11.2** - Test rake task now works properly if force_ssl is true **0.11.1** - `config.exception_level_filters` can now take a callable instead of a string. The exception instance will be passed to the callable. **0.11.0** - Changed default environment name from `'production'` to `'unspecified'` **0.10.14** - Fixed compatability issue with better_errors 1.0 **0.10.13** - Added `code_version` configuration setting **0.10.12** - Exclude HTTP_COOKIE header (since cookies are already included in parsed form) **0.10.11** - Fix usage of custom Sidekiq options **0.10.10** - Add support for sucker_punch asynchronous handling **0.10.9** - Fix regression introduced in 0.10.7 when ActiveRecord is not present. **0.10.8** - Better handling of internal errors. Internal errors (errors that occur while reporting something to Rollbar) are now themselves reported to Rollbar. If that fails, a failsafe message will be reported, and if that fails, the error will be logged as it is now. - Fix bug reporting exceptions with backtraces containing frames that don't match our regex. **0.10.7** - Add ability to report form validation errors - Add MIT license to gemspec **0.10.6** - Fix json dump when rack.errors is an IO stream **0.10.5** - Add built-in support for Sidekiq as async handler **0.10.4** - Fix exception in the exception catcher when Rollbar is disabled **0.10.3** - Rework how request params are extracted so that json params are properly extracted in rails 4.0 - Fix rollbar:test rake task **0.10.2** - Require hooks at configuration time instead of gem load time **0.10.1** - Fix regression in 0.10.0 reporting exceptions in development environments and rails < 3.2 apps. **0.10.0** - Fixed bug causing duplicate reports when used inside Rails in production with the default error pages. Bumping version to 0.10.0 in case this turns out to be backwards-incompatible for some use cases (i.e. for applications that were relying on the duplicate report that has now been removed). **0.9.14** - Added `custom_data_method` config option. If set, it should be a lambda that returns a hash. - Changed initializer template to disable reporting from the 'test' environment. **0.9.13** - Add test for PUT params - Parse json params when content-type is application/json - Fix concurrency issue - Remove redundant `GET` and `POST` keys from request payload (they're already included in `params`) **0.9.12** - Fix compatibility issue with Rails 4 / Ruby 2 (thanks [johnknott](https://github.com/johnknott)) **0.9.11** - Provide a default environment name when used outside of Rails and none is set **0.9.10** - Add :secret_token to default scrub_fields list - Session params are now scrubbed **0.9.9** - Fix capistrano recipe on 1.9.2 ([#36](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-gem/pull/36)) - Add example of disable "test" env to initializer template **0.9.8** - Fix bug introduced in 0.9.0 where setting `config.enabled = false` in `config/initializers/rollbar.rb` would be overwritten by subsequent calls to `Rollbar.configure` (as happens normally when using inside Rails). **0.9.7** - Use `include?` instead of `in?` for filtering (see [#34](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-gem/pull/34)) **0.9.6** - Fix for Rails 4 support **0.9.5** - Support for configuring the access token with an environment variable. **0.9.4** - Fixed issue using rollbar-gem outside of Rails - Clarified the "details: " link log message **0.9.3** - Added configuration setting to specify gems that should be considered part of the Rollbar project, making frames from these gems show up automatically uncollapsed in tracebacks appearing on the website. **0.9.2** - Added [Capistrano integration](https://github.com/rollbar/rollbar-gem/pull/27) **0.9.1** - Add support to play nicely with Better Errors. **0.9.0** - Behavior change: start configuration as `@enabled = false`, and set to true when `configure` is called. This addresses an issue using Rollbar without the environment initialized. Such reports would always fail (since there would be no access token), but now they won't be attempted. **0.8.3** - Relax multi_json dependency to 1.5.0 **0.8.2** - Adding back rake task exception reporting after fixing load order issue **0.8.1** - Reverting rake task exception reporting until we can track down a load order issue reported by a few users **0.8.0** - Rename to rollbar **0.7.1** - Fix ratchetio:test rake task when project base controller is not called ApplicationController **0.7.0** - Exceptions in Rake tasks are now automatically reported. **0.6.4** - Bump multi_json dependency version to 1.6.0 **0.6.3** - Bump multi_json dependency version to 1.5.1 **0.6.2** - Added EventMachine support **0.6.1** - Added a log message containing a link to the instance. Copy-paste the link into your browser to view its details in Ratchet. - Ratchetio.report_message now returns 'ignored' or 'error' instead of nil when a message is not reported for one of those reasons, for consistency with Ratchetio.report_exception. **0.6.0** - POSSIBLE BREAKING CHANGE: Ratchetio.report_exception now returns 'ignored', 'disabled', or 'error' instead of nil when the exception is not reported for one of those reasons. It still returns the payload upon success. - Request data is now parsed from the rack environment instead of from within the controller, addressing issue #10. - Add Sidekiq middleware for catching workers' exceptions - Replaced activesupport dependency with multi_json **0.5.5** - Added activesupport dependency for use without Rails **0.5.4** - Added new default scrub params **0.5.3** - Add `Ratchetio.silenced`; which allows disabling reporting for a given block. See README for usage. **0.5.2** - Fix compat issue with delayed_job below version 3. Exceptions raised by delayed_job below version 3 will not be automatically caught; upgrade to v3 or catch and report by hand. **0.5.1** - Save the exception uuid in `env['ratchetio.exception_uuid']` for display in user-facing error pages. **0.5.0** - Add support to report exceptions raised in delayed_job. **0.4.11** - Allow exceptions with no backtrace (e.g. StandardError subclasses) **0.4.10** - Fix compatability issue with ruby 1.8 **0.4.9** - Start including a UUID in reported exceptions - Fix issue with scrub_fields, and add `:password_confirmation` to the default list **0.4.8** - Add ability to send reports asynchronously, using girl_friday or Threading by default. - Add ability to save reports to a file (for use with ratchet-agent) instead of sending across to Ratchet servers. **0.4.7** - Sensitive params now scrubbed out of requests. Param name list is customizable via the `scrub_fields` config option. **0.4.6** - Add support to play nicely with Goalie. **0.4.5** - Add `default_logger` config option. It should be a lambda that will return the logger to use if no other logger is configured (i.e. no logger is set by the Railtie hook). Default: `lambda { Logger.new(STDERR) }` **0.4.4** - Add `enabled` runtime config flag. When `false`, no data (messages or exceptions) will be reported. **0.4.3** - Add RSpec test suite. A few minor code changes. **0.4.2** - Add "ignore" filter level to completely ignore exceptions by class. **0.4.1** - Recursively filter files out of the params hash. Thanks to [trisweb](https://github.com/trisweb) for the pull request. **0.4.0** - Breaking change to make the "person" more configurable. If you were previously relying on your `current_member` method being called to return the person object, you will need to add the following line to `config/initializers/ratchetio.rb`: config.person_method = "current_member" - Person id, username, and email method names are now configurable -- see README for details.